9 PVC Pipes Projects For Survival Uses

DIY PVC Bow Stand

PVC pipe is the most common material used for plumbing, but it can be used for so much more than just bringing water to a kitchen sink. You can repurpose a pipe as a weapon, an accessory, or even a weather-proof storage space.

You'll never know the things you can do with this piece of plastic until you read the article below. With that in mind, don't forget to place one in your bug-out bag. You'll never know when you're going to need one.

DIY PVC Pipes Hacks and Survival Uses

1. Protect Yourself With A DIY PVC Blowgun

Here's an alternative to our hunting or fishing needs. I imagine myself stuck in a forest with wild animals lurking around and I thought a long-range weapon would be best suited for this environment. What makes this PVC blowgun even better is it's light and handy. Click here to watch BackyardBower's tutorial on Youtube.

2. Catch Your Prey with a PVC Bow And Arrow

It is very simple to create a DIY bow and arrow out of these plastic pipes. It doesn't take long to build this useful weapon that you can also use for fishing or hunting, especially when you're in the wild. Learn how to build your own DIY bow and arrow here.

3. Keep Your Gear Stored With A PVC Bow Stand

In relation to number 2 in this list, you can put together pipe fittings to build a stand for your bows and a useful container for your arrows. You just have to be creative and piece together PVC-fitting pieces to build a stand for your bow or a stand for other purposes.

Purchasing storage places for your archery gear can be pretty costly. A gear stand made of PVC pipes is definitely good for extra savings. Click here for a DIY Bow Stand Tutorial.

4. Stay Fed with a PVC Fishing Rod

A small piece is enough to create a fishing rod out of this plastic pipe. By drilling a small hole and attaching a small fishing line, you can have your own DIY fishing rod. Just attach a hook and a bait at the end of the line and you'll be able to catch a fish for dinner on your next outdoor trip.

Stay Fed with a PVC Fishing Rod | PVC Pipes Projects For Survival Uses

Enjoy fresh products with a piece of simple and creative equipment made from PVC pipes. Click here to watch the tutorial and make your own.

5. Hide Your Necessities With a PVC Container For Survival

For storage purposes, you can either use a bigger pipe to store larger items or a thinner tube for smaller items. For smaller ones, you can use corks to close the ends. Alternatively, you can also use PVC plastic caps to close off the pipes.

For outdoor activities, this can be used to store or protect gadgets from getting wet as well. It is also advisable to include first-aid kits and a flashlight should any unexpected incidents arise. Get this PVC container storage tutorial here.

6. A PVC Periscope Can Help You See Over Menacing Walls

I remember building periscopes out of boxes as a project in school. It's the same concept when you do it with PVC pipes. Just use elbows to create the corners and add mirrors to complete the project.

You can also use glue to put the pipes together and put the mirrors in place. This is extremely useful when surveying a hostile environment without exposing yourself. Here's how you can create your own PVC periscope.

7. Stay Hydrated with a PVC Water Container

Similar to number 5, use caps to seal the ends of the pipe material and store some water supply. For safety purposes, don't forget to clean the pipes thoroughly if you want to use it for drinking water.

You can drill one end and place a faucet so you can have water whenever you need one. Use a thread sealant when necessary to prevent water from leaking out of the pipe. Click here for the full PVC water container tutorial.

Learn more from this video by SensiblePrepper on the different ways to use PVC pipes for survival situations:

Usually used for water piping, these pipes are a versatile tool that can be used in many situations. I tried using PVC pipes to create a longbow once on a camping trip and it was fun to make and easy to use. It is important to learn these kinds of tricks as it can help if SHTF. These pipes have so many uses that it can be repurposed for weapons, storages, and even help you when you go fishing. It is very affordable, easily accessible, and it can be found in home improvement stores, hardware stores, and maybe even in junkyards. It has many functional uses that can assist you in survival situations.

PVC Pipes | 9 PVC Pipes Projects For Survival Uses

Do you have other ideas on how to use PVC pipes? Share them in the comments section below!

Up Next: Essential Homemade Weapons for When SHTF

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Editor's Note: This was first published in July 2017 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

4 Responses to :
9 PVC Pipes Projects For Survival Uses

  1. Butch Brodeur says:

    Most of this stuff is useless! I have used 4″ PVC pipe to make bear proof food caches and storing other things so this is about the only useful project! As far as a fishing rod, I have made a small portable fishing outfit from a soup can, some line and tackle for probably less than 5 bucks!

    1. Ray Marshall says:

      You are nothing more than a troll. Think of useful things, in more positive ways. If something works, and it can save peoples lives, why knock it down? Look at all of these ideas, for what they present, and use your immense brain, to make them better.

  2. Ray Marshall says:

    What are your so creative ideas, to accomplish these same concepts, that will save, both lives and money? Do you have any ideas of your own, and if so, I would be thrilled to read them.

    1. Anonymous says:

      Being around the ocean the PVC water storage mounted to the off-road vehicle is a must for fresh water rinse after surfing or playing in the mud and sand. Mine hold Appx. 10 Gallons. Guess Bass just grabs a home depot bucket and fills while hoping it don’t slosh out on his Lexus? Pretty good stuff if you know what you’re doing.

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