3 Way To Deer Skinning

Skinning Deer

Essential Guide to Deer Skinning: Tools and Techniques You Need

So, you’ve successfully tracked and taken down your deer. Congratulations! However, the work doesn’t stop there. What you do next depends on your hunting style. Are you the type to gut your catch immediately in the wild, or do you prefer to take it to a butcher?

Some hunters opt to bring their kill home to process it themselves. If you're one of those folks, you're in for a rewarding experience. But to ensure you make the most out of your kill, it’s crucial to have the right tools at your disposal. Deer skinning isn’t something you should enter blindly. You’ll need a sharp and durable knife designed specifically for this task.

How to Skin a Deer Properly

Let’s get down to business. Using a regular kitchen knife just won’t cut it—pun intended! Instead, you need specialized skinning blades designed to handle the tough hide of deer. Here’s a list of some of the best options available:

1. Outdoor Edge SwingBlaze

The Outdoor Edge SwingBlaze is a top contender in the market. Its orange rubberized handle ensures visibility, even if you drop it in the underbrush. This knife features a 3.6-inch skinning blade and a 3.2-inch gutting blade, providing versatility at the press of a button. Need to remove limbs or heads? Outdoor Edge offers a convenient bundle that includes a Kodi-Saw.

skinning deer

Photo via Bass Pro Shops

2. SOG Huntspoint Skinning Knife

SOG Huntspoint Skinning Knife is sleek and user-friendly, boasting a 3.6-inch stainless steel blade specifically designed for hunting. This knife is corrosion-resistant and features a full tang design, making it rugged enough for years of hunting adventures. It holds a perfect five-star rating on Bass Pro Shops, a testament to its quality. Interested? We’re giving away a SOG Huntspoint knife every week to our Shot of the Week winner. Enter to win HERE.

skinning deer

Photo via Bass Pro Shops

3. Knives of Alaska Magnum Ulu Skinning Knife

Don't let its unique design fool you. The Knives of Alaska Magnum Ulu Skinning Knife is sharp and masterfully crafted to replicate traditional Alaska hunting knives. This crafty tool is perfect for close-quarters cuts, thanks to its steady curve and manageable handle.

skinning deer

Photo via Bass Pro Shops

Other Tools You'll Need

While a good knife is essential, your deer skinning gear should also include:

  • Bone Saw: For larger deer, a bone saw can be invaluable for getting through the tough joints.
  • Cutting Board: Creating a clean surface while you work will make the process smoother.
  • Gloves: Always protect your hands during the skinning process, both for hygiene and safety.

Learning how to properly skin a deer will not only save you money but also gives you full control over the quality of the meat you bring home. With the right tools and technique, you can ensure a successful deer skinning experience. Remember, the more you practice, the better you’ll get!

For more tips and resources about hunting and skinning, check out some related articles:

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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on November 22, 2013, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

9 Responses to :
3 Way To Deer Skinning

  1. Ray Lehtinen says:

    I find your articles most interesting but in some cases these do not
    apply up here in Canada.
    I would like sometime soon to write an article on future survival as
    known here in Canada. There is coming soon in your country as well up
    here a major crises but it will not be as severe here as in the USA.
    I wait your comments if you feel interested in a
    Canadian viewpoint. Please enter my name in the draw
    for the Knife
    Your Northern Brothers and friends Ray L

  2. Bob Windsor says:

    Got to the bottom of “More Than One Way To Skin A Deer” where it says, “Want to know what the other two knives are?”. Then it says, “Click here to continue reading the full article on Wide Open Spaces”. So I clicked & got to the Wide Open Spaces site……nothing about the other 2 knives there !!!!

    1. 'Above Average' Joe says:

      Hi Bob, Sorry about that, the link is fixed now!

  3. Hello,
    Being a farm boy and butchering 100’s cattle, pigs, goats, sheep and various wild game here in Australia I can say a good knife is a friend for life. I have carried both fixed blades and also quality folders in numerous countries (legally and illegally). Shooting and skinning kangaroos for skins tests most knives. But most importantly I have learnt is that you need a good quality sharpening system and the knowledge and ability to use it. No point having a fantastic blade and it being that blunt you can ride to China on the dull edge. Constantly using your knife requires constant maintenance of the edge.
    Put me in the draw for the knife thanks.
    Keep ur powder dry and ur knives sharp.

  4. Mark says:

    A knife is a personal tool. The choices I saw are nice, #1 the swing blade is excellent. But I have a hand made skinning knife with an antler blade that I’m partial to, overall it’s 5″ and it’s great for gutting and skinning!

  5. Alexsandra Rokas says:

    I’ve been a prepper for thirty years or more; I’ll find this site most helpful.

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