Survivalist Dating Sites: Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World

Featured | Hiking lovers with backpack is sitting on the top of the mounting and looking at a beautiful landscape | Survivalist Dating Sites: Seeking A friend For The End Of The World

Dating has continuously evolved since the dawn of civilization until today. If you think it's going to stop after a global disaster, you're wrong!

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Survivalist Dating | Online Dating for Preppers

Post Crisis Rebuilding

Most people don’t know what prepping is actually about. They tend to envision a lone survivor trekking the woods or sitting in his bunker with a shotgun in hand.

While this may be the image that comes to mind, this is nowhere near the reality.

You may survive a crisis for time alone, but you will never be able to thrive unless you have companionship. Humans need social interaction and connection with others in order to function to their full potential.

While it may mean you need to have twice the supplies and your movement speed becomes handicapped; you half the amount of work that needs to be done, increase your security, and boost your morale.

Rebuilding after a crisis is a monster unto itself and is extremely daunting… nearly impossible for one person to do.

Pioneers had large and extended families in order to help work and live off the land. This is exactly what you will need if and when SHTF.

Finding Your Survival Companion

Need a bit of dating advice as survivalists? The best thing you can do is have a partner who shares your beliefs and drive for survival.

But how do you make sure your significant other is as serious about proper food storage and off-grid survival training as you are?

Your current preparations and vision of the future can be misunderstood. It can easily become a very uncomfortable, if not impossible, subject to bring up on a first date.

Thankfully, I have stumbled across a few prepper and survivalist dating sites that take all the hassle out of searching through the endless or profiles. These websites will save you from the stress of how to broach the subject of preparation with your significant other.

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Survivalist Dating Sites

Man finding love from internet using app | Survivalist Dating Sites: Seeking A friend For The End Of The World
With all these dating sites available for every community, it was only a matter of time until the prepper community would have their own. After all, if you spend most of your free outdoors honing your hunting and trapping skills, an asthmatic vegetarian might not be the best match for you.

Survivalist Singles is a site that offers an online dating scene where preppers can find the perfect mate and, in the words of Prepper Dating. “You no longer have to feel like wearing a tinfoil hat, discussing to someone about your need to be prepared.”

Survivalist Singles is by far the largest and the only prepper dating site left after and PrepperDating terminated their services.

This site lets preppers seek out individuals or groups for commune living. One of the few downsides to these sites is you can't search by skill.

If you're trying to find the perfect partner, you would want to find one with skills that compliment your own. I guess that could be the topic to bring up on your first date. and PrepperDating used to be free no pay dating sites with no plans on becoming a paid service, but the owner of Survivalist Singles is planning to eventually charge a $5.00 monthly membership fee and is even considering changing the slogan to, “Find love for less than the price of a box of bullets,” to draw in paying members.

For the growing movement of female preppers that may be interested in finding a man, the site is a dating goldmine. Survivalist Singles currently host about 4000 members, of which, 2900 are men and 1100 are women.

This is a huge difference against, which has a roughly even split between men and women.

These niche sites also allow you to search for your mate without having to troll through the endless ads that are often very discouraging and nearly impossible to find a good match.

Meet People in My Area

Another great site for finding like-minded people is

Meetup has become a booming success in cities all over the country and because you can search for specifically the genre or niche of your interest. It is also very easy to navigate to exactly the groups you want to join.

While Meetup is not specifically designed to find a mate, it is still a great place to start looking. It can also help you to create a community of other survival oriented people that in a crisis can bond together to help get through just about anything.

With the ability to search a radius as small as two miles and as large as the globe, you should be able to find a meetup group to suit your needs.

Searching for survival groups in my city using the search term “survival” brings up 17 groups within a 25-mile radius that range from homesteading to permaculture to urban survival.

With all of these websites currently available for free, you should have no excuse to survive what may come alone.

Want to get some knowledge about meeting other preppers? Check out this video by City Prepping:

These survivalist dating websites are bringing unique opportunities for preppers to also prep for companionship after a global disaster. A lot of people who don't have the same interest for doomsday prepping will find it odd, but many will also be looking forward to being part of this growing community.

Would you be interested in joining an online preppers' dating site? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below!


Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on February 14, 2013, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

19 Responses to :
Survivalist Dating Sites: Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World

  1. Carol says:

    I like your new site and congratulate you for your effort to start it. I like this article and hope it helps me. I am a widow who totally believes that preparedness is necessary. A lot of my family will let me talk but have done little to nothing to prepare. I realize that I will not be able to survive more than a few weeks, perhaps months alone so I hope these sites you recommend will help me find a partner and perhaps some friends who would like to prepare together. Thank you.

    1. Joe says:

      Hello Carol,
      Thank you for your comment, I hope that you can find these sites useful and look forward to hearing from you.

  2. JJM says:

    Well done and needed info. As a widower, my sons and friends have provided (nearly) enough companionship without extreme compromising and thus so far I have neglected attempts to find a new mate. This gives me the tools to locate others with some similar interests.
    Best wishes from Houston.

    1. David says:

      like your articles, will be loking into them, always felt like I was “wearing foil hat “when you talk about being prepared to a new friend , maybe these sites will be different thank you

      1. Magnus says:

        My foil hat is a hurricane grade roof and fully shuttered house and 6 months of food and ammo to protect it

  3. Lee says:

    Hi. I just found this site today & am looking forward to making it a “daily” read. You’ve made me aware of a need that I knew I had but so far have not pursued yet. This is a great concept & I applaud you for it !
    Thanks much,


  4. richard1941 says:

    In my case it is virtually impossible to find a person that shares my faith, as I am of a widely hated and persecuted minority faith. And matters of faith are not subject to any amount of argument, mediation, reason, or repair. If you are a skeptic, don’t date a homeopathic practitioner! Differences of race are nothing; differences in age are nothing (if the woman is much younger than me); differences in faith are absolute barriers.

    So I’ll have to keep the wife I presently have. She complements me with “you are the second worst husband I have ever had”.

    On the other hand, sometimes I dream of the perfect mate. She is half my age, eye-poppin’ pretty, eager for children, has an advanced degree in math or engineering, is a virtuoso on flute (not violin like my wife), loves to play with handheld calculators, and is skilled at polishing telescope optics to a perfect figure. And she will learn to operate my sailboat, get a license for my ham radio, cook middle eastern like my grandma, and sit quietly when I am driving and not shriek in horror every time another car changes lanes. No smoking, drinking, drugs, fat, tattoos, or nose rings please. And she can live without football, boxing, tomatoes, pineapple, Bob Dylan, Hollywood celebrity news, or pig meat.

    If you want a successful marriage, be prepared to deal with less than perfect. Nothing impairs survival worse than divorce. Maybe the Stepford wives are a good idea. ***

    *** some of the above is for entertainment value only, and if my wife spots this posting, I advise her that it is not to be taken seriously!

  5. Glen says:

    Great site, have had no luck finding friends that think on the same page as me hope to meet some here

    1. Lois Gebhart says:

      I am divorced & live alone with my 2 furry critters, my only worry is having a bad back. I have two grown sons with the oldest is getting prepared with some of the basics. He & his wife have the firepower & determination. I have my own small handgun with supplies. If things get bad quickly I have a ground hog under my house that would make a fine meal.

  6. Galt says:

    Well, survivalistsingles just posted the following, unfortunately, and predictably, following Craigslist recent move to delete their Personals category :due to this insane gov’t action. Hopefully an offshore/ private club contract can be devised as a work around, and that there are legal minds who can help with that:

    “Legislation and Legal Action
    April 11, 2018 Leave a comment
    Hello all,

    With the new laws sneaking in and making platforms responsible for anything private citizens do, I am not willing to put myself or family at risk.

    I very much want to provide this free service for you. If I can do so without such great risk I will. Until then or unless I move to another country, currently, I cannot.

    If you know a legal way around this, feel free to contact me.”

    1. magnusfl says:

      sadly crags list was a very crappy place to find a girl as the most of them were prostitutes but the stupid law realty has hurt people find there partner and has not helped any one

  7. Emilious Tarr says:

    Kwink says:

    “Sadly, We’re Shutting Down!

    The time has come to throw in the towel. We are no longer accepting members but wish you the best in your search for a partner. Thanks for visiting!

    We will be creating a brand spank’n new website soon! Submit your email to be updated on the progress.”

    Prepperdating just returns an HTML 500 error,

    “This page isn’t working redirected you too many times.
    Try clearing your cookies.

  8. Brittani says:

    Hi there! I’m the owner of Survivalist Singles. I just wanted to say that I am not charging for membership. The site is free!
    We do have a shop to build revenue but that is optional.
    We are more than a dating site, a site for critical thinkers. JOIN us today!

    1. Renee says:

      Still accepting new members?

  9. Diana says:

    Yes, a dating site is a great idea.

  10. Cyndi Holyfield says:

    Yes PLEASE

  11. Offgridsingle says:

    Download the clover dating app.
    I have just created a forum in the app called: Off Grid / Preppers / Survivalist singles. Join the forum once you create a profile on the app.

  12. Amanda says:

    Throwing this comment out there to see if I can make a new prepper friend. I live alone in a small town in mid-Michigan. I set up two local “meet-ups” in my area, but everyone was 25 to 30 years old and nothing ever came of it. I am hoping to meet people closer to my age (mid-40’s to 50) so we can compare SHTF notes and joke about our arthritis pain in the morning!

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