Preparedness tips for older folks or family members are equally important as those for adults and children. Surviving a disaster or any SHTF situation greatly depends on how you have planned or prepared. This especially applies to the elderly, who may require extra care and preparation.
Preparedness Tips for Those with Elderly Family Members
Older people may have different needs, but what’s important is that your preparedness plan is built to address the needs of every family member.
Getting old is a fact of life; little by little the body wears with the passage of time. But that does not mean that the elderly are lesser and that we should just let “nature take its course.” A true prepper knows that getting ready for SHTF is not limited only to those in the prime of life. If you have an older family member, be it your dad, mom, grandma or grandpa, it is your job as a responsible prepper to take care of them.
Go over these preparedness tips together, and you and your elderly family member can improve your chances of surviving the odds together.
1. Identify the risks in the area where you live
Is your region prone to hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, blizzards, floods, heat waves, drought or other natural disasters? Is your area a likely target of a terrorist attack? You’ll need different plans for different situations.
2. Build a prepper group
Create a network of neighbors, relatives, friends and co-workers to aid you in an emergency. Discuss your needs and make sure everyone knows how to operate necessary equipment. If appropriate, discuss your needs with your employer. For the full post, click here.
3. Make an emergency kit
You may need to survive on your own after a disaster. Assemble a disaster recovery kit and make sure everyone in the home knows where it is. Include in your kit:
Three-day supply of non-perishable food
Three-day supply of water – one gallon of water per person, per day
Portable, battery-powered radio or television and extra batteries
Flashlight and extra batteries
First aid kit and manual
Sanitation and hygiene items (moist towelettes and toilet paper)
Matches in a waterproof container
Extra clothing
Basic kitchen accessories and cooking utensils
Manual can opener
Multi-purpose tool, such as a Swiss army knife
Photocopies of credit and identification cards
Cash and coins
Special needs items, such as prescription medications, eye glasses, contact lens solutions, and hearing aid batteries
Cell phone with charger
Extra set of car and house keys
To purchase a Red Cross emergency preparedness kit, visit the Red Cross online store. See more…
4. Get and stay in shape
I think the most important thing we can do regardless of our age is to get into the best physical shape possible. Health will pay benefits that cannot be measured in dollars, and simply being able to walk for some distances could be the difference between life and death.
I am not talking about seniors with physical handicaps, we’ll get into that later, but as we age our strength, flexibility and endurance all suffer. Some of this can be reversed or delayed by simply leading an active, healthy lifestyle.
Exercise is free and will improve your overall, mental and physical health, which will without a doubt be crucial in a disaster or crisis event. Click here to continue reading.
5. Eat the right food
Proper nutrition is a great preventative medicine for everyone, not just seniors. Do you know what foods are healthy and which aren’t? Do you know several recipes that you can use with basic foods that are easy to store that will keep you healthy?
Eating the right thing goes hand-in-hand with getting in shape by exercising. If you’re overweight, you’re going to have a difficult time convincing people that you can hold your own, and an even more difficult time actually holding your own. Start learning how to eat right and then live it. Lose weight and get rid of those sugars and starches that are causing you problems. Read more…
6. Evaluate the situation with honesty, not assumptions
Before you even consider taking an elderly family member or friend with you on a bug out, you’re really going to have to make a clear and unbiased decision on whether they are capable of making this trip.
Even if they are capable of bugging out on foot, you also have to take in consideration that even though they may be fully capable of walking, bugging out on foot requires a significant amount of resources. The weight of food, water, tools and all the classic components of a buyout bag or (even worse) an I.N.C.H. bag adds up fast.
Even if you’re capable of lugging 40–60 pounds of gear with you on your trek, it’s very likely your elderly travelers will not be able to carry the weight.
7. Make adjustments to your plan
If you are among the elderly or disabled or anyone important to you is, you need to adjust your plans accordingly. If you have disabled parents, your whole survival plans are going to be limited and modified. Evacuation may be impossible.
Rescue and defense may be the only option. Disabilities (yours or other) and handicaps will reduce your chances, but it does not mean that you are doomed. Realistic preparedness can provide a real chance for your survival regardless of conditions.
8. Take care of your medical needs
Assemble some spare medical supplies in an easy-to-carry, transportable container such as a backpack, shoulder bag, or duffle bag. Include a 7 to 14 days supply of prescription medicines and be sure to include written instructions regarding the dosage, and a list of allergies, if any.
Pack up an extra pair of glasses (even if they are old) and hearing aid batteries
Label your stuff. This includes your bags or other containers, walkers, canes, wheelchairs or anything else that you are likely to need.
Make a copy of your medical insurance and Medicare cards and include them with your medical supplies along with a listing of your doctors. Also include a list of the style and serial number of medical devices such as pacemakers. Share copies of these documents with a trusted family member or friend.
9. Ensure cash availability
During emergencies, of course, you need to have one of the most important things to survive-money. Make sure you have enough cash to cover your daily and unexpected expenses when a disaster or tragedy occurs. See to it that you’ll have the money to have your medical alarm systems repaired, in case it malfunctions.
You’ll need a sizable amount of money to avail of medical alert alarms repair and other emergency needs, such as food stocks. Never lose track of keeping up-to-date about your financial resources. Do a regular audit of your savings to check if you’ve been able to maintain a sufficient amount of money for emergencies. Read more…
10. Your brain is a weapon and a trade item
We’ve already discussed the fact that even though you may be limited physically, your knowledge is incredibly valuable. Use that to your advantage. Once disasters happen, people panic. Even if you’re physically hindered, people will still look to you for direction if you stay calm and know what to do. That’s an invaluable tool to people who are terrified.
Use your knowledge to everybody’s advantage by jumping in right from the start and establishing yourself as a leader. It’s a tool that you’ve worked hard to earn over the years – use it.
11. First Aid/CPR
Know that in this situation, unlike others, the mere situation may cause need for first aid because Grandma is already in some physical distress and an emergent need because of her health. Having first aid knowledge is a huge bonus in these situations (as in all, but this is a unique situation), to be able to assess and quickly treat those issues that arise. Read more…
12. Keep quiet
One of the most important things that you can do to aid in your security is to “Keep Your Mouth Shut” about your prepping activities. DO NOT tell anyone what you are doing or what steps you have taken for your security or what you have purchased. Say NOTHING to ANYONE!!!!!!
Why, you may ask?
In a TEOTWAWKI (The End of the World as We Know It) situation, those people who have not prepared will be looking for food, water and other supplies that they do not have yet need to survive. Those people will do ANYTHING to get what they need. Remember what occurred in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. See more…
- Preparedness Tips: A Mother’s Wisdom
- Preparedness Tips for the Sick or Disabled
- Making a Family Preparedness Household Notebook
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Preparedness Tips for Those with Elderly Family Members