When you have your own FFL (Federal Firearms License), you are legally able to buy and sell firearms for profit. This license allows you to sell firearms in a brick-and-mortar store, online, or even from home.
For an easy way to get your Federal Firearms License, Click Here.
This is a great way for a gun collector or hobbyist to run your own business and make money on the side doing something you love.
The following links contain interviews (in both audio and transcript form) with some of our top gun experts. They're here to help you learn how to get your FFL, and how to successfully buy and sell guns once you have it.
Interviews and Transcripts
Here are several interviews conducted by Jason Hanson with experts Chris Latham, Chris Michel, Dennis King, Guido Kimball, Josh Prince, Patrick Genseal, and Roy Poag. No matter what your question is, you're sure to find the answer in these interviews that cover legal and practical topics related to buying and selling firearms with an FFL.
Chris Latham
Chris Latham of TheLostArmory.com is an SSL with tons of experience buying and selling firearms. In this interview, Chris gives some insight into home-based firearms dealing.
Chris Michel
Chris Michel is an FFL and owner of Dixie Gun Worx in Utah, where he buys, sells, builds and repairs firearms. Chris talks about the inner workings of his business and the legal issues surrounding gunsmithing and manufacturing.
Dennis King
Dennis, a FFL from New York, gives you an in-depth look on the FFL application process. In this interview, Dennis talks about the benefits of obtaining your FFL to supplement your income after retirement.
Guido Kimball
Guido Kimball is an FFL and the owner and director of training at Paladin Lead Delivery Systems. Guido discusses the myths and facts surrounding home-run gun dealing businesses.
Josh Prince
Josh Prince is an attorney with extensive knowledge on the FFL process and the buying and selling of firearms. With his unique legal expertise, Josh answers all your questions about legal issues related to the FFL.
Patrick Genseal
Patrick Genseal is an FFL and the owner of Skypilot Gunsmithing. In this interview, Patrick discusses the different types of FFL and which one is right for you.
Roy Poag
Roy Poag is an FFL and the owner of Roy's Gunworks in Charlestown, IN. Roy gives tons of great general information about starting your own business with your FFL.
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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on March 26, 2015, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.