What To Look For When Buying New Guns For First Time Users

Featured | Revolver dan wesson in the hand of the buyer in the arms store | What To Look For When Buying New Guns For First Time Users

There's a lot to consider when buying new guns, as “first time” and “firearm” is a bad enough mix for expert advice to be deemed necessary. See the tips below to learn the important things you should consider when buying a gun for the first time.

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In this article:

  1. Your Gun’s Purpose
  2. Gun Caliber
  3. Look for Guns with a Reputable Brand
  4. Choose a Full-Size Handgun
  5. Semi-Auto or Revolver?

Buying New Guns | Important Things to Consider

What do you need to consider when buying new guns to own? You have to determine where to use the gun for whether it's for home defense, learning a new skill, or concealed carry purposes.

As for first-timers, a handgun is more appropriate and learning how to use it is a must. You can't just purchase a firearm and use it right away without the proper knowledge because it's too risky and you might end up hurting yourself or other people.

You'll be needing an instructor to teach you, but first, let's talk about how to choose your gun.

1. Your Gun's Purpose


Most people who decide to purchase a gun plan to use it as a defense tool. If you've never held or fired a gun in your life, you need to learn how to use it first.

A range gun is ideal for first-time users. It's quite heavy but perfect for beginners to learn how to handle a handgun and learn how to shoot.

2. Gun Caliber


It's good to learn how to shoot while you're enjoying at the same time. Familiarizing yourself with the fundamentals is easier when you're not intimidated by the loud bang and recoil of the firearm.

In this case, lower caliber handguns like the .22 are recommended.

3. Look for Guns with a Reputable Brand


There's no shortage of new design guns in the market these days. Some new line guns may look really badass and more affordable than others but the brand name doesn't sound familiar.

Always invest in firearms from a known company to guarantee its quality and reliability. You don't want your gun to fail you in the face of danger.

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4. Choose a Full-Size Handgun


A compact handgun is great if you plan to use it for self-defense in the near future. But if you're still learning how to shoot, it's always best to practice with a full-size gun to hone your firing skills.

Big guns are heavier and have less recoil compared to the lighter ones.

5. Semi-Auto or Revolver?


Semi-auto and revolver handguns have different loading mechanisms. For starters, it's best to practice with a revolver as it is easier to use.

Once the ammunition is loaded into the cylinder, you're good to go and ready to fire. Semi-auto handguns, on the other hand, make use of a magazine that holds the ammo which is also loaded into the grip.

Watch this video about handgun tips for beginners by Polenar Tactical:

You might think of purchasing a small handgun for concealed carry but it's not really suggested in the list. You'll get to that part soon enough.

In the meantime, possessing the right knowledge and skills in handling a firearm is imperative for would-be gun carriers. As soon as you've proven yourself on your level, then it's time to choose the gun of your choice.

Got more tips for first-time gun buyers? Tell us about it in the comments section below!


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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on July 10, 2017, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

4 Responses to :
What To Look For When Buying New Guns For First Time Users

  1. TheTruthBurns says:

    Make sure the handgun comfortably fits in Your hand first. Everybody has a different sized hand & if the gun Don’t Fit you ain’t gonna Hit Shit. Cheers!

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