Do you know how to build a fire pit? Fire pits are incredibly fun to build. It doesn't matter whether you're using them as a bonfire on the beach, as a means to cook food, or as a light source when night falls — bonfires are always great!
Do It Yourself: How to Build a Fire Pit
Camping can be a lot of fun, and roughing it will give you a chance to bond with nature and appreciate the wilderness. However, before you go out into the wilderness, one of the basic skills you should have is knowing how to build a fire pit.
This fire will be helpful in a number of ways, such as providing you with a means of cooking food, keeping you warm, and in emergency cases, using it as a call for help. If you're not sure how to go about building a fire on the beach or any sandy areas, read on and learn this valuable skill for the outdoors.
1. Check the Beach Rules and Regulations
Before you get excited about building your bonfire, you should first check with beach authorities to see if fires are permitted. This step seems quite obvious but is sometimes overlooked.

Not all beaches allow fire pits for safety for environmental reasons. However, if they're allowed, go ahead and read on to understand how to build a fire pit.
2. Pick a Spot
Choose a good spot where the wind isn't blowing too hard, so you can put up the fire without any additional challenges.

Also, make sure you're at least 15 feet away from anything that's flammable or objects could easily catch fire. You should clear all grass and twigs away from your fire pit area.
3. Trace and Dig
Trace your fire pit — about two to three feet should be a good start for a regular fire, but you can trace wider if you want a bigger fire. Once satisfied with the size, begin digging. Dig about a foot hole into the sand.
4. Gather Your Materials
Gather some driftwood or larger wood for your fire. Collect rocks as well to create a circle around your fire pit. If you see any paper that's littered around the beach, collect it for burning later on.
5. Make a Fire Starter
Dealing with damp or wet wood can be difficult and frustrating. 5 Natural Fire Starters | Fuel for the Fire
— Survival Life (@SurvivalLF) August 13, 2017
You can start a fire more easily if you make a fire starter. Just gather beeswax, mineral spirits, and sawdust. Combine and melt the materials together. While this step is optional, it makes a fire easier to start.
6. Start Your Fire
If you choose to do away with a fire starter, or you simply do not have the materials to make one, start with paper. Put in little twigs or shavings on the paper and then light it.

You can start adding the larger pieces of woods once the fire gets bigger. Fan the fire carefully at the beginning to help it get bigger more quickly.
7. Clean Up
It's very important to clean up after all the fun. Be responsible and make sure your fire is put out correctly and all trash is thrown away.
For more information on how to build a fire pit, check out this video from Darbin Orvar:
Starting a bonfire can be a lot of work, but once it's started, it's lots of fun for everyone. It's also a good idea to take note of these natural fire starters. Just remember to act responsibly, put out the fire, clean up after you've finished.

Do you have any tips for building a fire pit at the beach? Let us know in the comments!
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Editor's Note: This was first published in September 8, 2017 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
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How To Build A Fire Pit At The Beach