How to Build an Awesome Survival Shelter for Only $5

Feature | How to Build an Awesome Survival Shelter for Only $5

July 28, 2023 / Comments (4)

Do It Yourself

You don't need to drop a lot of money on a fancy tent. This DIY survival shelter can be built with just a few materials and costs only $5! Check out the post below to learn how.

How to Make Your Own Survival Shelter

There are a lot of survival shelter ideas out there on the internet, ranging everywhere from rudimentary shelters made from tree branches and leaves to the most expensive all-weather tent you can buy. Building a survival shelter can be difficult or time-consuming, but carrying a tent also has its drawbacks.

The Budget-Friendly Survival Shelter

This video from BlackScoutSurvival will show you how to build a survival shelter on a tight budget. It's worth noting that all the materials used can fit in your bug-out bag without a fuss. Another bonus is you don't have to bring a regular tent, which can be bulky, heavy and hard to carry for long distances.

With this tutorial, you'll never have to worry about facing a survival situation without proper shelter. Check out the video followed by the step-by-step procedure. Then let us know what you think in the comments.

You will need:

Building Your Survival Shelter:

Step 1. Open up your bag and find the bottom.

Step 2. Fold the bag in half.

Step 3. Cut the bottom portion off.

(You're basically making a tube tent.)

Step 4. Rig the paracord between two tree trunks or wherever you can tie a good ridge line.

This military-grade paracord is a must-have for any survivalist – click HERE to get your own!

Step 5. Run your paracord through the bag.

Step 6. Choose the best position for the tube tent.

Step 7. Run your finger from one end of the tent to the other.

Step 8. Use your duct tape to attach the top edge of the tent to the ridge line.

(This ensures that the tent will stay in place.)

Step 9. Now tape the other end like Step 7.

Step 10. Run the paracord through the tube and secure it to the ground with stakes.

Sticks will work in a pinch as well. Do this to the other base of the tent.

Step 11. Make sure that the base is elevated to make room for insulation such as leaves and branches.

Step 12. Put the mylar blanket between the top ridge line and the tube tent to keep you warm.

Step 13. You're done!

How to Build an Awesome Survival Shelter for Only 5

Want more survival shelter tips? Check out these related articles from Survival Life:

For a budget-friendly shelter, check this out!

For awesome survival gear you can’t make at home, check out the Survival Life Store!

Check out the Survival Life Store for other survival products!

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The contents of this article are for informational purposes only. Please read our full disclaimer.

Editor’s Note – This post was originally published on July 28, 2023, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

4 Responses to :
How to Build an Awesome Survival Shelter for Only $5

  1. left coast chuck says:

    Depending upon whether one wanted to be round or not found, orange is better for being found, black is better for not being found. Having two different colored bags in your vehicle might be the best choice. This is a useful post. Thanks for putting it up.

  2. m monaghan says:

    Such a great idea. I missed the part of the bottom floor of how to arrange the bag. Think you use the paracord to hold the bottom sides of the floor down and then stake it with metal stakes or use a thick tree branch? Also had a bit of trouble with the accent and the softness of voice at the end of the sentences. Where the heck are my hearing aids at??? lol. Orange to be found, black to hide yourself is a good idea too

  3. Edward Henrichsen says:

    left coast chuck, if you have a vehicle, why would you make a tent instead of sleeping in the vehicle? Doesn’t make sense to me.

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