The .32 H&R Magnum may look small and harmless but don't underestimate this revolver. It may just be the perfect self-defense weapon for you!
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.32 H&R Magnum: Is it Your Self-Defense Weapon?
The .32 H&R Magnum for Self-Defense
When peeing on yourself to turn a would-be rapist off just doesn't seem to be a good idea, your next best option might be the .32 H&R Magnum revolver.
If you're new to the self-defense world, you must worry about recoil, hitting your target, and coming out of a situation alive. Well, no worries, because a revolver with this hard-enough hitting round chamber, is capable of getting the job done.
It is also lightweight, thus the 32 h&r Magnum for personal defense couldn't be any more perfect for newbies or those who prefer it easy on the hands.
.32 H&R Magnum Pros
The ballistics of this handy little cartridge fall somewhere in between the .380 ACP and the .38 Special without the same amount of recoil. This is awesome for when you want to make sure your attacker isn't getting back up anytime soon.
Another appealing aspect of this little wheel gun is the fact, you can sometimes find them in six-shot, instead of five. This is great if you feel like you may need a little extra firepower to help put down your assailants.
And, let's face it when your life is on the line, you don't want him to get back up until he's at the hospital. The ammo and gun are both affordable.

So if money is an issue, as it is for most of us today, you won't have to chop off any of your appendages to pay for it. In return, this means you'll end up being more accurate because you can practice more often.
If you check out Gun Broker, you can see a lot of them going for under $200, and going up from there. As far as the ammunition goes, you can find it starting at around 50 cents per round.
Well, it is an awesome price. It's good news indeed!
The bad? Well, there isn't a whole heck of a lot of these things floating around.
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.32 H&R Magnum Cons
As of right now, not a lot of gun makers are currently pushing these out of the factory. Instead, you'll likely have to settle for a used one.
The only issue with buying used is most of them look like they fell out of the ugly tree. Or were tied up to the bumper of my old doughnut-loving hot rod '67 Chevy pickup truck.

It is a revolver, though, so no matter how ugly it is, it will almost always fire when you need it to.
You also have to buy the ammo off of the internet. It's because most gun shops don't stock it due to being an oddball round.
Charter Arms is currently still making revolvers chambered in .32 Mag. But, rumors are flying around in they will end production at some point soon. Though, I have yet to confirm this.
This video from Gun Sam will walk you through the pros and cons of 32 H&R Magnum vs 380 ACP:
The .32 H&R Magnum is an underrated self-defense firearm that is great for anyone who isn't fond of the recoil associated with a bigger round, or someone who just wants to quickly and accurately hit their target more than once. This capable self-defense cartridge has just enough stopping power to get the job done and make you feel much safer.
Sound off, Gun Carriers! Who here has shot a revolver chambered in a .32 H&R Magnum? Let us know in the comments section below.
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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on October 2, 2019, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
How and where can one purchase this pistol?
I have owned a Ruger Single Six with 4 5/8 barrel in .32 H&R Magnum since they first came out. It is a lot of fun to shoot and very accurate. Mine does not lend itself well to concealed carry but I would not want to be on the receiving end of one of these rounds from one that does. The lack of readily available ammunition has stopped me from enjoying it as much as I’d care to though.
This round is a handloaders dream. This is a very inexpensive round if you can load your own. I have been doing it for the last 40 years.
I have a box of 32 H&R Mag 80 gr FTX Hornady would like to sell for half of what I paid Can’t use them [critical defence]
I’m looking at a Charter, I might be interetsted.
Charter now makes a 7-shot “Professional” with a 3″ barrel.
I know this is an old article but , Charter Arms makes a 32 H&R ‘Professional’ and its a seven shooter.
I’m a disabled USMC VETERAN, above knee amputee…. not important. but all of the women I dated that did shoot with me, wanted the S&W .32 HR MAG, I told them “no ring, no gun”… funny, my current wife of 25 years wanted one of my firearms for Mothers Day many years ago… she took my smith and wesson .22, not the .32, her reasons were it was heavy, I told her it had no recoil per say… it is still one of the firearms that I use for our home defense. I do carry different firearms for CCW, even though a CCW instructor said you should only have one for CCW. I disagree, I am very proficient with all of my firearms, used to fire at least 250 rds a week, not any more since being on disability, I cannot afford that kind of practice any more…
thank you for your sacrifice Larry !! GOD bless you.
I have never owned a gun but looking into it.Im 115 lbs.
Any suggestion s?
I am interested in purchasing some of the 32 ammo that I saw on here Robert H. Gray. I realize it’s been several months but you never know till ask. Thank you, David S
What about 32-20? For me, it is the real 32 magnum.
I have a Ruger .327 mag which I shoot a .32 H&R or .32 long for practice. Just renewed my CC using the the .32 long with it, the instructor was impress with the close grouping. When I first purchased the .327 I had the trigger pull reduce down to 3.2# it was 6.3# that came from the factory. I know the now retired person that was over the Ruger production and he said the heavy # trigger pull is from the lawyers and that is one main reason for inaccuracy. The .327 is my home defense and I usually carry a compact 9mm with me.
I just picked up a 7 shot, 32 H&R Mag. Charter Arms Pro. with a 3” barrel, no kick at all, Charter ARMS AND C.C. MAGAZINE GOT TOGETHER for a great gun, my older sister is 77 this is her first gun. Today was her first day at the range , she loves it.
The guy named Mike up above hit the nail smack on the head with a framing hammer
Give me a break. How about the .327 Magnum? It’s even better. Like to have a .327 semi. I have a Ruger Single Six and love it. The smaller rounds are fun but the .327 is serious.
E: Hey Momma….My sister packs a S&W 640 w/internal hammer. You can shoot this thing from within your pocket or purse and the .357 puts a smack down on a perp. You can practice with cheaper .38 rounds and then load your .357 for concealed carry.
I have the Charter Arms 32 mag, and am wondering if the S&W longs are ok for defense? I read the round nose doesn’t penetrate enough. Does the 32 HR mag penetrate enough even? 32 H&R mag is hard to get ahold of and expensive, so wonder if I can put down skunks, raccoon etc with S&W longs.
Thank You for showing me what the .380 can do.
Does anyone know if there is a recoil difference between Black Hills and Federal 85 grain 32 magnum jacketed hollow points? Does one brand have less felt recoil than the other when fired from the same gun?