The National Shooting Sports Foundation released another infographic showing how far crimes with guns have dropped since the early 1990s. To be sure, crimes where guns were used have dropped considerably, even though the mainstream media will always claim otherwise. The proof is in the pudding folks. Again, credit for this infographic goes to the NSSF. I'm going to break it down into various pieces to talk about, then I'll post the entire thing at the bottom.
From 1991 to 2014, the number of people killed by a person with a gun has dropped considerably. As you can see the rate has dropped by 43% which is huge.

Homicides where guns were used is down

General crimes where the criminal uses a gun

The amount of guns

Firearms related accidents

The final slide I wanted to show you
Sound Off Gun Carriers! Will you share this with your friends to show them the facts of gun ownership? Please feel free to share it, and comment in the bottom that you did. We can't have the facts left out of our conversations so make sure you're armed with knowledge next time your intelligence is assaulted!