Open season is just a few weeks away for most of the US. It's an exciting time of year for veteran hunters and beginners alike. But before heading out on your first hunt anywhere in the Sunflower State, make sure you're familiar with Kansas hunting laws and regulations.
Most seasoned hunters may be well aware that hunting laws evolve on almost a yearly basis. The governments’ objective for these changes is to address public safety. Mainly, for the benefit of both the hunter and the hunted.
Hunters in Kansas should know Kansas Hunting Laws
It's a must to keep up to date on Kansas hunting laws and regulations. Studying your state's hunting laws might be a bit time consuming, and we know you're impatient to get out there and start shooting. But breaking the law and having to pay a fine can put a serious damper on your hunting season.
Keep reading to learn about Kansas hunting laws including dates, which animals you’re allowed to hunt, which weapon you're allowed to use, how to get a hunting license, and much more.
1. Deer Hunting in Kansas
- Archery – Statewide:
- September 12 – December 31
- Archery – Fort Riley:
- September 12 – December 31
- Archery by Special Authorization – Fort Riley
- January 9 – January 31, 2017

- Firearms – Fort Riley
- December 17 – December 23
- December 26 – December 27
- Ft. Leavenworth – Ft. Leavenworth
- December 17 – December 18
- Extended Season:
- Firearms Whitetail Antlerless Only:
- Units 6, 8, 9, 10, 16, & 17
- January 1, – January 2, 2017
- Archery Whitetail Antlerless Only:
- DMU 19
- January 16 – January 31, 2017
- Firearm Whitetail Antlerless Only
- Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 12, 13, & 14
- January 1 – January 8, 2017
- Firearms Whitetail Antlerless Only
- Units 10A, 15 & 19
- January 1 – January 15, 2017
- Firearms Whitetail Antlerless Only:
Start hunting here for firearms whitetail antlerless-only, season dates for Fort Riley, Smokey Hill ANG, Ft. Leavenworth, and early 2017 seasons.
For specific areas on where you can hunt you can scan the Deer Management Unit Map.
Legal Equipment
- Archery Equipment
- Any mechanical device that locks the bow at full or partial draw is illegal.
- Any electronic device that controls the flight of the bow is prohibited.
- Devices that are allowed (applies to crossbows as well):
- light pin
- dot or holographic sights
- illuminated nocks
- rangefinders
- film or video cameras
- radio-frequency location devices
- Arrows must not be able to pass through a ring with a diameter of three-quarters when fully expanded.
- Crossbow
- Crossbows and locking draws as authorized under K.A.R 115-18-7
- Fully expanded arrows or bolts with broadhead points should be incapable of passing through a ring with a diameter of three-quarters.
- Muzzleloaders
- Rifles, pistols and muskets that can be loaded only through the front of the firing chamer with separate componenets
- Has a .40 inches diameter bore or larger.
- Only hard-cast solid lead , conical lead, or saboted bullets shall be used
- Firearm
- Archery and crossbow equipment as authorized in archery equipment.
- Muzzloaders as authorized in muzzleloader equipment.
- Centerfire rifles and handguns
- That are not fully automatic
- Ammunition that are only hard-casted solid lead, soft or hollow point, and other expanding bullets
- Shotguns using only slugs
For full details on hunting regulations, you can refer to the K.A.R. 115-04-04! For the use of crossbows, you can start stalking them here.
Do you want to know 5 practical tricks to choosing deer hunting clothes, learn about it on Outdoor Warrior.
2. Duck Hunting in Kansas
First Segment:
- High Plains Unit
- October 8, 2016 – January 1, 2017
- Low Plains Late Zone
- October 29, 2016 – January 1, 2017
- Low Plains Southeast Zone
- November 12, 2016 – January 1, 2017

Second Segment:
- Low Plains Southeast Zone
- January 7 – January 29, 2017
- High Plains Unit
- January 20 – January 29, 2017
- Low Plains Early Zone
- December 17, 2016 – January 1, 2017
Daily Limit: 6 Ducks
Possession Limit Three times the daily limit
For specific details on details of the daily bag limits, you can aim here.
Method of Take
- Shotgun not larger than a 10-gauge and should be able to hold a maximum of three shells only.
- Bow and arrow
- Falconry
For illegal methods of take under federal laws, you take a quick view here.
Wild Turkey Hunting in Kansas
Fall Season
- Second Segment:
- December 12, 2016 – January 31, 2017
- Units 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 (Unit 4 CLOSED)
Bag Limit: One turkey, either sex, per limit or game tag
Permit Limit: Valid in unit 2 only – three additional turkey game tags can be acquired for residents and nonresidents who purchased a turkey permit.

For a full season calendar you can hear them gobble right here.
Method of Take
- Archery Equipment
- Any mechanical device that locks the bow at full or partial draw is illegal.
- Any electronic device that controls the flight of the bow is prohibited.
- Devices that are allowed (applies to crossbows as well):
- light pin
- dot or holographic sights
- illuminated nocks
- rangefinders
- film or video cameras
- radio-frequency location devices
- Arrows must not be able to pass through a ring with a diameter of three-quarters when fully expanded.
- Crossbow
- Crossbows and locking draws as authorized under K.A.R 115-18-7
- Fully expanded arrows or bolts with broadhead points should be incapable of passing through a ring with a diameter of three-quarters.
- Firearm
- Archery and crossbow equipment as authorized in archery equipment.
- Shotguns and muzzleloading shotguns with shot sizes 2 – 9 only.
- Report-suppressing devices are allowed.
- Dogs may be used furing fall turkey season only.
For specifics on legal methods of take you can browse through 115-04-04a of the Kansas Wildlife Parks & Tourism
Licenses and Permits
An Annual Hunting License can be purchased online or in person through all licensed agents or at any of the nearest Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism Offices
Start your queue right here and learn more about how to acquire a hunting license in Kansas.
Watch this awesome video by RealtreeOutdoors hunting in Kansas on a tree stand!
As long as you are knowledgeable with the hunting laws in the state of Kansas and abide by them to the letter, you and your hunting buddies will surely enjoy every minute of hunting. You can even show them how to make a temporary brick grill to cook your game for a more sumptuous meal.
Hunt safe and hunt proud!

Is hunting in your blood? Then you would want to know more about the hunting laws and regulations in other states. You can start stalking them here.
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Editor’s Note – This post was originally published on December 26, 2016, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.