Best Hunting Rifle For Women

custom hunting rifles

September 11, 2019 / Comments (14)

Hunting Hunting Rifles

Hunting and living off the land chooses no race, age, or even gender. As much as adult men come to mind when it comes to hunting, women are also actively participating in the said activity. In fact, more than a tenth of the American hunting population are women. Consequently, rifle manufacturers are making women-specific hunting rifles for the feminine hunter. If you're one of them, learning how to pick out the best hunting rifle for women isn't a bad idea!

Best Hunting Rifle For Women 

Unlike men, women have shorter arms and relatively less upper body strength. What I'm saying is that hunting rifles for women should ideally be lighter, shorter, and with less recoil. However, these aren't always the case with hunting rifles so you would have to substitute one aspect for another. So what rifles would meet this criteria?

Click on the play button below to watch DBoy‘s video on the best hunting rifle for women – or click [here]!

Here are some important take-aways from the video that you may want to remember:

Recoil Management

hunting rifle 5 pb

First of all, the recoil you get from hunting rifles is serious business. The design of these rifles allows them to hit targets far away while maintaining killing power and velocity. Hence, a lower caliber rifle like a Savage Rascal .22 LR Youth would be perfect for female hunters.

Consider The Stock

Next in the line of things to consider is the stock. Women have generally shorter reach so the stock should be shorter. Furthermore, a heavier stock(i.e. wood) makes for lesser recoil while a light synthetic stock is more punishing. However, you can use a synthetic stock and get an excellent butt pad and muzzle break for your rifle to manage the recoil more efficiently.

Ideally, it's a good idea to ask experienced gunsmiths and hunters on what's the best hunting rifle for women. Sometimes, you'll end up with smaller models or sometimes, you'll end up customizing a rifle to meet their standards. The latter is often the choice for a lot of women hunters, and it's always worked for them in my experience.

Hunting isn't necessarily for men. If you're into hunting, the best hunting rifle is that which is perfect for your body size and strength. There's no use having a powerful hunting rifle that you can't handle!

Click here for more hunting gear!

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