Prepping Tips That Nobody Talks About

November 30, 2013 / Comments (3)


uncommon prepping tips

In studying everything I can out there, I have noticed a few things that a lot of preppers have not thought about or don’t mention enough. If a major SHTF situation occurs we won’t just be set back a hundred years, we will be set back to a time when basic trade of staple foods and other crucial items will be gone for many years. We also might want to rethink a few things we want to acquire for one reason or another. Here is a list everyone might want to think about.


Do we really want to invest in HAM or CB radio? Even short distance communications? The easiest way for our enemy to find us is by triangulating our position. That mean it puts us and our families at risk every time we break radio silence. We might have a list of reasons we need them for communication and security. I say base your use of radios on what type of situation exists. If it is a natural disaster, like a tornado, sure use them. If I knew it was a situation where the government was coming after your guns or foreign troops were on American soil, You might have to forget about using it for communication.

Note: You can use it to monitor and get news from other people broadcasting, but don’t touch that com switch.


Now I have seen where salt as a staple has been mentioned and that is great. But what if you didn’t store enough? if you live inland even 20 or 30 miles from a source of saltwater how are you going to get restocked. I know there are salt domes and othernatural sources for salt, but who knows where they are located? If you don’t have salt how do you prep your meat or animal hides. How do you season your food? So put it on your list as an item to get large quantities of for multiple uses. I would suggest getting salt from your local feed and seed that is used for cattle. It is cheaper per pound and it can be used for non food projects. Some people say it is totally edible so use your own judgement.
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Canning Lids

Unless I have missed it, no one had addressed the issue of mason jar lids that are not reusable. If all you have, after the first few years, is spent lids you are going to have trouble canning anything. You can have the prettiest garden in the world and it won’t do you a bit of good if you can’t store it. You have to realize that even great grandmas could go to the general store and buy certain things. The difference will be that you will not have that option. How long? Only God knows.


Want to learn more about prepping? Check out these related posts.

Effective Urban Prepping

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Prepping Tips That Nobody Talks About

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