NSSF Teams Up With AFSP To Reduce Suicide

NSSF Suicide prevention

August 10, 2016 / Comments (3)

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The NSSF and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention have joined forces to create what is being dubbed as Project 2025. The basic premise is that the two organizations combined will be able to reduce the suicide rate 20% by the time year 2025 rolls around. In a press release sent out to all NSSF firearms media (like Gun Carrier), they pointed out the following:

  • Nearly half of all suicides in 2014 were done with a firearm.
  • A gun was used in nearly 2/3 of those suicides.
  • 90% of suicide attempts with a firearm are fatal.
  • Project 2025 is meant to reach gun owners and sellers, to teach them about suicide prevention and how they can help.
  • The two organizations are collaborating through AFSP's firearm and suicide prevention pilot program.
  • The program currently has six chapters, located across four states: Alabama, Kentucky, Missouri, and New Mexico.
  • The goal is to make it a nationwide program within two years.

This isn't the first time the National Shooting Sports Foundation has gotten involved in various facets of firearm awareness. They've already established programs to help promote firearms safety so it's no surprise that they'd be willing to join up to do their part to prevent suicide, in addition to what they're already doing.

They've either backed or began programs like the Own it? Respect it. Secure it initiative, the Project Childsafe program and the Don't Lie For The Other Guy program. Each of them are designed to teach people about their respective causes. While the first two above mentioned programs may be self-explanatory, the Don't Lie program is aimed at preventing straw purchases from happening.
When someone buys a gun for someone who cannot buy one, it is known as a straw purchase. The reasons why people can't buy a gun ranges greatly, but most of the time it's because someone is a felon and cannot be in possession of it. Gun stores across the nation fight straw purchases on a daily basis, and is one of the ways to keep guns out of the wrong hands.

All of these programs come from the gun industry's very own lobbying arm—the NSSF. The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for gun manufacturers, media, and gun store owners. They put on events like SHOT Show and the NSSF Industry Summit. As with other “gun lobbies” their main goal is education while preserving America's shooting heritage.
It's doubtful that this will get any mainstream media coverage, Lord knows they don't think that the gun industry does anything but promote death and destruction. Still, this is what real, common sense legislation looks like. This is how you keep the Constitution in tact while preventing guns from falling into the wrong hands. The left won't see it that way, but that's what this is–a viable solution to the suicide pandemic. I hope it works.
Sound Off Gun Carriers! Are you a member of the NSSF? What do you think about this program? Let us know in the comments below. When you're done, make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel.

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