43 Off the Grid Survival Life Hacks

Off the Grid Survival Life Hacks

Living off the grid takes the kind of expertise it takes a lifetime to develop.

It's not just a skill; it's a lifestyle. One that requires learning all the time.

We survivalists pride ourselves on knowing what to do in any given situation. We take pride in our skills and knowledge, and we're confident (maybe overconfident sometimes) in our ability to survive. Many of us have spent years developing our off-the-grid lifestyle, and we've mastered the art of getting by with only what we need.

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But even we can use a little help sometimes. After all, why spend the energy doing something the hard way when there's a shortcut?

43 Off the Grid Survival Life Hacks

Our friends at Pioneer Settler have put together a list of survival life hacks to make your off-the-grid lifestyle a little easier. Check out the excerpt below, and read the full article here.

6. Remove skunk stink with this de-skunking solution that really works

A simple and effective de-skunking solution

survival life hacks, off the grid, life hacks, off the grid living

The best part is you don’t have to use messy tomato juice anymore.

7. Use apple cider to boost immunity

Apple cider vinegar has tons of health benefits, including boosting the immune system

apple cider vinegar, off the grid, life hacks, home remedies

Use apple cider as a tonic or mix it with your livestock’s food or water to boost their immunity.

8. Milk cows benefit from udder balm

These off-the-grid hacks aren't exactly new, but I am certain at least some of them will be new to you.

The best part is — they really do work.

udder balm, off the grid, homesteading, ranching

Easy DIY milk cow udder balm

With all the work, time, and effort that goes into homesteading, it's important to take every opportunity to make your life a little easier.

That's exactly what these off-the-grid hacks will do.

Want to know more? Check out these related articles:

Disclaimer: The contents of this article are for informational purposes only. Please read our full disclaimer.

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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on December 5, 2014, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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