These natural methods will help you successfully get rid of an ant invasion in your home!
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Ant Invasion | How to Repel Ants the Natural Way
How to Get Rid of Ants
It’s that time of year again when every household will have, at some point, an issue with a sudden ant infestation. Ants can be very difficult to get rid of sometimes.
Some turn to harsh chemicals to get rid of this very persistent pest while others will turn to all natural repellents as a solution.
I recommend that you should always try to find a natural way to control any pest within the home. It’s safer for you, your family, and your pets.
1. Vinegar
Mix it with water in equal amounts into a spray bottle. This is a highly effective method of getting rid of ants.

By spraying vinegar on the ant’s entry paths, you are spreading a very strong scent ants hate, making them avoid it. Make sure you cover all the corners and areas, including your countertops, sink, and windows.
Allow the vinegar to dry completely.
2. Table Salt
This is the best and cheapest way to get rid of ants. Boil water and add salt to it.

Pour salt water into a spray bottle and spread in places where you usually see the house ants.
3. Pepper
Pepper is as effective as salt. Both cayenne and black pepper work wonders.

Mix pepper with water, spray it on areas where the ants travel in your home, and soon they all will disappear.
4. Lemon
Lemon is the most effective fruit in the case of an ant invasion. Mix some lemon juice with water and spray it around all the areas of your home where ants are traveling.

This is one of the most optimal remedies that help to get rid of ants.
RELATED: How To Repel Pests With Essential Oils
5. Cucumber
Ants can’t stand its taste! So, if you can’t stand ants, cucumber is your helping hand.

Take a cucumber and cut it into pieces. Place pieces in any ant-affected areas.
Pretty soon, they’ll leave your house.
6. Baby Powder
Sprinkle baby powder wherever you see the ants. Ants hate scented talcum and try to stay away from it.

This method works best if you sprinkle it at their place of entry.
7. Cornmeal
Spread cornmeal over the affected areas. Though this ingredient is absolutely safe, ants cannot digest cornmeal and they will die.
8. Liquid Dish Soap
This is an item everyone will have in their home. The components of soap are very harmful to all types of ants.

They break down in waxy layers of the pests’ exoskeleton, causing dehydration. Mix soap with water and spray it in the entry points.
Tips to Help Prevent an Ant Invasion in Your Home
- Clear away liquid and food spillages immediately.
- Always cover the food you leave in the kitchen.
- Ensure that all the rubbish bins you have in your house have tightly sealed lids.
- Clean food debris that is usually found under kitchen appliances.
- After your pet has finished eating, clear away their food immediately.
- Keep compost covered and enclosed.
Watch this video by Natural Ways about getting rid of ants without using pesticide:
How's this for a safe way to get rid of ants? You don't really need to use harmful chemicals to resolve your ant problems.
With the supplies you already have at home, you can drive those ants away in no time.
Do you know of other natural ways to get rid of ants? Share them with us in the comments section below!

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on July 5, 2016, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
We mix powdered sugar and baking soda in equal quantities and fill milk bottle caps and place them in strategic locations around the house. The ants can’t tell the difference between powdered sugar and baking soda and carry them both back to their nests and feed it to their young, the baking soda kills the ants and quickly destroys the entire nest. We have also used it to stop ants from destroying some outdoor flowering plants such as Trumpet Vines and and Peonies.
Try Windex, it wipes them out.