It is easy to forget what is truly important when it comes to preparedness. With the huge amounts of gear, tips, tricks, and projects available to learn about, it isn't hard to get distracted from some of your more vital needs.
Though all of these things are excellent things to have/know for survival, you should always make sure to have the absolute necessities covered before getting too bogged down in all the extras.
For survival, you really can't get more basic than shelter, water, and food. These necessities are all looked into in more depth by the survival rules of three. For each of these three items, we'll give you a few of our best tips to help you achieve complete preparedness in these three vital areas.
First, check out this video to get acquainted with the idea of the survival rules of three.
Top Three Survival Needs and Our Tips
1. Shelter

Our tips:
- Learn how to use natural resources to make a shelter.
- Learn the Ten Critical Points You Need To Know About Building A Shelter
2. Water

3. Food

Our tips:
- For long term food storage, use a food dehydrator!
- For sustainable gardening, start regrowing your food from scraps.
- Learn How To Make An Emergency Food Supply!
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Editor's Note: This post was originally published on March 20, 2014, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
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Survival Rule of Three – How Long Could You Last?