Survival Hacks

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November 25, 2023 / Comments (3)

Survival Skills

There are a lot of things around us that can make our life easier. It's a great advantage if we know life hacks that will save us time and will teach us how to survive. This article will give you a lot more survival hacks and skills you can use in your everyday activities.

Survival Hacks And Skills That Will Save You

1. 377 Survival Hacks and Skills You Should Know

Survival hacks and skills are essential for anyone preparing for the worst. Prepper or no prepper, people from across the globe have always been preparing to survive.

377 Survival Hacks And Skills You Should Know | Survival Hacks | survival hacks pdf

Whatever the situation or circumstance, they always have at least one or two survival hacks and skills up their sleeve.

2. Survival Hacks: How to Open a Can Without a Can Opener

Survival hacks can be useful and potentially life-saving tips for you. How many times have you ever needed to open a can and found yourself without a can opener?

Survival Hacks: How to Open a Can Without a Can Opener | Survival Hacks | survival hacks pdf

Whether your can opener breaks, slips out of your bag, got lost, or just forgotten…it happens to the best of us. Luckily, there's a way to open a can of food without a can opener. This is a must-have survival skill.

3. 10 Survival Hacks Using a Poncho

A poncho is one of the most commonplace survival items, frequently carried in a bug out bag or vehicle emergency kit. Of course, its traditional use is to protect you from rain and the elements, but that’s far from the only thing you can do with it.

10 Survival Hacks Using a Poncho | Survival Hacks | survival hacks pdf

We talk a lot about survival hacks — taking an ordinary object and finding different and creative uses for it. This is a handy skill because you never know what you’ll have on you when disaster strikes and you’re forced to improvise and make do with what you have.

4. Survival Gardening Hacks | Bringing It Back to the Basics

Survival Gardening Hacks | Bringing It Back To The Basics | Survival Hacks | survival hacks pdf
At Survival Life, we believe growing your own food is a skill EVERY survivalist should learn. When SHTF and resources begin to dwindle, learning survival gardening hacks and being able to provide for yourself and your family, is the key to ultimate survival.

5. 10 Rubber Band Life Hacks

10 Rubber Band Life Hacks | Survival Hacks | survival hacks pdf
These hacks are great for preppers and survivalists because they help keep our improvisation skills sharp. You never know when you’ll have to make a tool or gadget out of just the things you have on hand.

6. 7 Quick & Easy Survival Hacks Using Household Items

Any good survivalist knows several survival hacks and can create a tool from just about anything!

7 Quick & Easy Survival Hacks Using Household Items | Survival Hacks | survival hacks pdf

Check out this list of seven simple hacks using ordinary household items you can use when the going gets tough.

7. 8 Survival Hacks Using a Soda Can

8 Survival Hacks Using a Soda Can | Survival Hacks | survival hacks pdf
It might not seem like much– in fact, it probably just seems like a piece of trash. But, there are several surprising survival hacks that can turn a common soda can into a useful tool.

8. 8 Outdoor Survival Hacks Using Everyday Items

8 Outdoor Survival Hacks Using Everyday Items | Survival Hacks | survival hacks pdf
Being prepared for the worst is vital for survival. Check out these outdoor survival hacks, and make sure you have a backup plan when technology fails you.

9. Survival Hacks: Zombie Apocalypse Survival Flashlight

Survival Hacks: Zombie Apocalypse Survival Flashlight | Survival Hacks | survival hacks pdf
In a “zombie apocalypse” or any other SHTF situation, knowing how to improvise is a vital skill. Being able to take everyday items — even items that might seem like “junk” to the untrained eye — and find a use for them is one skill that will surely help you survive.

10. 7 Genius Camping Hacks

7 Genius Camping Hacks | Survival Hacks | survival hacks pdf
Camping hacks and survival hacks are some of my favorite things. I love the idea of finding random objects around the house and using them as survival tools.

11. 40 Mind-Blowing Survival Hacks You Need To See

40 Mind-Blowing Survival Hacks You Need To See | Survival Hacks | survival hacks pdf
Here at Survival Life, we love a good life hack. So when we found 40 of them, we were pretty pumped and decided we had to share them with you. To top it all off, they’re compiled into these awesome and useful videos. Each video gives you a tutorial on exactly what you need and how to successfully complete the life hacks.

12. 43 Off the Grid Survival Life Hacks

43 Off the Grid Survival Life Hacks | Survival Hacks | survival hacks pdf
Living off the grid takes the kind of expertise it takes a lifetime to develop. It’s not just a skill, it’s a lifestyle. One that requires learning all the time.

13. SHTF Life Hacks | Secret Prepper Tip List

Life hacks are useful enough in daily life, but they'll be critical when the SHTF. Cool tricks and tips won’t just make your life more convenient- they will determine your ability to survive.

SHTF Life Hacks | Secret Prepper Tip List | Survival Hacks | survival hacks pdf

We created this printable survival checklist, which is full of secret life hacks you’ll have to do to believe. Read on and learn these amazing hacks and tips that will impress even the most experienced prepper.

14. Emergency Preparedness Car Tips | Bug Out Vehicle Life Hacks

Your emergency preparedness bug out plans probably involve jumping in your car to get far away from the emerging threat. This likely means after you load up the car with your survival kits and bug out bags, you’ll be hitting some back roads to get to a safer location.

Emergency Preparedness Car Tips | Bug Out Vehicle Life Hacks | Survival Hacks | survival hacks pdf

Off-road travel can be rough on your vehicle, so we’ve made a list of life hacks to keep the wear and tear to a minimum. Learn these tips to keep you bug out vehicle in top shape no matter how far off the grid you go when the SHTF.

Now you know a lot about Survival hacks and skills, it's easy for you to live an easier life. You can't only apply this on your own but you can also share this with your loved ones. Life made easy with your new hacks and skills.
Do you know other Survival hacks and skills? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.
Up Next:

For awesome survival gear you can’t make at home, check out the Survival Life Store!

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**Disclaimer: All content on this site is for informational purposes only. Please read our full disclaimer .**

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on May 25, 2018, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.


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Survival Hacks

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