What’s Inside | Things You Need In Your EDC Wallet

Feature | What's Inside | Things You Need In Your EDC Wallet | best edc wallet 2018

Your EDC wallet can be a true lifesaver if it has the right things in it! To keep you prepared at all times, here are a  list of things you need to keep in your wallet!

EDC Wallet: You Are What You Pack

Our EDC wallet is one of the things we always check before we leave the house, because we know how important it is. It carries the things essential to our everyday lives, such as credit cards, extra cash, and whatnot. However, some people stuff it with things they don't really need! They keep things like expired gift cards or their old IDs in it. Remember, your life can be a lot more convenient if your EDC wallet has only the items you need. Scroll down and check out the things that will make your wallet extra useful!


1. Credit Card

Credit Card | What's Inside | Things You Need In Your EDC Wallet | best edc wallet 2018

Credit cards are safer to carry than cash, and they can come in handy when you find yourself in dire straights. For example, there may be circumstances when you need more cash than what you currently have. This is the part where your credit card swoops in and saves the day. Furthermore, it's better to carry two cards in your EDC wallet in case one of them is declined.

2. Extra Cash

Extra Cash | What's Inside | Things You Need In Your EDC Wallet | best edc wallet 2018
Almost every business takes credit cards or debit cards nowadays, but there will still be situations where you need cash. Having a few Jackson's or Benjamin's in your EDC wallet will come in handy when you need to pay for the cab fare, tip the busboy or the waitress, or simply pay for something in a manner that's quick and easy. Also, this way you won't rush or waste time looking for an ATM.

3. Credit Card Knife


There is no denying knives are useful and versatile tools. They don't just help us finish some of our tasks easier and faster, but they're also a great weapon for self-defense. However, we can't carry our knives everywhere we go. That's why having an ultra-light utility knife which collapses into a credit card-sized sheathe is the best choice. This card transitions into a cutting and slicing tool in three simple folds. That way, you can discreetly and safely fit it in your EDC wallet.



4. Credit Card Multi-tool


As preppers, we want an entire chest-full of tools with us every day, but we don't want to experience the burden of carrying it. Good thing someone came up with the idea of a credit card multi-tool.

This is a light, compact, and useful device loaded with handy tools, such as a bottle and can opener, knife blade, saw blade, and a screwdriver. The credit card multi-tool is like the union of a Swiss army knife and a VISA card. Moreover, this offspring is a multi-tool that fits in your EDC wallet perfectly.

5. Identification

Always carry an official identification card in your EDC wallet. Whether it's a driver's license or a state ID, there are a lot of instances you'll need it. For instance, you'll get a huge penalty if you commit a traffic violation without ID. Further, in case of an emergency, you can be easily identified if you have an ID.

6. Bandages

Bandages | What's Inside | Things You Need In Your EDC Wallet | best edc wallet 2018
Shallow cuts and bruises simply happen in day-to-day life. Although they may be minor injuries, we still need to attend to them immediately to avoid complications. Having a couple of bandages or little packs of pressure dressings in our EDC wallet can help us treat our wounds in a timely manner and ensure that they will not get infected.

7. Miniature Pen

In this modern age, most of us use smartphones to take down notes. However, carrying a pen everywhere you go has stilled its advantages. You can easily jot down business information, record directions, sign checks, or write down emergency information. There are miniature pens you can purchase today that fit flawlessly in your EDC wallet. Remember, analog writing tools still have an important spot in a digital world.


Looking for the right EDC wallet? Watch this video from Techno Nerd and check out the best wallets you can purchase on Amazon!

Our EDC gear wouldn't be complete without our wallet. It is one of the essentials we need to carry all the time. Additionally, having the right things in it makes it even more valuable. Therefore, instead of packing unnecessary junk in your EDC wallet, fill it with things that will come in handy and will help you when the situation calls for it.

EDC Wallet | What’s Inside | Things You Need In Your EDC Wallet | best edc wallet 2018

What are the things inside your EDC wallet? Any advice for new preppers? Share in the comments below! 

UP NEXT: 11 Must-Haves For Your EDC Kit

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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on Nov 10, 2017, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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4 Responses to :
What’s Inside | Things You Need In Your EDC Wallet

  1. Meledie Knopf says:

    A short Emory board is crucial for snagged or broken fingernails. Single use eye drops are also a must.

  2. John Herrmann says:

    Got my tactical pen through security at two airport security checkpoints.

  3. chuck cochran says:

    Not a fan of keeping a whole lot in my wallet beyond cash, ID and cards. If detained, good luck explaining why you have some of those “potential Burglar Tools” to a LE Officer or a Judge. I carry those or similar items in a slim nylon wallet or belt pouch that can be easilly discarded should the situation warrant it. No identification on/in the pouch. Tossing the pouch is a $40 -$50 loss, but that’s cheaper than having to hire an attorney or post bond.

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