1. Why Dry Firing Your Firearm is a Great Idea and How it’s Done
Why is dry firing important? To stand a chance at hitting your intended target, you need to do one thing on a consistent basis: train. One of the most important things you can ever do to further your ability with your firearm is to actually practice firing your weapon without any ammo in it (or with snap caps). This is what is known as dry firing… Click to read more
2. Open Carry vs. Concealed: Pros and Cons

It’s an age-old debate among gun owners: which one is best – concealed carry or open carry?
Fans of open carry like others to know that they are packing and feel more confident and safer knowing that their gun is readily available. On the other hand, concealed carry advocates like to have the element of surprise on their side… Click to read more
3. Air Rifle Reviews: The Brocock Compatto Air Gun .22
When hunting small game or waterfowl, we all know big rifles shouldn’t be the go-to weapons to use! In those kinds of situations, an Air Rifle is the weapon of choice! But before you go rushing out to buy one for yourself, get an opinion first by reading our experts’ air rifle reviews on Brocock’s own, Compatto Air Gun .22, and get the most out of your money… Click to read more
4. Ammo Review: Federal American Eagle .223 FMJ
This won’t be a technical ammo review, mostly because I never set out to review Federal American Eagle .223 55 grain full metal jacket (FMJ) load when I bought a few extra boxes at Walmart this fall. Sometimes things work out surprisingly better than planned. So here I am, writing a retrospective look at two recent outings with this common and affordable ammunition. I picked up this ammo at a Walmart store for $6.84 per 20-round box. It’s a little less than 35 cents per round, not including tax. Not a bad price at all… Click to read more
5. Stoeger Model 3020 | Gun Carrier Shotgun Reviews
The Stoeger M3020 is an affordable shotgun in the line of quality. It gives a clean shot and lets the gun stay clean longer since it has no propellant gas that vents into the action. A ventilated rib is fitted in the gun’s barrel. This beauty comes with three choke tubes with an improved cylinder, modified, and extra-full turkey… Click to read more
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