How to Keep Your Gun Dry in a Flood

How to Keep Your Gun Dry in a Flood

October 26, 2023 / Comments (3)

Practical Prepper

Since it takes an entire lifetime to build up a personal collection of firearms, the very last thing you want is for you to lose those firearms in the event of a flood (such as from a hurricane, for example). In this article you will learn how to keep your gun dry in a flood.

Keep Your Gun Dry in a Flood

Not only are guns very expensive, but some of they may hold precious value to you, especially heirloom guns that were passed down to you from family members.

The good news is that with careful planning, you can protect your guns from flooding or a tropical storm.

Let’s find out how you can now:

How to Keep Your Gun Dry in a Flood

Keeping a Log of Firearms

The very first thing you need to do is keep a collections log of each of the firearms in your possession.  You can download a free Personal Firearms Record from the ATF, which will make it super easy to keep track of your guns.

As an alternative, you can simply keep track of your guns in a weather resistant notebook.  Preferably you should keep at least one high quality photo of each gun, and then write down the manufacturer/brand, the model, the caliber, and the serial number.

These steps will make it easy for you to recover your guns should they become lost, and they will also make it easier for people to return them to you as well.

Protecting Your Guns from Flooding

But how can you keep your actual guns safe?  You can store your revolvers and semi-automatic pistols in a plastic vacuum sealed bag.  Also keep a personal contact information card inside each bag as well, so anybody who recovers the guns will know how to return them to.

Now take each sealed bag and store them in a water tight surplus ammo can.  You must make sure that each can is sealed and high quality so they will not leak.

For rifles and shotguns, you need to place them in garbage bags that are tied with multiple knots. Now store those inside plastic containers or plastic garbage cans, and make sure they are sealed.  Add three layers of duct tape or gorilla tape to the seal of the container so it will stake intact.

Also make sure that you store each of your guns unloaded, in the event that they are found by kids or burglars/thieves.

Avoid ‘protecting’ your guns inside a gun safe in the event of flooding.  They are not as waterproof as they are billed, because there are commonly gaps in the seals and O-rings that will begin to take on water when exposed to water and flooding.


You don’t have to keep your guns protected in this manner at all times.  You can keep your guns stored all the time in a gun safe if you want to.

But you also need to stay up-to-date on the news, and if you do indeed believe that flooding is imminent, then you should immediately follow the above steps to protect your guns from the water.

How to Keep Your Gun Dry in a Flood

Up Next: 4 Best Caliber Options for Turkey Hunting

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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on October 26, 2017, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

3 Responses to :
How to Keep Your Gun Dry in a Flood

  1. gunsafely says:

    Nice idea How to Keep Your Gun Dry in a Flood not only gun, create new more method for keeping safe.

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