Survival Uses For Coffee Cans And Coffee Filters

Feature | Survival Uses For Coffee Cans And Coffee Filters

Unlocking Survival Uses for Coffee Cans: Practical Applications for Preppers

Survival uses for coffee cans extend well beyond simple storage solutions. You might be surprised by just how many practical applications these versatile containers can provide in situations that require creativity and resourcefulness. The purpose of this article is to explore various survival uses for coffee cans and provide you with actionable ideas for incorporating them into your preparedness plans.

Furthermore, the common coffee filter is more than just a kitchen accessory; it also serves multiple uses that can benefit you during survival situations. Understanding and utilizing these items can enhance your overall preparedness strategy, ensuring you're well-equipped for any unexpected challenges. Let's dive into the numerous ways you can utilize coffee cans in survival scenarios.

The Many Survival Uses for Coffee Cans

1. Create a Survival Kit

A metal or plastic coffee can can function as an excellent container for your survival kit. Fill it with essential items you might need in an emergency, such as a fire starter kit, multi-tool, emergency poncho, and any additional gear relevant to your survival needs. For the perfect coffee can survival kit, check out our detailed breakdown in Coffee Can Survival Kit for Your Car.

2. Assemble a First Aid Kit

Beyond serving as a survival kit, coffee cans are ideal for organizing a first aid kit. Given the compact size of coffee cans, they can easily hold sterile supplies and medications needed during emergencies. For more guidance, take a look at our comprehensive guide on What to Include in a Home First Aid Kit.

3. Organize Survival Supplies

During camping or outdoor adventures, empty coffee cans can significantly aid in organizing your survival supplies. For instance, if you're planning to fish, a coffee can can securely hold all your fishing gear, making your essential items easy to carry without fumbling around for them.

Survival Uses for Coffee Cans

4. Effective Water Container

One critical survival use for coffee cans includes utilizing them as water scoops. Metal coffee cans are perfect for gathering water from nearby streams or ponds. Furthermore, these cans can be used to boil water over a fire to ensure it's safe for consumption, an essential step in any survival situation where clean water is scarce.

5. DIY Heater for Cold Nights

You can create a simple yet effective DIY heater using a coffee can, making it perfect for those chilly camping nights. Here’s what you need:

  • 1 small metal coffee can
  • 1 roll of toilet paper
  • Lighter or matches
  • 1 container of 70% rubbing alcohol


  1. Remove the cardboard core from the toilet paper roll, bend it slightly, and insert it into the coffee can.
  2. Soak the toilet paper roll with the alcohol.
  3. Light the paper, and it will provide heat for a temporary solution.

6. Carrying Hot Coals

When transitioning from one campsite to another, metal coffee cans can effectively carry hot coals. This allows you to maintain a fire as soon as you set up camp, cutting down on time and energy spent gathered fuel and starting over.

7. Cooking with Coffee Cans

Large metal coffee cans are excellent for cooking meals. They are sturdy enough to withstand high heat and can be utilized for various cooking techniques, whether boiling, baking, or frying. For additional tips and tricks on using coffee cans for cooking, check out our guide in Now You’re Cooking!.

8. Storing Leftovers While Camping

After you’ve finished cooking, use your metal coffee cans to safely store leftovers. The cans help conceal food odors, which is crucial during camping as strong scents can attract unwanted wildlife.

9. Hidden Storage for Valuables

If you’re camping or traveling and need a way to secure your valuables, coffee cans with lids can be an excellent hiding place for items like jewelry, cash, or important documents. It’s an inconspicuous way to safeguard your belongings against theft or loss.

10. Washing Small Items

Lastly, large plastic coffee cans can serve as makeshift washing machines for smaller articles such as clothing. Simply fill one halfway with water, add detergent, and give it a good shake with the lid on for effective cleaning!

Exploring Survival Uses for Coffee Filters

Don’t forget about coffee filters! They have their own unique survival uses that can be essential in emergency situations:

  • First Aid: Coffee filters can press against wounds to help stop bleeding if a first aid kit isn't within reach.
  • Filtering Water: While not as thorough as a proper filtration system, coffee filters can remove larger debris from water sources before boiling.
  • Emergency Toilet Paper: A useful substitute in a pinch.
  • Fire Starters: Used coffee filters can wipe down pots and pans, making ideal kindling when it's time to start a fire.
  • Insect Deterrent: Cover food and beverages with filters to keep pesky bugs at bay.

Conclusion: Maximizing Resources for Survival

In conclusion, the versatility of coffee cans in many survival uses cannot be overstated. Not only are these common household items valuable resources for everyday cooking, but they can also serve essential roles in survival situations. By understanding and embracing the multiple functionalities of coffee cans and filters, you are better equipped to handle the challenges of outdoor living and emergency preparedness.

Have you utilized coffee cans in your survival strategies? Share your experiences and additional uses in the comments below!

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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on August 29, 2017, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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13 Responses to :
Survival Uses For Coffee Cans And Coffee Filters

  1. Dan-o says:

    OK, since nobody is going to say it, I will. I keep one in my tent to pee in. Rainy outside? Mosquitoes? Freakin cold? Other people? At my age, I have to take a leak sometime in the night. There, I said it. Just don’t use the same one to cook in unless you are truly a bad ass.

    1. Meathead says:

      As a kid when we traveled, my mother would have a quart Mason Jar for my brother and I to use. The screw-on lid prevented spillage and she would pout it out at the next stoplight (years before the interstate). This kept my dad from having to stop every hour or so. We did the same for our two boys and used the Mason Jar ‘technique’ for years when were tent camping.

  2. Rebecca King says:

    I love these hacks! My main issue is finding metal coffee cans. I’m new to my area and don’t know which places have them.

    1. G Zalewski says:

      Pretty much the only way, other than calling each store & asking, is to visit them. You’ll only need to check a single store of a given chain in your area, most individual outlets of chain stores carry the same items. Don’t leave out the little Mom & Pop shops, often they’ll carry older style items that others like but chains ignore. Then there’s the ‘Dollar Stores’, they often carry foreign copies/versions of older products.

      1. Francie Keithcarter Simpson says:

        Costco- the Kirkland coffee come in a metal can and it’s good!

    2. Eddie says:

      you can also go to home depot or lowes and get clean empty paint cans , they also work well, some that have a lining in them you may have to burn out first, but there great tight sealing cans

  3. Bella says:

    Add you coffee filters to the coffee can.

  4. Bella says:

    Add your coffee filters to the coffee can.

  5. Ryan says:

    Check large kitchens. Salvation Army and goodwill for examples. They serve gallon food cans of veggies and fruit every day.

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