Brutal and Beastly: 13 BADASS Bug Out Vehicles!

Bug Out Vehicles

June 10, 2023 / Comments (9)

Lists Survival Gear

A lot of preppers daydream about having the ultimate bug-out vehicle. It becomes a hobby for some. For those with plenty of money, it becomes a “Toys for the Big Boys” kind of thing. For those on a budget, you can still prep your vehicle for SHTF.

As a matter of fact, there are a lot of bug-out vehicles out there rolling the streets right now, they just don't look like one. The end goal of the bug-out vehicle is to quickly and safely get you and your family where you need to go in an emergency situation. Almost any vehicle can become a survivalist vehicle with the right preparation. Still, it's nice to dream about having the ultimate badass bug-out vehicle. Here are a few of our favorites for inspiration.

The Ultimate Bug Out Vehicle Come Doomsday

1. The Tactical Armored Beast

This 4×4 fully armored vehicle weighs at a whopping 20,000 lbs with a 6.7 L V8 Diesel engine that roars 300HP and 600 lbs-ft of torque. It has a 6-speed auto tranny and a 40-gallon tank.

2. The Hyundai Zombie Survival Car

Features a zombie plow with massive spikes, spiked all-terrain tires, and armored windows just to name a few. It's amazing how Hyundai was able to come up with an anti-zombie ride by transforming an Elantra Coupe.

3. Paramount Group Marauder

Fully armored and can withstand TNT explosions. It has long-range fuel tanks and can even run on a flat tire. It can reach up to 120 KPH despite its heavy weight. With a fording depth of half the vehicle, it can practically swim.

4. M1126 Stryker Combat Vehicle

This eight-wheeled armored vehicle weighs about 19 tons. It has a central tire inflation system and has room for 9 people, plus a crew of two. It can mount either an MK-19 or a .50 caliber machine gun and has a 40mm grenade launcher.

5. Mike Penhall's 1986 4Runner

If budget is an issue for you and you would still want to make your own bug-out vehicle, this is the one for you! Start from the basic vehicle and work your way up with upgrades as you go.

6. The Survivor Truck Bug Out Vehicle

It’s a Chevrolet C70 upgraded into a bug-out vehicle and weighs about 13 tons. Its storage capacity for food, water, clothing, and gear can last weeks (even months!) when needed.

7. Gurkha Armored Tactical Vehicle

This badass vehicle can be made available for civilians. It uses the Ford F-550 chassis, 6.7L Powerstroke diesel which can give up to 300ho and 660 pounds-feet of torque. It’s a 4×4 which uses automatic transmission and is installed with disc brakes.

8. The Silverado Black Ops

This vehicle is like a survival kit on wheels. Made by Chevrolet, this badass bug-out vehicle setup can be fitted with any ready-made accessories to fit the needs of every Prepper.

9. The Mobile Assault Bunker Level 1

This badass truck is called MAB1 for short. Has ¼” bulletproof AR500 steel to armor plating, bulletproof windows, a fuel mileage of 8 to 10 MPG, 10 feet tall, 8 feet wide, 25 feet long, and weighs 24,000 lbs. It even has a bulletproof 220-gallon diesel fuel tank.

10. The M117 Armored Security Vehicle

This is just one of the many used military vehicles for sale. Purchasing a used military vehicle will require very few upgrades since it may already be armored plated and have bulletproof windows. Not to mention a lot of other weapons that you can mount on these things.

11. Mercedes-Benz Zetros 6×6 Custom

Originally made for the military, this truck features a 7.2-liter turbo diesel engine boasting of 326 hp. It is a six-wheel drive with three locking differentials. This custom bug-out vehicle even has a satellite dish and a flatscreen.

12. EarthRoamer XV-LT

This is a totally badass bug-out vehicle with lots of comfort. It took the 2008 Silver Ford F550 and modified it with the latest technological features to date. It can carry 90 gallons of fuel, 85 gallons of fresh water and has 510-watt solar panels.

13. Buffalo MPCV

This badass truck has a 440 HP CAT C13 12.5L engine and can go up to 55MPH. With a fuel tank that can store up to 85 gallons, it can travel up to 300 miles.

Just look at these state of the art bug out rides. Zombies won't have a chance to get their hands on you once you're inside. With these Badass Bug Out Vehicles, the post-apocalyptic world doesn’t stand a chance against you! So make a choice right now in case of SHTF the next day.

Do you think these bug out vehicles is enough to keep you safe if SHTF? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Up Next: How to Change Your Car Into a Survival Vehicle

Editor’s Note – This post was originally published in August 2016 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

Placard | Brutal and Beastly: 13 BADASS Bug Out Vehicles!

9 Responses to :
Brutal and Beastly: 13 BADASS Bug Out Vehicles!

  1. Abu Tarleyb says:

    that’s why God made horses fred.

    1. Tribulation Warrior says:

      In the event of a post apocalyptic event, horses will be the next thing on the menu as soon as the stores are looted and the cattle are slaughtered. My friend says he would rather just stay bugged in rather than try to get out of the city. He has less than 50 gal. of water and two weeks worth of food just for himself. This does not include his 3 roommates. One thing most people, preppers and regular folks alike fail to understand is the severity of a nation wide EMP, It will last for years. It will be at most 2 weeks or less before the food and meds, and in city fuel runs out and after the looters are finished looting and the riots start, the mobs will start going door to door to see what they can rummage, the death toll will climb to 9 out of 10 with no infrastructure to deal with the dead and next will come the disease of plague proportions. The city will be the last place you want to be stuck in, Get with it now, find an old 70’s 4X4, and rebuild the engine, drive train, carburetor, new tires if need be, Faraday an alternator, HEI module for GM”s, and learn how to install them. Go!!! get your butt out there and find at least 2-3 different places you can go with water, preferably springs. Learn what plants are edible in your area as well as how to set snares and if at all possible when and what grains and plants, veggies will thrive in your area. Crucial to your survival is this, make the trips in the winter and see how much snow you will be dealing with. Dig in for the long haul, when the electricity finally comes back on the next battle will be the NWO. And they will hunt you down.

  2. JOHN says:

    Nice article, great pictures of vehicles that only a few people with money can afford to have! Guess it gets a lot of views that turns into advertising revenue income for you though! Which is your only goal in the first place of course! What do you do when an EMP hits or for that matter if you don’t have any fuel to put in them to go somewhere or further down the road? What good do these vehicles do for the average Joe or Jane out there? Why not tell or show us something that could be of use and affordable to the ordinary person to survive with? Rather entertain us with fantasies the do us no good at all! John

    1. MadDwarf says:

      if SHtF who said u need to afford them durin that time i would appropriate 1 of them if i saw 1 i view

  3. Boat guy says:

    Or do what I have done, old school 65 Chevy Panel new engine, trans, suspension, wiring, NO ELECTRONICS….. carb, points,coil, mechanical fuel pump. Doesn’t care a bit about an EMP

  4. MadDwarf says:

    i know fer fact the RG31 aka marauder i drove in iraq and their isnt much of any electric on the truck but a alternator and batterys and its built like the old diesels were u need to wait on the glow plug to warm up before the light goes out on dash to start and u wont find power anything on it like windows or locks or even a ECM computer brain on it the engines all mechanical

    thats 1 vehicle ill trust usin as a BOV in the SHtF time

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