WEIRD NEWS: Drunk Cowboy Says “Horse Knows the Way Home”

WEIRD NEWS: Drunk Cowboy Says "Horse Knows the Way Home"

June 1, 2023 / Comments (0)


WEIRD NEWS: Drunk Cowboy Says “Horse Knows the Way Home”

Jake Williams said he was too drunk to drive home from a daiquiri shop where he stopped earlier in the day. He had been driving a truck and horse trailer but decided it was safer to ride his horse, Sugar, home.

“I was riding my horse down the side of 16,” Williams explained as he was being issued a ticket for being drunk in public on the side of Highway 16.

A deputy responded to complaints about Williams riding his horse from the bar when she found him. She explained she could not arrest Williams for a DWI offense because he was on a horse, so she ticketed him.

“When you get a little too much to drink, why not ride a horse?” he told reporter Brett Buffington, “It's safer that way. The horse knows the way home.”

Williams eventually got the message, had a family member pick up him and his horse and said he won't do it again.

Click here for the full story and video.

Ah, the things that people do when they're drunk. This report is definitely weird news. It's not easy to act normal when there's just too much alcohol in the body. The alcohol content in your drink can quickly get into your bloodstream and is transported to all places. This will affect your brain and other body tissues.

After drinking wine, beer or any other drink with alcohol content, this toxic chemical stays in your body for a couple of hours. It then makes you feel happy and relaxed but after that you'll be drowsy and confused. All these things take place when you have had too much to drink.

If too much alcohol in the body, the liver will have a hard time breaking it down. The brain is then affected, you lose control of your bodily movements, memory, judgment and speech. This is most probably what happened with the cowboy in today's weird news.

Check out more weird news below:

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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on October 1, 2015, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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