In my previous article, Why Every Survivalist Should Be Homesteading, I talked about why it is important that every survivalist should consider starting a homestead. As survivalists, we are prepared with our stocked bug out bags ready to go at a moment’s notice. We have first aid kits and other needed supplies in our homes, our vehicles, and at work. We carry that preparedness attitude and our mindset is, “WE ARE READY!”… but, are we? For a 72-hour emergency? Yes, most of us are. But what do you do when an overnight emergency becomes long term?
Read on for the to-do list when survivalism meets homesteading.
Read on for the ultimate to-do list that perfectly pairs survivalism with homesteading.
Survivalism Meets Homesteading: The To-Do List
In my previous article, I ran the scenario of being homebound during an emergency. No evacuation but, instead, the exact opposite. Roads shut down, which causes travel to become impossible, and our link to the outside world beyond our front lawns is cut off. You are in an entirely different situation. If you have stored food, water, and other supplies then that’s great! But, do you have enough of those necessities to sustain you and your family for possibly months or even years? What happens when your supplies (your lifeline) are gone?
Now, I realize that this scenario is a little extreme. You may be wondering “Why the heck would roads shut down? We would be evacuated before that happens! Our outside world cut off? Oh come on…that’s overdoing it a little!”.
Maybe. Maybe not…
Whether my scenario will ever become a reality, none of us can be sure. I don’t know about you, but, I want to be prepared just in case. This is where I introduce homesteading as a survival tool…a survival mindset if you will. A homestead is not accomplished overnight. It takes extreme dedication and hard work. The world of homesteading is a lifestyle and can be your biggest reward in life, your biggest ally. Survival begins at home.
“Where do I begin?” If you are now asking yourself this question, then you have made that first step. You are considering it or have decided to give homesteading a go to ensure the long-term survival of every person in your household…your family!
Whether you live in an urban area or a rural area, it can be done. To give you an idea of what your homestead has the potential of becoming, let’s go over your daily necessities and how those needs can be met based on where you are – a rural area or an urban area. For now, let’s call it your to-do list – a list of needed items and tasks to get you well on your way to having a homesteading lifestyle that can literally be life-saving!
The To-Do List
You’d be surprised how similar urban and rural homesteading can be. Of course, you can’t have cattle in your backyard or a corn crop on your apartment patio, but there are ways to have your needs met no matter where you live.
Of course, we will not learn all there is to know about homesteading in this one article, but, let’s go over the basic needs and your possible options.
Rural area options: You can raise cattle, chickens (and other fowl), pigs, or goats. You can grow vegetable crops and/or raise honey bees.
Urban area options: As far as raising animals for meat, you can raise backyard chickens, quail, and rabbits.
Hunting is another great option for urban (and rural) homesteaders. If you have room for an extra freezer then, by all means, consider taking advantage of this extra space.
You can also have a garden, even if you live in an apartment! Check out my previous article on container gardening. This is the perfect solution if you are limited on space.
Rural area options: For a long-term water supply, a well is the best option. I’m not an expert on this, so I would like to share this website. It’s a great resource of information for water well basics.
Also, for more tips and ideas, check out this great article on obtaining and storing water.
Urban area options: Unfortunately, for urban homesteaders, there aren’t too many options for an unlimited water supply. My suggestion here is every time you go shopping, just make it a habit of grabbing as many gallon jugs of water as you can. Your water supply will be built up in no time.
Collecting rainwater has been done in the past but, it actually has become prohibited in many states due to ongoing droughts. Click HERE for more detailed information regarding rainwater harvesting laws and legislation in your state.
Cleaning Products
This section is for both rural and urban homesteaders. Handmade products such as soap can be made anywhere.
To make personal soap, check out this article on 23 DIY soap recipes you can make at home.
To make soap for cleaning purposes, check out this article on DIY liquid castile soap. It’s all natural and is easy on your skin.
For your laundry, check out this article on 9 DIY laundry detergent recipes.
This section is also for rural and urban homesteaders. Learning how to crochet and how to sew will greatly benefit your whole family. It is also a great way to involve the kids in the whole homesteading lifestyle. When children are involved in this way, they feel like they’re a part of something…something important.
It’s a great idea to stock up on crocheting and sewing supplies whenever you can. Another great idea is investing in a decent sewing machine. I just bought one for myself and I love it. It’s a great way to make your own clothes, blankets, etc.
James Yeager shows us a video on what food he has stored for bugging in:
The things I’ve listed thus far are the basics of homesteading. Your basic needs can be met in a home bound situation with the things I’ve listed so far. As I go along with this series, I will go in more detail and do my best to bring you more valuable information on this part of your journey.
Remember, survival starts at home. Being a survivalist is more than bug out bags and first aid kits. Being a survivalist is a mindset that should carry you in every part of your life, especially on your own turf.
Stay tuned for my next article: “Survivalist Meets Homesteading: Money Saving Tips”
Do you have any more to-do-lists you might want to add? Please add them in the comments below!
Here are some easy to grow vegetables for beginner gardeners you might want to learn about!
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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in Jun 24, 2017, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
i am afraid to have all of that food delivered….cant the govt go to these suppliers and get all the info on customers they shipped to and then come to you and confiscate??? do u have it delivered somewhere else and under a different name?? keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who’s to say you didn’t eat your food? Camping trips, hurricane party, etc.
Hide it in “secret room” that can easily be built into most homes.
Stashes are another alternative.
Yes, the government could do as you ask, but if the government is looking, they are going to be more interested in large quantities to feed starving population. They will be after sources of our foods.
You could consider a freeze drier and package your own to augment your stash, or a food drier. That would help give you undocumented stores as well.