Whether you find yourself in a natural disaster or a major power outage, it's important to be prepared. Make sure your loved ones are prepared for any emergency by developing a family communications plan.
Staying in Touch with Family After a Crisis
In times of an emergency, it is extremely important to have a disaster plan in place.
Should not just be limited to cell phones, landlines or internet communications; you should also establish several meet-up locations so your entire family can meet up when the time comes.
Establishing a Disaster Plan
Sit down with immediate family members (as well as local extended family) and decide which homes are the most appropriate to meet at in the event of a disaster.
A grandparent's home could be useful if they're always home. An aunt's house may be close to food and supplies, making it a viable option. Maybe even your place, located close to a major highway, might be the best bet.
Write a list of pros and cons and rank the homes from best to worst. Every family typically has more than one location where several members of the family can meet to establish a survival plan.
If the preferred home happens to be in the middle of the disaster, there will be backup meeting spots to go to.
Family Communications Without Phones
Another important detail to iron out is how to communicate without using phones or and internet communications, since they may not be available. Instead, use “markers” as a way to convey a message to others.

For example, if your family notices that your gym bag or gun is missing, they will likely know where to find you.
Even something as simple as a mark on the door or a note can make all the difference and let others know that you're safe.
In the event that service is available, be sure to always maintain a full charge on your mobile device with a BioLite KettleCharge!
Focus Your Efforts on Those Who Need it Most
Ensure that your kids are able to safely get home from school before evacuating.
Second, seek the oldest members of the family and make certain that all their needs are met, since they won't be able to help as much as the others.

Able-bodied members of the family should take control of what happens with the youngest and oldest in the family.
Anticipate Changes and Backup Plans
Keep in mind that the original disaster plan may not go as intended.
Traffic, due to weather or panic, will prevent some family members from getting a specific place in time. However, that doesn't mean you should give up.

Establishing a backup meeting spot and communication plan will ensure each family member's survival.
This will help to establish a timeframe so you know whether to wait or move on to the next step.

The most important factor for establishing family communications during a disaster is to have a plan in place.
Everyone must be on the same page to realize the different methods of communications. Anticipate changes to occur and have backup plans if changes do occur.

For awesome survival gear you can’t make at home, check out the Survival Life Store!
For other important survival supplies to have in a disaster, check these out:
- Never go without light with this portable and long-lasting Hybeam Mini Pop Lamp.
- The ability to stay warm and prepare food durning a disaster is of vital importance. Use this Stone Mountain Fire Starting Kit to quickly and effectively start fires.
- Another necessity is a reliable flashlight to help you find your way. This Hybeam Large Tactical Flashlight is versatile and extremely useful.
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Editor's Note: This article was originally published on November 3, 2016, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
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Family Communications Plan: How to Stay in Touch After a Crisis