Picking your 1st 22 Rifle
What should I buy? Should I get a .22 rifle or a 30-06? Well if you don't know how to use a .22 rifle then I would not recommend getting a 30-06.
The first rifle you should get is a .22 rifle. It is the best introduction to rifles that you can learn about without the stress and recoil of a big caliber.
When looking to purchase a .22 rifle the more expensive the rifle is does not necessarily mean the better or higher quality the rifle is. Getting a quality rifle does not have to be expensive.
Ruger 10/22
This is a very well-known rifle in the industry. They shoot very well are manufactured with precision and care and are far from being junk or low-quality rifles.
It comes with a rotary magazine. This magazine can be a bit of a hassle to get out, especially in the older models, the newer ones have a release handle.
The magazine is flush with the stock so it cannot get bent out of shape or hurt in any way.

Ruger 10/22 with a high-capacity magazine and scope Via Survival Gear Guide
If you want something larger than the standard 10-round magazine then you can purchase the Ruger 25-round high-capacity magazine. They are very high quality and are not prone to jamming.
For either magazine, you are going to want to be sure to clean them after a few hundred rounds. This 10/22 has tons and tons of aftermarket parts, you have many different manufacturers that make parts for this gun.
Remington Model 597
With its initial release, the magazines that came with the rifle were terrible and would jam all the time. They have since changed the design and the gun does not jam at all anymore (does still happens once in a while).

The Remington has a better balance over the 10/22 and just shoots very well overall. One downside is that this Model 597 does not have very many aftermarket products for it.
You can find some extra stocks and the such but there is not a huge market for them right now.
Bolt Action
Marlin 925
Marlin has some of the finest barrels out there. It is hard to match the accuracy of these rifles due to their barrels. If you want a super accurate rifle this Marlin is the way to go.

Marlin 925 with a bi-pod, scope and sling Via CalGuns
It is going to be more accurate than one of the autoloaders above, in part to the barrel, the time between shots and it being a bolt action.
Marlin XT-22
If you are getting a rifle for a youth then you might want to try the Marlin XT-22. It is scary accurate and everything on this .22 is the same as on the regular.
Marlin, it just has a short stock and a shorter barrel. This model comes with a 7-shot magazine and can be interchangeable with the regular Marlin 925.

A Marlin XT-22 straight out of the box Via Guns America
If you want to have a scope on this rifle you are able to put one on. Teaching your child to shoot with a scope early is a good thing, not that you want to neglect to teach them to shoot with iron sights.
Sights – Zeroing
If you are using a scope you want to zero in at 25 yards, which is the norm for a .22 caliber rifle.

A cheap scope to learn on with your .22 rifle Via Clyde Armory
The bullet will intersect with the scope exactly at 25 yards, it will keep rising after 25 yards but will come back down and will intersect the scope again at 50 yards.
You can also check out the full video on Picking your 1st 22 Rifle
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Editor's Note: This article was originally published on May 1, 2015, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.