Here's A Video Detailing How To Load Rifle Magazines

how to load a rifle magazine

Resident firearms instructor, Eve Flanigan, decided that it'd be a good idea for you to know how to load your magazines. We agree, and asked her to put this short video together showing those of you who don't already know how to load a rifle magazine, so that you could learn. As usual, this is not meant to take the place of in-person training, and you should always seek out a qualified instructor who actually knows what they're doing. Finding someone who is certified by a third party agency will only help you get better, as you continue on in your firearms education.
Give the below video a look, and try to practice loading your rifle magazines at home. That way, when you get to the range, you'll be a seasoned pro at it. If you have any questions, or would like to learn something from one of us, make sure you ask in the comments below. Anyway, here's the video:

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