True Stories of America's Defensive Gun Use: Convenience Store Edition.

defensive gun use

Though you will never get someone who is anti-gun to admit it, guns do, in fact, save lives. Actually, defensive gun use is a daily occurrence here in America regardless of what other people will tell you. So, we are starting a new weekly segment here at GunCarrier, called: True Stories of America's Defensive Gun Use. Let's get started.
defensive gun use
This first story doesn't take place all that far off from where I live, here in Pennsylvania. On Chew St., in Allentown, two men attempted to rob a convenience store owner at gun point. In the video, you can see one man hold the worker at gunpoint, while the other looked in another direction.
You can see the point when the worker pulled his own weapon out, determined to defend himself and prevent another robbery. Even though we can't actually see when the gun is pulled on his assailants, the cowards fled the scene so they wouldn't be shot.
However, the man makes a huge mistake. Can you figure out what it is? The story doesn't say anything about the bad-guys firing any shots, and yet the store owner still pulled his trigger twice. In fact, he wasn't even aiming. He just kinda pulled the trigger. Not a good move.
Not only is this dangerous because he's got no clue where his projectiles are flying, but he was clearly out of danger at this point. Technically speaking, according to PA law, he should only discharge his weapon in self-defense when a threat is imminent.
It was no longer imminent when the bad guys left with their tails tucked between their legs. So, he really should not have fired those two shots. This could end up hurting him in the end.
One thing you can't argue with, however, is that this man had a gun pointed at him, and he returned that favor by pulling out his own. One thing is for sure, now that word is out that this dude is armed and not afraid to protect himself, he won't likely get robbed again. At least, not until they forget that he's packing some serious heat.
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