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December 29, 2023 / Comments (1)

Weekly Recap

1. VIDEO TUTORIAL: DIY Outdoor Toilet

When nature calls, a DIY outdoor toilet can really save your tush. Check out our tutorial on how to make your own DIY outdoor toilet and be sure to check out the full video at the end.

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This portable outdoor toilet is great for a weekend camping trip. It can also be kept with your emergency preparedness supplies to use in a SHTF survival situation… Click to read more

2. Lost At Sea Survival Guide | 7 Tips And Tricks For Ocean Navigation

Are you fascinated by lost-at-sea movies? Don’t you think it’s fascinating how the characters come up with strategic ways to survive using only what they’ve got?

While you might think it can only happen in the movies, it’s still a good idea to know how to survive, should you ever find yourself lost at sea.

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Even with limited resources and unknown dangers, it is still possible to survive if you’re equipped with the proper knowledge… Click to read more

3. Amazing Amazon Deals for Your Survival Kit Under $20

The last thing you want to experience while you’re out in the wild is the feeling of helplessness. When you find yourself in a survival situation, you need all the help you can get in the most immediate way possible.

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That’s why having a complete survival kit within your reach is very important. The items on your kit don’t have to be pricey to be functional… Click to read more

4. Bugging In | What You Need To Do

When you first enter the survival community, you hear a great deal about bugging out, but for most people in most survival scenarios bugging in makes more sense.

Bugging in is the process of fortifying your home and having all the needed resources on hand to survive long term.

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With most SHTF situations, staying home makes much more sense than packing up and heading into the unknown. You must be prepared for this to work… Click to read more

5. DIY Super Shelter: Live Like a King in the Outdoors

A super shelter is like your little home out in the wilderness; one that you build by yourself with the most basic amenities but should be strong enough to protect you from the harsh weather.

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It takes a lot of work to build, but it’s much sturdier and more comfortable than the tent you’re used to. Check out this tutorial to learn how to make your own! Click to read more

6. 10 Remarkable Facts About Mountain Lions

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The mountain lion is said to be one of the largest wild cats in North America—just one of the many facts about mountain lions. Did you know that this big cat is known by many names? Cougar, panther, catamount, or puma are just some of the few… Click to read more

7. 23 Best Survival Knife Brands You Can Trust

A survivalist simply won’t go anywhere without his trusty survival knife. A wilderness survival knife is an important tool for hunting, cutting, slicing, making other tools, building shelter, and so much more.

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It can also be used to defend yourself from animal or human attacks. We have put together a list of the best survival knife brands that you can depend on… Click to read more

8. How To Build A Shelter Using Natural Resources

My first piece of advice on how to build a shelter from natural materials is to look around for something man-made. In my last article, we talked about the use of a vehicle or vessel to keep us safe.

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But there are times when Mother Nature provides a hollow cave or natural covering… Click to read more

9. Pepper Spray 101: How To Add A Little Spice To Your EDC

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Pepper spray is the best non-lethal self-defense tool you can carry. I prefer to never, ever, go anywhere without my gun, but sometimes those illogical “gun-free zones” simply cannot be avoided. For your pepper spray 101, read on to know more about this handy self-defense weapon… Click to read more

10. Ultimate Campgrounds Across The U.S. : State By State List Of America’s “Must See” Campgrounds

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Looking for wonderful campgrounds this summer? Check out these hidden gems. We’ve put together a list of the top campgrounds in each state across the US. Camping is always an option (even in New Jersey!) I’ve lived in Texas my whole life and can’t believe I’ve missed out on a few of these… Click to read more

What have you done this week? Let us know in the comments below.

For more awesome SHTF survival items, you can’t make at home, check out the Survival Life Store!

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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on September 29, 2018, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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