Survivalists often fall into the trap and stereotype of being so rugged that they view rough, calloused hands as a trademark of preparedness and forget that their skin is the first line of protection against all sorts of ailments.
This protection falls short if the skin is not kept in good shape.
While our ancestors used a variety of oils and greases to keep their skin healthy, most of us think of lotion as a luxury that you can only get from the salon or a store.
But the truth is you can and should create your own lotions… its actually quite easy and really fun!
Keep these lotions for yourself, pass them out as gifts, or use them to trade when TSHTF.
You can never have enough lotion to keep your hands and feet in tip top shape.

Homemade Lotion:
Basic Ingredients:
½ cup olive oil
¼ cup coconut oil
¼ cup beeswax
You may also add:
1 teaspoon vitamin E oil
2 tablespoons cocoa butter
Essential oils
Put all ingredients into a wide-mouth jar.
Put jar into a pan filled with about two inches of water, and place over medium heat. What you’re going to do is melt the ingredients together, so watch the ingredients closely. You do not want the ingredients to boil, neither do you want your pan to boil dry and break your jar.
Then, once melted, pour your lotion into small jars with lids. This recipe will not work in a dispenser with a pump, so don’t try it.
This recipe has a 6-month shelf life. It also works well for diaper rash on the baby and heat rash on you in the summer.
Use sparingly. A little goes a long way.
Great Hand Lotion, If you are into new things, Go to ”, A great source of Herbal Products at a reasonable price. All Organic.
Myself, I make a Great Muscle Rub that Cools those Hot Spots with ” Organic Menthol, From Cold-Pressed Plants. The nice thing is, A Very Little amount goes a long way.
My aunt made her Menthol Rock Candy using this product, Never had a Head Cold while Visiting her home.
It also makes a Nice Vapor Room for your Bath.
Have a Great Christmas.
I would love to know how to make the muscle Rub and other receipes Vapor rubs and all
By the way, If your Dealing with Diaper Rash & don’t feel up to making your own cure, Go to the nearest Farm Supply store & buy a Can of Cattleman’s Bag Balm, It works great.
That is the best hand cream. I found it in small containers and bought a dozen so that they don’t get messy
Dear Ms. Patricia,
Sounds like a viable recipe as a protective barrier to assist our largest, defensive, organ. There is one thing I’d like to ask you, I don’t have the adequate facilities to research the thought/idea myself.
Have you considered also including honey? Which, I don’t know, pasteurized or raw? Wondered about that primarily because of the suggestions that honey has anti-bacterial qualities. The only reason I’ve run across so far is honey;s high hydrophilic propensity. The concept being that it sucks the H2O out of bacteria. Turning them into dust? [Don’t know if rehydration should be a necessary consideration?]
Do know- consumable, grocery store, pasteurized honey is expensive! Colony Collapse is a new problem which must be addressed <{Any new info. re: "colony collapse" appreciated!]
Don't know- Have also read somewhere on the NIH sites that the nutritional benefits of consumable honey can be destroyed if it is heated to a temp. higher that 117 to 120 ℉ Pasteurization? Isn't that 212 ℉ a short moment of a few seconds? Would like to know where to find reasonably priced raw honey I can have delivered. It is touted as a possible treatment/cure for Seborrhea Dermatitis.
There's always the less expensive route. Over-the-counter, generic, triple antibiotic ointment or cream. I'm certain you would check with the mfg. about ways of including it in your recipe without detrimentally affecting the efficacy of these topical medicine's actions.
Take care & Share It,
God Bless,
Don, you can get raw honey at your farmers market, most health food stores, organic and natural stores like “Whole Foods” or “Fresh Market”. And yes, the pure raw non-pasteurized honey has multiple used, allergies being my main use. Also, if there’s a local monthly flea market near you, it’s a good place to find local raw honey, and raw cocoa butter too.
Hi Don,
To my understanding, honey is self-preserving and used by itself it will block bacterial growth, but it does not act as an active bacterial killer. While it would no doubt be good for the skin, it wouldn’t make a proper replacement for antibacterial ointments.
I don’t know who’s hands that was in the picture , but i had a maintance man where i live , claim he new or someone whom had feet in a similar condition an he claim this person drank a lot of coffee , which wll dry the skin out , he claim his daughter had dry hair and was alway want him to by some kind of hair treatment product , in which he could afford , well the secret for dry skin , dry hair and clean mirrors , windows , and great for tenderizing steak , is half cup of white vinegar in your bath water,and your skin and hair will recover to baby soft , and as for the steak thirty minutes in a tsp or water will tenderize the steak ! Take from a country boy !
Patricia, thanks so much for the lotion recipe. Does it store longer or better if refrigerated?
Richter, would you mind sharing your aunt’s menthol rock candy recipe or method? Sounds delicious. When I was a little kid I made rock candy in one of my mom’s big bowls–but it turned into a solid elliptical block stuck in the bowl. Made my mom happy ha.
What can be used in place of coconut oil? Daughter is allergic.