L.T. Wright Genesis Knife Review | And Then God Said, “Let There Be Great Knives”

lt wright genesis knife review

As a long-time fan of Blind Horse Knives, I knew when the company split that the world was in for a double dose of greatness in the knife community.

L.T. Wright Handmade Knives are nothing short of that greatness. Still being produced in the same BHK facility, L.T. is still building the same high quality, handmade masterpieces.

When the Genesis was named the flagship model for the new company I immediately knew I had to get my hands on it! I was lucky enough to be given this knife personally by L.T. It is a great honor and pleasure for me to get the chance to review a knife that gets an incredible amount of man hours, attention to detail, and quality.

L.T. Wright Genesis Knife

The L.T. Wright Genesis Knife.

It’s rare I become as attached to a knife as I did with the Genesis. You could call it love at first paper cut when my eyes lit up and realized just how special of a tool this was.

The Genesis comes in at an overall length of 9 inches with an actual cutting surface of 4.25 inches. The knife features a high polished Scandinavian (scandi) grind, all hand-ground and “finer than frog hair split four ways” in the words of the great Dave Canterbury.

Blade | L.T. Wright Genesis Knife

The Blade.

The choice of steel is the very popular A2 tool steel which is quickly becoming a favorite amongst bushcrafters. Other features of this particular Genesis are bead blasted green micarta (LT will make any handle you want if you ask!); thumb scalloping on both sides of the handle, and a sharpened 90 degree spine.

A beautiful leather sheath with fire steel loop was chosen to be paired with my Genesis package, but one is not limited to leather; it can also be swapped for kydex if you so choose.

Sheath | L.T. Wright Genesis Knife

The Sheath.

As I began to test this knife, I preformed all the usual tasks of making feather sticks, tent pegs, and batoning as I saw fit. We all saw this coming though; we all knew that this bushcraft knife would excel at BUSHCRAFT! Nothing new in that department!

Bush craft | L.T. Wright Genesis Knife

image via photobucket

I wanted to start thinking outside the box with this knife. I began carrying this bad boy around with me everywhere, realizing that I was using this blade for more than its intended bushcrafting purposes. I was preparing food with the Genesis after a long day in the field; the knife is a great slicer and makes quick work of chopping vegetables and processing meat.

L.T. Wright Genesis Knife

Not only that, the Genesis zipped through game animals after a successful hunt. The utilization of the scandi grind and thumb scallops made the knife comfortable and extremely precise when skinning and processing game. Even further outside the box, I used this knife extensively when doing yard work and fishing. If you’re not convinced at my point here, understand that this knife has unlimited uses.

These knifes are custom, one of a kind pieces that start as raw materials and are crafted by highly skilled knife makers. If you are interested in seeing the process of how they make knives, take a look on YouTube as they have a few videos posted about their process and facility

When you receive an L.T. Wright knife, you are receiving a knife that will last a lifetime. The Genesis, like all L.T. Wright knives, is backed by a lifetime warranty. That is a pretty incredible deal right there!

Now, when I write these articles I try not to be too subjective, but this is a product that has won my heart as well as spot on my belt.

I realize there are many folks out there who cannot afford the base price of $175 and there are others who are skeptical of the knife being worth that kind of dough. I’m here to tell you that although it may seem expensive, for what you get in a 100% USA handcrafted knife of this quality, it’s worth the money all day and twice on Sunday.

This is an example of something I would save up for knowing I was saving for a knife that would last my lifetime and two lifetimes after I’m gone. This knife allows the user to get back to simplicity and the basics, that’s why in the beginning, there was Genesis.

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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on September 18, 2014, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

20 Responses to :
L.T. Wright Genesis Knife Review | And Then God Said, “Let There Be Great Knives”

  1. Robert Margulies says:

    price it

  2. Dianne says:

    Though I typically enjoy your reviews, you pretty much lose me when you make statements the include comments from “the great Dave Canterbury”. Since he is a liar & a fraud, he loses credibility with me, hence making me question your credibility. You may want to reconsider using him as any kind of endorsement on anything.

  3. DDave says:

    Hm. Coming from a position of having designed and used hundreds of knives, I can say that the grind on this one leaves something to be desired. Ideally, the primary grind should come at least close to the spine of the knife. This is to provide for a finer secondary grind (the edge). On this knife, the edge will only be suitable, in the long run, for heavy cutting – which it will excel at. But fine work will be beyond its capability after even limited application. That said, this knife is built with respect and care. I’ve no fault with fit and finish. Respect.

  4. DDave says:

    May I add, $175 does not seem expensive for this knife. We’re talking about American, dedicated quality work. And materials. This is a totally fair price for the knife. Please don’t apologize for the price; we get what we pay for.

    1. obsidian says:

      I cannot see losing a $175.00 knife in a canoe rollover in a lake in Alabama as something I’d risk, in those cases give me a $40.00 Pakistani poor man and say Goodbye to it painlessly as it hits the bottom.
      The example of some Marine with a $500.00 Randal dropping his knife while climbing into a Mike boat on a training exercise in CLNC, comes to mind.

      1. SmokeHillFarm says:

        I don’t see the risk of loss being a factor in this. In over 20 years in the Army, not to mention hunting, fishing & camping as a kid, plue 29 years since I retired, I’ve never lost a knife. I learned from my father that out in the woods, the knife was your most important tool, bar none. I learned to strap the sheath knives securely, and if the restraining catch was anything other than bulletproof, you secured the knife with a cord.

        My knives have survived overturned boats, falls down hills, and pretty much any of the usual disasters that befall a soldier or outdoorsman. To me, one of the first things I look at in a knife sheath is how “bulletproof” the straps, catches, or other restraining devies. I’m particularly fond of an old Wenoka divers knife issued by the SEALS back in the 80s, where you had to push a very hard spring-loaded ball to release the knife from the sheath.

        If you like the knife but don’t trust what holds it onto you — fix the problem, even getting another sheath if necessary.

        I admit that this knife is probably well worth $175, though on E-8 retirement pay it’s not likely I’ll ever own one.

        1. obsidian says:

          After four years as a Marine 03 MOS, one complete trip around the world, and three OCONUS deployments, two CONUS deployments, I’ve seen everything dropped, lost and stolen, Randalls in the Panama CZ JOTC rivers, Gerbers in the deserts of 29 Stumps, I’ve seen very expensive Optics vanish in the waters around Vieques P.R and I can tell you if it can be dropped, lost or stolen it will be.
          I once searched with a Plt of Marines for three days at CLNC for an M-16 lost on a Night time no night vision equipped land navigation exercise where the owner broke his leg in several places and the team with him though bringing their weapons out somehow over looked his rifle in the haste and the dark to keep him from bleeding to death.

          That being said, I still have the Old M-1 Garand Bayonet Made in 1942 and bought at the off base Army Navy store , I used and to carry in the field and never lost during that four year cruise.
          Not a Randal, not a Gerber but an old WW2 shortened bayonet.

          I was not prepared then as a young Snuffy to risk a $175.00 or $500.00 knife when something cheaper and less expensive would do if I had to dump all my gear in the ocean after a spill during an amphibious landing in a fall from a cargo net, a swamped Mike boat or stalled and sinking AmTrac.

          The standard KBar is the best knife any Marine can carry if stolen so what, if dropped and lost Ho Hum, but if I lost a Randal HOLY SHEET I’d be pissed LOL.

          1. obsidian says:

            For those who are unaware, the U. S. Marine method of amphibious landings of the time, meant all your gear was attached to the pack/web belt, the helmet unfastened.
            The Plan was if you somehow ended up in the drink with 85 lb or more of equipment attached to you, you would sink like an anchor, the gear was therefore attached to the load bearing harness so that with a grab and shrug your pack/web belt, flak jacket and helmet came off quickly and effortlessly. Leaving you to swim about like a naked frog hollering for the Navy to throw a line.
            You could attach a small knife to your dungaree belt and many did but if you were in some deep kimchee those dungarees may have to come off also or the heavy gear would hang on it and take you down.
            Once past the Line of departure all that gear was secured so you hit the beach with it attached after that if you wanted your $175.00 knife well you could have it.
            Anything could make you depart from the plan of going from ship to boat to shore and make you end up in the sea.
            Some would take the risk some would just carry a KBar.
            The son, a Marine with several tours Afghanistan and Iraq said, “The only knife they will allow you to carry of your own purchase is a KBar.” Per Orders, no personnel weapons, Swords, tomahawks revolvers/pistols or knives allowed.

    2. Richard Neva says:

      175 Dollars is a fortune for poor people like me who have to rely on SS and and a paltry pension that does not keep up with inflation. I barely have enough money for food let alone another knife. I will rely on my KAHR 45 for my protection!

      1. SmokeHillFarm says:

        I know what you mean. I’m often baffled when some companies give a military discount to active duty soldiers, but not retired ones.

        Hell, back when I was on active duty I probably could afford a $175 knife. Now that my paycheck is a third of what it was …. not a chance.

        Fortunately, there are some factory-made knives that, although they are no doubt inferior to these, they’re adequate for my purposes

  5. Michael Rutherford says:

    Looks and sounds good to me. Love to have one, but I don’t have that kind of money to put into a knife. The people that do should certainly try this one as I believe it would be a really good one. If I could afford one that’s what I would try with maybe a slightly different grip. I’ll bet it’s really, really nice.

  6. obsidian says:

    My favorite go to knife for camping, hiking, canoeing and general work is a Buck Model 602 Trail mate, stainless, 4″ blade and a rubber kraton handle. It came with a Cordura sheath. The 602 was a rubber handled version of the M-102 I bought it at a flea market brand new many years ago in a box. I believe I gave less than $20.00 for it.
    It has done duty as a Camp knife, hunting and skinning, fish cleaner. A canoe and river knife as well as an Ocean dive knife.
    My Favorite knife.
    I have since retired it to test a Bear Grylls Ultimate survival knife Pro with sharpener sheath, fire stryker and a genuine Police whistle.
    That whistle reminds me of an old song by Barry Sadler, called Garret Trooper.
    My best knife is a Seldom Seen skinner a beautiful hand made knife, but it’s a safe queen.
    My knife for SHTF possible wet work is a Buck Nighthawk M-650.
    But, That l’il M-602 Trail mate is my favorite knife of all time.

  7. Flip says:

    The picture of the knife being used to split the small branch IS NOT THE SAME KNIFE…

  8. Hawk says:

    Nice looking, handle material and steel are a great combo. I however have a condor which looks very similar. Although steel is 1075 carbon , needs to be cared for properly. That being said for the money the condor serves extremely well as a bushcraft and even food prep, and should it get lost I would be out about $35. And the condor is easy to maintain razor sharp.
    What I do like are the sheaths both leather and kydex appear well designed and well constructed.

    for the person on a budget it is a bit up there.

  9. Greg says:

    Always nice to read a good knife review. Thank you.

    Do you have any personal opinion of the pros and cons of the A2 steel compared to other alloys?

    1. Mike Spaeth says:

      Greg, Thank you for your comment and kind words! Im not a metallurgist but in my experience with A2 oppsed to other tool steels like 01 or D2 is that A2 is more rust resistant like D2, harder than 01, but sharpens up easily. Others have commented on A2 being hard to sharpen – if Im honest I touch it up with ceramic rods by hand and have always been able to get hair-splitting sharp results. Give it a shot brother, if youre into bushcraft and general outdoors, it’s a great choice!

  10. NiCE review!! Im waiting right Now for my Genesis…:-)

  11. Katy says:

    Very nice knife, good even for cooking)

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