Taurus faced trouble when a long list of their guns, made from 1997 to 2003, had trouble firing. The company faced a class-action lawsuit that paved the way for a massive recall of its products.
Get the 411 on the Taurus firearms recall here so you can take the necessary steps in case you own one!
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What You Need to Know About the Taurus Firearms Recall
1. The Taurus Pistols
You either love 'em or you hate 'em, but Taurus pistols have been around for a while now. They always come under fire for making junk semi-autos that do not perform when they should, though.
They're no Walther PPK. Unless you've been living on Mars, you and most gun owners know that Taurus got dragged into court a lot a few years ago with many a class-action lawsuit.

They have recalled many of their dangerous guns that don't always go bang when they should as well as their firearms that sometimes DO go bang when they should not.
This article explains what you need to know about the Taurus pistol recall.
2. Taurus Pistols Recalled
Unfortunately, at the time of our original post, Taurus Guns' Facebook, Twitter, and website did not have any information about this voluntary million-gun recall.
There is a Taurus recall forum and a Taurus firearms recall website though, from which you can get the latest update on the Taurus firearms recall status.
The recall included nine of their more popular handgun models manufactured between 1997-2013, namely:
- Taurus PT 111 Millennium
- Taurus PT-132 Millennium
- Taurus PT-138-Millennium
- Taurus PT-140 Millennium
- Taurus PT-145 Millennium
- Taurus PT-745 Millennium
- Taurus PT-609
- Taurus PT-640
- Taurus PT-24/7
Once the recall period for the pistols started in the fall of 2015, all transactions were held by a third party, rather than Taurus.
3. Why Does This Matter?
No doubt, this was a big blow to the ailing gun manufacturer who just can't seem to get their act together in producing decent and reliable semi-automatic pistols.

Free Wind 2014 / Shutterstock.com
What Is A Semi-Automatic Pistol? It is a pistol that fires a bullet with each trigger pull, then prepares another discharge right after.
At the time, some have estimated the total cost for the company to be somewhere near the 50 million dollar mark.
That is, once the recall is over and everyone, including attorneys, has been paid. While a settlement is nice and all, not everyone got covered by this.
RELATED: Handgun Reviews: The Taurus PT92
4. Woes of a Company with a Lawsuit
To make matters even worse for them, why would anyone want to buy a gun from a company with a class-action lawsuit, that needs to recall that many Taurus pistols? I know many law enforcement officials who chose Taurus firearms.
Imagine what they would say if they heard about the settlement Taurus is providing for their faulty firearms. Oh, I know why.
Because, even though they “voluntarily” recalled almost a million firearms, Taurus said that the pistols on that list didn't have any defects…
You know, because those accidental discharges that could have killed someone don't mean squat. And because companies recall products without defects all the time.
A trigger that fires when you don't hold it is a really dangerous thing. Handgun models are not supposed to work like that.
5. Public Apology in Order
Taurus, I have a novel idea that goes something like this: Admit that your Taurus pistols were faulty, then apologize for it and let the gun community at large know how very sorry you are.

FESTUS_BSQRT / Shutterstock.com
Also, let us know that a Taurus pistol recall will never happen again. Don't say that the guns didn't have any issues when it is apparent that at least some of them did.
If a gun fires the trigger by itself, there's something inherently wrong with your production.
Bonus: Our Suggestion
Will you lose some customers along the way? Sure!
But, at least you'll save face with the unforgiving gun community. Then, after you've made a better product, prove it to us by sending them out for gun review.
After a while, you'll be able to gain back some of the customers you've lost, while gaining new ones once you make a superior product. You can't rely on a settlement after settlement alone because that is a bad business practice.
This story first broke somewhere else, first. Here is the link to that original story on the Taurus firearms recall. Make sure you read it because they covered some details that I left out.
For more information on the Taurus firearms recall, here's a video from Stout Sportsmen:
In the end, all we want is a reliable gun for self-defense from a company that won't lie to us and tells us one thing, when the facts show otherwise. Safety is an important factor that consumers consider for certain firearms.
When you're ready, Taurus Handguns, I'll be here. Ready to write up your first gun review.

How do you feel about the Taurus firearms recall? Let us know in the comments section below.
Up Next:
- 36 Best Handguns You Will Ever Need
- How To Clean A 9mm Pistol
- Are Pistol Sights Actually Useful For Self-Defense?
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Editor's Note: This post was first published on April 17, 2018, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
OK, what’s the information on the recall? What has gone wrong, and please provide details and/or proof. It’s not that I don’t believe you, but I own one of the firearms listed above, have put several hundred, possibly thousands of rounds through it, and have never had an issue of any kind with the firearm. Therefore, if there is a recall pending and the manufacturer isn’t putting anything out about it, it seems to me to be nothing more than speculation or possibly libelous accusations without some sort of proof to go along with them. Just a thought
Agree! Sounds like Taurus may be trying to head off a liability suit brought on by a cranky former owner with a “bee in their bonnet.” Maybe the recall will be cheaper in the long run than whatever the pay off in a lawsuit would have been. And there are probably many other owners like you without any problems who will never return their firearms, because they don’t see a problem with their firearm. I also own Taurus, and love my gun. Never had any issues with it, and won’t be sending it back. And I also agree, there’s not much “meat” in this article. Probably comes from youthful inexperience as a writer.
Not sure how this will in fact hit Taurus for $50 mil, thats a bit steep, even if 1 million guns are involved. If Taurus does spend that, on 1 million guns, thats only $50 per gun avg. It wont bankrupt them, and not everyone of the guns recalled will make it in to be recalled. Probably lucky if 75% over 2-3 yrs make it in. doubt it will ever hit 100%. But, again, with the Gun Lobby trying their damndest to kill gun manufacturers in this country ( what then, our Armed Forces will carry Swedish and German weapons only?? thats flipping patriotic )., I wouldnt put it past someone being paid to sue Taurus..be right up the Lefts alley.
If they f***ed up on this many models, they need to go the way of the AMC Pacer.
Pacers were awesome!
I would like to know the complete list as I have two Taurus guns. A PT-92 and a PT-908. Never had a problem. Granted I have not shot that many rounds through ANY of my guns. I need not see why I should. Only about 100 rounds in any of them and I have many. Then cleaned and lubed them and put them away. So who will send us list or will we be notified by Taurus?? I have moved many times over the years since purchasing my guns. So how would ANY of the manufactures know how to contact me?? Been buying guns for over 45 years now.
I have owned Taurus firearms for many years and they have always worked fine with zero problems. Now I understand that as I am someone that respects firearms and takes good care of them if the firearm is maintained properly the chances of a malfunction drops dramatically. My latest Taurus is a 24/7 PRO DS in .45 cal. I carry this firearm all the time as my concealed weapon of choice. I do so because it is accurate, fires a .45, carries 12+1 rounds, and has always fired when I asked it to with zero malfunctions. Another Reason I like this weapon is because it has a second strike capability which means that should the round fail to fire the first time I can simply pull the trigger again and the firing pin will strike the primer again hopefully making the gun go bang. Additionally this firearm has a ‘decocker’ which means that I can use this function to relieve the compression on the firing pin spring and it is safe to carry one in the chamber without the possibility of an accidental discharge. All I need to do to bring my weapon into action is flip off the safety with my right thumb and pull the trigger as this firearm is capable of double action. When it goes bang it is now in single action mode and even more accurate than before. Bottom line, I think it is a damn fine firearm. I might add that I am a retired Police Officer AND was on the Department Police Pistol Team and still shoot NRA Expert.
I love mine, no problems yet, had a few jams at the range, but after a good cleaning, it worked well. This Firearm was made for tactical use and looks and feels great in my hands. I never considered concealing this and carrying it, mainly because I heard of this accidental discharge recall, I’ve also seen YT videos of it firing by someone shaking it in their hands. This is my home defense weapon, 12+1 Defendtek DTm2 Laser/Light.
What holster do you use?
I bought at PT140 G2 Dec 2015, 2015 production model. After 29 shots the trigger safety broke. I notice others have had the same problem. Taurus has the gun for 7 weeks now and thier customer service indiicates parts on order. They also indicated looking into this issue for possible defect. I guess my gun is outside of the recall production date ending 2013.
To be honest I’m disapointed with thier customer service and concerned about the quality of this gun. I wish I would have gone with another manufacture. Are you aware of others with a simalar defect.
I have had Taurus pistols all my life all different kinds over the yrs.I finally settled on keeping my pt 92afs and a pt 111 g2.Both have been flawless in operation…I have had friends who have had glocks n sigs and had sent them off several times for repair for one reason or another.i think glock had a issue with ejecting and the sig a trigger problem..but my cheaper tauruses hasn’t been sent or broke yet..and they have been shot just as much as theirs…so enough of you glock n sig guys bashing Taurus owners….
Do not return your pistol to Taurus. I made that mistake. Ten months ago, I returned it for inspection/warranty repair and they kept the pistol. They said that I will get a free replacement, but all replacements are on backorder. They will not say when the backorder may end. They will not issue a credit so that you can purchase a different pistol. My guess is that they will declare bankruptcy and I’ll get nothing, but if I someday get a replacement I will immediately trade it in for a Glock.
As of 6/20/16 the so called “Taurus Recall” has not resulted in one pistol being taken back for repair, replacement, or re purchase. If you contact Taurus they just read a script to go to the Cartersettlement website and follow instructions. At that website the only instructions are to fill out an online form and leave your information. Taurus is dodging this recall by constantly pushing the Final Court Settlement date off into the future. Taurus will not take the guns back even though the settlement declares under the Enhanced Warranty they must take them back without any claim and without any cost to the owner. The only people making out on this bogus recall are the attorneys. Even if this ever gets in gear to start taking back guns, the time limit for them deciding what to do means you may never get a gun back, because they will not return your gun. Buy quality guns from companies like Ruger, Smith, Glock, Sig, etc…. If you want a cheap gun buy a used Ruger instead of a crappy Taurus.
I Have a Taurus .45 that is on recall. This will discharge on its own and has several times. I an glad that no one was injured when this was Happening.
I have E-Mailed Taurus with no Response at all…and when called ,,they give the runaround..
I Think Maybe we won’t see any action on this Recall.
Wow, Gus, that’s horrible. I’m also glad nobody was hurt. I’ll see if I can do some digging and see what I can find out.
I also have a 145 millinum that blew apart in my hand blew it to peices including the slide busting my shooting glasses and knoocked me out cold this was on my third mag after having the thing only a day and a half it is in no way repairable the lower it self is several pieces all get is a run around from Taurus they it’s all being handled by a third party is there anybody out there who knows a phone number I can call to try and get a refund or replacement not that I want another one but would some kind of something I sure can use the help thank you please e-mail me with a number maybe will help
Has the Mlllenium 111G2 been recalled?
Bought a new 24/7 about six mo. past. Now have found it to be on recall. Took it back to the dealer for a refund. He refused, said it was on recall and he couldn’t sell it.
The damned thing was on recall when he sold it to me. How legal is this.
People please…I’ve owned my 45 Taurus for 2 yrs. now. When I first bought it; I blew thru 3 > 10 round clips just as fast as I could change them out…with the barrel smoking that bad boy looked at me and said: pfft…Is that all you got?
It’s compact design and its ability to deliver with an attitude makes it my go to wepon when it comes to protection. Truly has the capability to put fear in it’s competition. Still have reservations? …waste you money like I did; try and melt that barrel…I’ll be here to tell you I told you so.
I have a mil g2, flawless! Great gun!!!
Has the Class Action Suit regarding the PT-140 pistol been resolved and may I have information on when and to whom I may send my pistol for replacement?
I am told the CLASS ACTION SUIT has been DISMISSED! IS THIS TRUE AND IF SO “WHY”? IF SO I WILL NEVER AGAIN PURCHASE ANY TAURUS PRODUCT. I respectfully ask for clarification / verification as to TAURUS being able to get said CLASS ACTION SUIT DISMISSED.
Donald Robertson
I spoke to a couple of guys who sent theirs in to be “repaired” 6-9 months ago & still haven’t got them back. I have a PT111 & PT145 & they’re great guns. Never had any complaints, but I put them away because of the drop-discharge issue.
I bought a pt111 to get it away from my irresponsible brother. I figured I could use it for the range. I would never carry a poor quality gun for self defense. The damn thing couldn’t even fill the position of plinker. Misfires, stovepiping and jams were very reliable. Every third pull was a dud. It makes no sense to save a hundred bucks and risk your life. Its 4 3 17 and I want at least another gun I can plink with or partially swap for a real weapon. Any updates on when this might happen?
My PT 111 Gen 2 is awesome (note the “GEN 2”)….it’s very well made, feels great in the hand, decent trigger, no cycling problems or FTEs, great mag capacity, and great price. I couldn’t be happier with it.
Not a chance I’d send in any of my handguns. From the list I own a PT145 Millennium PRO (2010), a 24/7 OSS DS .40 (2011), and a 1st gen PT111 Millennium (made in 2008). So if I send them in they “might” fix them or replace. Hmm, can’t replace the 24/7 OSS, they don’t make them or anything like them anymore. Don’t want $200 for it, it’s worth much more. Can’t replace my PT111 either, no longer being made. Already have the new G2. There is no .45 auto Millennium anymore, just he 24/7 compact. Sounds like a cluster for Taurus and owners who decide to send their pistols back. I’ll pass. Never had any issues with any of mine. And YES, I actually did drop my PT111 from above my head and it was loaded. I don’t carry either of my Millenniums from the list but have plenty in the past. Now carry my Millennium G2 PT111, Slim 709, or Ruger SRC40.
The day I dropped my PT111 I was getting it down off an overhead shelf in a closet and the IWB holster caught on something and the gun kept coming. It went down at least 7 feet and hit the floor (carpet). Didn’t go off. This was years ago before this recall was ever posted. The 1st gen PT111 is a TRUE double action only pistol though. Not sure how it could fire when dropped. Maybe that particular gun isn’t on the list although it’s in between the years of manufacturing listed.
Also, if I sent them in, how long before I get them back or the “replacement”? And again, $200 won’t cover the cost to replace. Not going to do it. Is the OSS even on the list?? Vague list. I kind of doubt it since the OSS was made for military use but obviously never made it that far. But who knows.
The story I read about a police officer running and dropping his PT140 sounds corny. So the gun discharged when it hit the ground with the safety on?? What officer carries a PT140? AND, what officer carries a pistol with a SAFETY?? Not to mention a safety that was in the ON position. As someone who has carried for over 15 years and worked private armed security, YOU NEVER CARRY with the safety ON. Makes no sense. I was trained this way by ex military and ex cops. Best to carry a pistol with no safety at all.
Never had any issue with my pro 24/7 in 8 years. Fires every trigger pull and never an “oopsie”.
Same here, have fired hundreds of rounds thru mine and never a hiccup. I’ll keep mine. Ive been shooting Taurus for 20+ years and never a problem with one.
When the magazine release fell out of my PT 112 G2 going on 6 months ago the customer service has continued to tell me the parts are on back order. No parts as of this date 7/11/17. Has anyone else experienced this issue. Poor business practices at best. Would recommend doing business with a different manufacture.
As a new buyer, reading a two year old article….I STILL won’t be putting Taurus on my short list to buy when my HQL arrives in a few days!
I have a 357 rossi that the frame is cracked in 3 places can`t get nothing done
I have a Taurus PT92AF early version without the drop hammer from the 80s, Have shot very few rounds through it but the sear broke many years ago so it will not half cock or full cock. I am now trying to find the sear due to the present societal atmosphere, I’m wanting to carry again. I’m not sure if the safety will prevent it from firing but it does stop the slide from moving back.
own 4 taurus,they r as good as any other gun i own, this articel sounds just like from a guy who paid to much for his kimber and cant tell his wife about it, blah blah blah
I purchased a Stainless Taurus 24/7 G2C in 9mm several years ago. I considered it a great firearm and shot several hundred rounds through it at the range. One day I was firing the gun and the spring and guide rod came through the frame rendering the gun useless. I sent it back and Taurus did replace it with a G2C in stainless. I thought I would be receiving the same gun however, it was the modified PT111 G2C which was about 1/2 the purchase price of the original gun. They also failed to send my case and magazines back with the exchange. There was no mention of a recall or clear communication that I would not be receiving the same gun. Somewhat deceptive way of honoring your warranty but after reading the reviews I believe the new G2C to be a better firearm. Still not sure I would stake my life on it. Probably just be a plinking gun or a bartering tool down the road.
I have the PT609 Pro 9mm. I didn’t know anything about the lawsuit or recall. I purchased mine in 2014 at Academy. Haven’t had any issues and it’s been my Carrying Gun for the past year. To find out it can go off at anytime is a little scary. I doubt it will happen to mine, but I’m sure the person it happened to thought the same thing.
I just called Taurus just now. (Aug 5th, 2020) and I need to send them my PT609 Pro Fed Ex 2 day which will cost me $32 and they are going to send me a G2C 9mm to a dealer near me at no charge.
At least years after I had to file for the lawsuit (which I didn’t k kw about) Taurus is still going to take care of it. Granted, it’s not as good of a gun, but at least it’s something that seems to have a good reputation.
My carry gun tomorrow is going to be a Glock 43X and I’ll tinker with the G2C when it comes. Better then nothing so I can’t complain under the circumstances.
Good luck on getting another one. I sent my PT111 in three months ago per their request for replacement. Haven’t heard another thing from them. I’ve called three times and emailed them once. They advised me that they only get a few guns per week for replacement and have no idea how long it will take for my replacement. If that’s the case, by the time they get around to replacing mine I’ll be dead. What really pisses me off is that this is my one and only home protection pistol and they don’t care in the least that they are leaving me and my wife vulnerable. I’m retired and on a fixed income and can’t afford to just go out and drop hundreds of dollars on a new gun. At this point I feel as if they have confiscated my gun.
What good is a lifetime warranty if it takes a lifetime to get your gun and or replacement back.
Sounds like they may need another class action suit.
I sent 2 pt111 guns back to Taurus and they paid for the shipping both ways but the 2 replacement G2C’s had to be shipped to a FFL . Cost me $25 transfer fee but the turnaround time was less than a month.
How did you get back so fast???
Dude…go back on your meds! Seriously
You are the reason people want to take our guns. No logic whatsoever!
Shit company. Save your money. Look at all the other brands…
Who, what and where do you contact to get a replacement gun. I have a PT111. Never had a problem with it but the drip discharge makes it too dangerous to carry. How long does it take to get a replacement?
I’ve owned one if these pistols for years and put thousands of rounds thru it and it has been flawless and still is, the main reason for the recall was firing while the safety was engaged but the only way they would do that was if you pulled the slack in trigger back and engage the safety the when you let up on the trigger it won’t go all the way forward to reset so pull it again all the way and (bang) with safety engaged, but seriously what idiot would pull slack out of a trigger while engaging safety, Taurus said they were nothing wrong with and I agree whole heartedly.
Bingo. Frankly when these folks send their guns in Taurus should keep them cause I wouldn’t trust them with a firearm next to me on a firing range or anywhere else for that matter.
I have a mil pro pt145 bought it in 01 or 02. Been carrying it for almost 20 yrs now. I have dropped it several times loaded with 1 in the chamber, never went off. Did jamb up (naturally) but never an issue with unintentional discharges. Always goes bang when I tell it to. Sent it back once within a yr or so of owning for a spring issue, and mag release issue. They fixed both took 6-8 wks. Someone advised me to tell them that it was my only carry piece (which wasn’t a lie) and asked them to act quickly. Which they did
Is this one of those deals where someone drops the gun and it either fires then or maybe later when it’s dropped again.
Yeah that’s not good but still can you really expect to drop stuff and not have something break?
There’s a couple other firearms besides taurus out there that had similar problems after being dropped.
i’ve owned at least one and don’t really have any intention of going thru the real hassle of returning and then receiving the firearm back from repair or replacement. Why? because after reading the directions, I saw some glaring omissions and also its tricky sending firearms by certain companies and since the gun has not misfired or given me even a hint of something wrong I see no purpose just because a couple had problems after being abused.
I have a G2C manufactured in Jan 2021, purchased on march 1 2021. I have fired less than 500 rounds at target practice since purchasing it. This past Sunday July.18 2021 while at the range and after first clip of 15 rounds rapid fire, the gun failed to fire, trigger had 0 resistance, tried again same thing, next pull was normal 4- 5 lbs resistance and it fired. Tried again and it failed again but after 2 to 3 seconds it fired on its own. As I kept it pointed down range at all times no one was injured. I was able to duplicate both the miss fire and self discharge again, so I safe milkthe gun. Once I got home I was able and am able to duplicate the failures numerous times. I contact Taurus Monday morning and they ask me to pay shipping cost to look at the gun and warranty it. I will contact a local gunship today.