Gun Law and Gun Life in Iraq with Vlad [PODCAST]

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February 16, 2022 / Comments (0)


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Gun Law and Gun Life in Iraq with Vlad [PODCAST]

bearded soldier special forces action pointing Life in Iraq

Today on the podcast we have our guest Vladimir Onokoy or “Vlad” as we refer to him amongst the TFB staff. Vlad is a Russian security contractor and firearms instructor. Over the years he worked in 15 different countries as a security contractor, armorer, firearms industry sales representative, product manager, and consultant.

On today's podcast, Vlad and I talk about the time he has spent over in Iraq as a security contractor and also where he has had a chance to get his hands on many different types of small arms used by the various factions within the country of Iraq. His time there has also given him a unique look at the firearms laws and ownership rules within the country and how that applies to everyday life for a citizen of Iraq.

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