Venomous Snakes Of North America

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Get Familiar with the Venomous Snakes of North America

It's crucial to know how to handle an encounter with a venomous snake—or better yet, how to avoid one altogether!

RELATED: Snake Bite Survival

Venomous Snakes: The Most Dangerous Snakes in America

Rattlesnakes | Venomous Snakes

Rattlesnakes fall under the subfamily of pit vipers, and they're among the most venomous snakes you'll encounter in the U.S.

1. Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake


This formidable rattler roams the southeastern regions of the United States, spanning southeast North Carolina to the Florida Keys and as far west as southern Mississippi and eastern Louisiana. The Eastern Diamondback can grow up to 96 inches long, making it the largest rattlesnake and one of the most dangerous snakes in North America.

2. Timber Rattlesnake


Commonly found in the eastern U.S., excluding the furthest northern regions, the Timber Rattlesnake can reach a length of about 75 inches. This snake favors remote wooded hillsides and swampy areas for its habitat.

3. Mojave Rattlesnake


Renowned as the most venomous rattlesnake globally, the Mojave Rattlesnake is found in the southeastern U.S., particularly in southern Nevada, southern California, and southwest Utah. It typically grows to about 51 inches in length and is often found in desert environments.

4. Western Diamondback Rattlesnake

The Western Diamondback thrives in the southwestern regions of the U.S., ranging from southeastern California to central Arkansas. These snakes average about 84 inches and prefer arid areas like rocky canyons and foothills.

5. Speckled Rattlesnake


Encounters with the speckled rattlesnake are common in the deserts of the southwestern U.S., where it grows to about 52 inches. This snake is often found in rugged rocky terrain and is active during the day in spring and fall.

6. Pygmy Rattlesnake


The pygmy rattlesnake is smaller, ranging from 15-31 inches long, and can be found from eastern North Carolina to the Florida Keys.

RELATED: One Quick, Simple, & Dirty Way To Deal With Snakes

7. Massasauga


The massasauga sports nine enlarged scales on its head and resides from northwest Pennsylvania to eastern Iowa and southwest Texas. This rattlesnake can often be found in dry woodlands and rocky hillsides.

8. Sidewinder


Primarily found in the desert regions of the southwestern U.S., the sidewinder rattlesnake reaches about 33 inches and utilizes a unique motion called “sidewinding” to navigate soft, sandy terrain.

9. Black-Tailed Rattlesnake


The black-tailed rattlesnake is 28-49 inches long and is the least venomous of its kind. It often inhabits rocky mountainous areas from Arizona to central Texas.

10. Tiger Rattlesnake


Another highly venomous pit viper, the tiger rattlesnake measures between 20-36 inches. They prefer arid rocky foothills and canyons in Arizona and Sonora, Mexico.

Other Venomous Snakes

11. Cottonmouth


You will find cottonmouth snakes in the southeastern regions of the United States. This snake mainly resides in southern Missouri to south-central Oklahoma and central Texas. At about 75″, it is a very dangerous and aggressive snake indeed.

12. Copperhead


The Eastern Copperhead roams the southeastern region of the United States, from east Texas to eastern Oklahoma. At 53″ long, copperhead snakes prefer wooded hillsides with rock outcrops above streams or ponds.

13. Western Coral Snake


Western coral snakes prefer rocky areas and plains to lower mountain slopes. But, they are also found in the rocky upland desert in arroyos and river bottoms. The Western coral snake ranges from central Arizona to southwest New Mexico, south to Mexico.

Do not confuse this poisonous snake with other harmless snake look-a-likes, like the milk snake. The coral snake has adjacent red and yellow bands.

14. Eastern Coral Snake


This beautiful snake ranges from southeast North Carolina to south Florida (including the Florida Keys) and west to south Texas. At about 48″ long, they pack a dangerous, even deadly venom in their tiny fangs. It prefers moist, densely vegetated hammocks near ponds or streams in hardwood forests, pine Flatwoods, rocky hillsides, and canyons.

15. Texas Coral Snake


Texas coral snakes prefer ponds or streams in hardwood forests, pine Flatwoods, rocky hillsides, and canyons. Remember this saying, “Red and yellow can kill a fellow, but red and black is a friend of Jack.”

This video from Tech Insider will show you how to survive a snake bite:

While the chances of dying from a snake bite are nearly zero, avoid placing yourself at risk. Antivenoms and immediate medical attention make a difference, but snake bites can still be painful and dangerous. Armed with knowledge about venomous snakes in North America, you elevate your chances of survival.

Have you encountered any of these venomous snakes before? Share your survival experience in the comments!

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***Disclaimer: The contents of this article are for informational purposes only. Please read our full disclaimer.***

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on February 26, 2016, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

11 Responses to :
Venomous Snakes Of North America

  1. Kenji says:

    Your listed range for the cottonmouth is incorrect. It is very common in most of the Southeastern states.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Just a typo error in your comments on the Mojave rattlesnake….you mentioned the range was I=southeastern U.S. and I assume you meant “southwestern”

  3. adam David chura says:

    I have recently caught a timber Rattlesnake in Glendale pa on route 53. We saved him from the road and released him in the woods nearby. If anyone wants to see the video its on my you tube page. Adam chura on YouTube. Feel free to check it out and also like and subscribe

  4. Diane says:

    One snake that wasn’t mentioned is the Pacific rattler. It ranges in Northern CA. It is the only rattler in N CA. Each rattler has its own specific rattle sound. The Mojave is probably the Mojave green. Arizona has 11 species of rattle snakes. S. CA has seven. Most have venom B. The Mohave Green has venom A. There have been some snakes in S CA that have had both, so interbreeding has occurred. Venom A is a neurotoxin. B is hemotoxin.

  5. leo says:

    The photograph you have posted under Werstern Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotaluis atrox), is not a rattlesnake. It is a Sonoran gopher snake (Pitupophis catenifer), a non venomous and beneficial rodent destroying machine. If you see this snake, please do no harm to it- it is harmless!! Shame on you guys for not knowing better- this is basic amateur level stuff! Note round pupils and no apical pits.

  6. leo says:

    Also, the most venomous rattlesnake in the world is Crotalus durrissus, the Cacavel, of South America.

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