A third of Americans own at least one pet. This is a testament to how popular domesticated animals are in this country. Pets play an important role in the home–they relieve stress, entertain and give joy to their owners.
But sadly, when it comes to emergency preparedness, pets are often left behind. Many people's SHTF plan does not include a bug out strategy for their pets.
Our pets are loyal and give us unconditional love. It's only right that we return the favor. Prepping with pets is not impossible, and the fact is they can be good to have around when SHTF.
Read on to learn how to develop a SHTF plan that will keep your whole family–including your furry friends–safe.
A SHTF Plan For Your Pets
If you're a prepper, the thing at the forefront of your mind is keeping yourself and your family safe. You've crafted a foolproof SHTF plan, you know where you'll go and what you'll take with you.
But does that plan include your pets?
You can be a prepper and a pet lover. There ware ways to help your pet stay alive in emergency situations (and worse), and pets can be as useful in a crisis as they are at home. Dogs especially can make great SHTF companions. They can warn and protect you and your family from attackers, whether it is a human or a dangerous animal. Some dogs can also hunt and track. And of course, dogs and other pets provide great emotional support.
Take a look at the original article here and get started on your pet's SHTF plan.
A SHTF Plan For Bugging Out With Your Pets
August 29th 2005, one of the five deadliest hurricanes in the history of North America struck. Hurricane Katrina made landfall as a Category 3 hurricane and pack winds of 125 mph. When it was through, over 1,800 people were dead. How many of these lives could have been saved if they were allowed to evacuate with their pets? Many people refused to leave New Orleans because they were not allowed to bring their pets.
To many people, pets are like their children. According to a survey that took place after Hurricane Katrina, 44% of the people that decided to stay in the city and not evacuate did so because they were told that they could not take their animals with them. However, as the storm got closer and intensity increased, the evacuation changed to mandatory.
It is hard to know for sure how many pets were left as a result of the forced evacuation. According to The Louisiana Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, “Estimates that 70,000 pets remained in the city during the storm; of those, about 15,000 were rescued.” Sadly, only 20% of the animals that were rescued got reconnected with their owners. This is why it is important; don’t forget Fluffy and Fido in your preparedness plans.
How To Prepare a Pet Emergency Kit
You probably all ready have a family emergency kit put together with all the essentials that you and your family would need in case of an emergency. But did you include your pets?
Animals have become such an important part of our lives. While your spouse can help you add things to the kit that you may have forgotten, your pet can not help you build their kit. They depend on us to care for them.
via Plan For Bugging Out With Your Pets | Survival.
Just like any other member of the family, pets would also need supplies like food and medicine, first aid kit and items for cleaning up.

If possible, it's best to build a separate bug out bag for your furry friend. This would also help lighten up your own bug out bag.
Remember, it's important to make sure your pet is trained in basic obedience. It's also a good idea to train them to take certain actions in emergency situations, if possible.
Now come the hard part. When SHTF, you might have to choose between your family and your pet. You may do your best to avoid the compromising situation, but sometimes reality has to be faced. If the situation calls for it, you will have to make the decision. Talk about the scenario with the family and come up with a SHTF plan together.
Family should come first before anything else, but if you plan ahead, you should be able to come up with a plan to save yourself, your family, and your pets.
Do you have a SHTF plan for your pets? Let us know in the comments.
Meanwhile you can read related articles available on our site:
In addition to the other tips given in the original article, I would say if you haven’t already, get your pet chipped. Collars and tags can get lost, but not a microchip. It’s not that expensive (about $20 or so), and only takes a few minutes. Even in everyday life, pets wander off and lose their bearings. A microchip could be the difference between getting your pet back or losing him forever.
That’s a good idea. My German Shepherd has a little tattoo in her right ear also. Got it when she was a tiny puppy.
Does anyone have information on bugging out with cats? I have 3 mature cats. I am wondering if it would be the same bugging out with dogs. Their carriers would be heavy to carry along for two people. I haven’t solved this problem yet and don’t want to leave them behind. Thanks.
Hello:) I recently seen on amazon that there are zip up backpack’s for carrying pets with mesh areas for breathing/ventilation. I think this could be a good solution for your cats. I am buying one for my 2 small chihuahuas.
There’s wheeled carriers available for $$ if you’re feeling adventurous a quick trip to the home store can score you some casters and bolts for a little DIY if you think they’ll be OK sharing a carrier for a bit. Bonus points if you add a “carrier pack” for their supplies