Do you know how to secure a hunting license in Texas? If you're new to hunting, read on to learn the Texas hunting license and hunters' ed course requirements from the state. Texas is home to different types of feral hogs and even white-tailed deer. These are, by far, a couple of the most popular game in the US. But if you want to hunt or trap these animals, you're gonna have to secure a hunting license from the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department!
An Overview Of Texas Hunting License and Hunter Education Requirements
Before you can go out to hunt or trap wild game in Texas, there are certain requirements you need to have such as a Texas hunting license. It is equally important to know what you're doing on the field that's why every hunter is required to take a hunter education course as well. Find out what you need to secure to have a Texas hunting license with this list of tips!

Age Limit
9 years old is the youngest age for someone to secure a Texas hunting license. Assuming you're a hunter and you want your little kid to have a hunting license, the primary hunting education he'll get is from you so you better teach the best practices to your son!
Hunter Education Training Course
All hunters born on or after Sept. 2, 1971, are required to take hunter's ed once you pass the age limit. Otherwise, you're only allowed to hunt while accompanied by a licensed hunter of proper age, i.e. 17 years above.
Bowhunter Education
A certificate indicating that you completed a bowhunter education course is required when bowhunting in Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge, Pottsboro and Camp Bullis, San Antonio.
Tip: Take note that bowhunter education is different and cannot be substituted in lieu of hunter's ed!

Lifetime License
Every year or so, you're required to renew the license that the state provided you. If you're a resident, however, you're eligible to apply for a lifetime hunting license. Isn't that just awesome?
Online Classes
Most of the government issued certificates and licenses can now be processed online. This goes for hunters ed as well! You can apply for a hunter education course and learn all about it through the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department website!
Hunter Orange
Once you've finally acquired your license, you're required to wear a blaze orange vest and cap totaling 144 inches showing on your head, front, and back of your chest.

Watch this video from Texas Parks and Wildlife to help you avoid hunting violations :
Learning the ways of hunting safety is advantageous to the existence of the sport. An educated hunter reduces the risk of hunting accidents while on the field. So go and get educated, secure a license, and have a happy hunting trip in Texas!
Click here for more hunting tips!
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No Free Man Shall Ever Be Debarred The Use Of Arms ~ Jefferson