SECOND AMENDMENT: It’s Your Right to Own a Knife

SECOND AMENDMENT: It's Your Right to Own a Knife

May 12, 2023 / Comments (2)


Second Amendment advocates usually talk about guns, but some are now fighting against knife restrictions too.  Many states have laws restricting the carrying of knives, but Knife Rights believes that the “right to keep and bear arms” applies to knives as much as to guns.

Any survivalist knows that knives are incredibly valuable tools.  Besides self defense, they're important for all kinds of survival activities, from gutting a deer to making rope.

Check out this article on the fight to preserve your right to carry a knife.

Contrary to the image of gang members carrying butterfly knives to the local rumble, people carry knives for a multitude of reasons, and it is not to maim or kill, Ritter said. “The reality is, millions of Americans use and own knives at home, work, and recreation. But every once in a while someone uses a knife as an arm, to protect the family.”  

That’s where the Constitution comes in. “The Second Amendment says ‘the right to bear arms.’ Knife rights are the second front in the defense of our Second Amendment,” Ritter said, noting his group has garnered the support of the National Rifle Association, and employs Todd Rathner, an NRA board member, as its chief lobbyist.  

Do you have a knife as part of your EDC?  Do you think the 2nd Amendment should cover knives?  Let us know in the comments.

Want to know more? Check out these related articles:

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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on May 12, 2015, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

2 Responses to :
SECOND AMENDMENT: It’s Your Right to Own a Knife

  1. Ken says:

    I always have at least two knives with me at all times.

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