5. SCCY CPX-1&2
Most people haven't even heard of SCCY (pronounced “sky”) but, they have an excellent warranty that transfers between owners. Plus, these small pistols are VERY affordable and can carry 10+1 parabellum (9 mm pistol caliber) rounds.
This gun is much bigger than the others on this list, and it cannot even be called a sub-compact pistol. While barely a pocket pistol, it is small enough to fit in your pocket or your concealed holsters.
It comes with a barrel of a little over 3.1 inches and an overall length of 5.7 inches. The trigger pull is a long DAO (double action only) pull, which could be a positive or negative depending on your preferences.
Yet, as long as you go to the range and practice with it, you'll get used to the trigger. Make sure you really learn the sights on this one.
The only perceived downside is because it holds 10 rounds of ammo, it is a double stack magazine. Meaning it is a bit wider than some of the others on this list.
I have no doubt the this is one of the most reliable firearms I've ever tested.
Watch this video to know why you need pocket-sized pistols from Hegshot87:
Did you find this list of the best pocket-sized pistols helpful? Do you have more guns to add? If yes, don't forget to comment below and let's talk and share our views!
Up Next: The 7 Best Handguns for the New Shooter
![The 5 Best Pocket Sized Pistols Available 3 Check out Henry Lever Action .45-70 Government [Rifle Review] at https://guncarrier.com/rifle-review-henry-repeater-brass-wildlife-45-70/](https://blog.gunassociation.org/wp-content/plugins/lazy-load/images/1x1.trans.gif)
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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on April 9, 2018, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
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No mention of the M&P Shield? Available in 9mm, .40 & .45?????
Have a SCCY CPX2 replaced the poly guide rod and 16# spring with stainless steel guide rod and 20# spring made all the difference in this weapon I was ready to junk it but spent the $37.00 thru Amazon.com it’s made by Galloway precision.
I’m sticking with my old school AMT Backup .380. I can always use my Walther PPK/S as an alternate or the P-64 Makarov 9mm.
You really don’t like Tauras, do you?
safety on a ruger lc 9s??? what a useless reviewer.
Sig P938 with the molded rubber grips and extended mag makes that pistol much easier to hold onto and control the recoil. Those nice looking wood grips seem worthless for controlling that small framed pistol.
The Taurus slim should be here instead of the sccy, it’s more accurate in my opinion
Here in Brazil, taurus is the worst gun. A lot of incidents with injury to cops.
Well they are made in Brazil, are you saying it’s poor craftsmanship? Lol just kidding. I own a Taurus 709 slim and I have no problems at all with it. What kinds of problems are the police having?
Maybe the Taurus for export have more control. However, the supplied to our officers, believe, are the worst. This is because we are in Sao Paulo, the largest metropolis of AL. Cases are of shots when they fall on the ground, firing failures, accidental shootings, with serious injuries to police offices. By the away, criminals are happy because they have Glock, AK 47 and others against bad Taurus gun.
Search for brasilian Taurus incides at YouTube.
Maybe the Taurus for export have more control. However, the supplied to our officers, believe, are the worst. This is because we are in Sao Paulo, the largest metropolis of al. cases are of shots when they fall on the ground, firing failures, accidental shootings, with serious injuries to police officers.
Then I take you don’t care for S&W either ?? Same damn gun !! S&W sold the patents for their handguns to Brazil . The difference is the name only. I Have several Taurus handguns. All are excellent !!!! You want a cheaper S&W, buy a Taurus !!!!!!
I thought taurus purchased the Barreta factory not S&W
When your at a gun store compare Taurus to the S&W handguns. Only difference is the Brand stamped on them. Have several Taurus hand guns and they are great at half the price !
S&W M&P Shield/Bodyguard are my choices & I carry both
Kutter52 Im with you I have a Taurus PT111G2 LOVE IT… IMO find it way better then Sccy and it didnt even make the list… Price point is good shoots well and I have had 1 FTE out of 500+ rounds and that was due to shooter error… Sure Taurus had their issues but so has every other maker of a firearm has had their problems… New management new designs can make a big diffrence… If everyone would stop buying a firearm due to a issue at one point or another no one would ever buy another gun ANYTHING MADE CAN HAVE A LEMON.
Taurus is a piece of shit. In or out of country!
What about the Kel Tech 9mm? It has a light albeit long trigger pull, but no feeding problems, no matter what I put through it. Even cheap Wolf steel case ammo. It has good sights and is accurate. I have the optional belt clip on mine, so I just slip it into my front pocket with the belt clip hooked to the outside of my pocket and put on a long t-shirt or tank top and no one knows I’m carrying. It also has a 7 round magazine and handles +p with no problems.
Have one and Love it!
Have a Ruger LC9s. Best carry gun I have found !! 9mm about the same size as a 380. Excellent gun I would put up against any of the overpriced Kahn, Beretta, and Sig at a great price !!!!!!! Highly recommended !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I carry my Taurus 111 G-2 almost every day. Best 9mm for the money in a compact. (IMO) I also carry a Bersa Thunder in .380. Another great little pistol. Never had any problems with it in over 1000 rounds.
Everything I’ve read that this writer has put out, he always leaves out any gun that Taurus makes. He really must dislike Taurus for some reason.
IMO again, I think this Joao Assis is a troll. He is so full of it. If the Police in Brazil are having so many issues with the Taurus, they would have switched manufacturers long ago. No Police Force is going to keep putting their officers at risk with a faulty weapon.
I noticed your last two “pocket pistol” articles skipped the North American Arms
.32 NAA. Mind you, I didn’t like it stock due to PAINFUL recoil, but after a free rework from N. Amer it is oh so sweet!. Did change grips at my expense however. Stainless steel, VERY well built and slips in a back pocket holster. Every round hit a 6″ gong at 10 yards. Good enough. 7 round capacity of the not hard to find .32 NAA ammo with ballistics superior to a .380 +P. It has become my carry gun. For those not familiar with the “NAA” it is NOT the same as a .32 ACP. Necked down .380 case with a .32 bullet. Hot round. I love it and I have a safe full of choices. North American Arms was SUPERB! Covered all shipping and smithing. Couldn’t be happier with this little gem now. Read reviews from others who got rid of theirs because of the painful recoil (yes, it really was that bad, so count on sending it in if you get one), when all they had to do was contact NAA for a painless remedy. Mine went from a 12-15 lb trigger pull to an 8 lb pull after the work by “Wayne”. For a true pocket pistol this one can’t be beat in my opinion.
The Taurus 740 slim is an excellent pistal for consealed carry. Also damn accurate.
Taurus also has a .380 that is even better for concealment.
I’m sure some of you will flame me for this, but I carry a Kel Tec PF9 when I have to be in deep concealment and it works great. It takes some practice to be accurate with the DAO trigger, but it’s reliable and puts the rounds on target. It’s light and carries 7+1 with no worry about a safety, and fits easily into a pocket in a pocket holster that covers the trigger.
I love my P938. Just an awesome weapon. Paired with a Barsony leather pocket holster, you can carry it in Condition 1 with no issues.
I like to order online shopping.