Are prepared for a “snowpocalypse”? Do have all the things you need to survive the piercing cold wind and the freezing rain? A winter storm is no joke especially in this time where abnormal weather behavior is extensively experienced. Summer is getting hotter like we are inches away from the sun and winter, on the other hand, is getting colder like the world is trapped in an ice box.
So with that being said, we compiled all of the best winter storm survival tips, from safe driving tips to power outage tips. Check out the post below to learn more about how to prepare for and survive a winter storm.
Total Whiteout | A Compilation Of Winter Storm Survival Tips
Winter storm can be very unpredictable. They can start from moderate snow but after a few hours, it can turn into a blizzard accompanied by blinding, wind-driven snow that can last for days or even weeks. You can just imagine the outcome if it keeps unleashing its wrath for seven straight days. Although some instances are not severe and affect only a single community, there are still possibilities that a big one –strong enough to affect several states– might hit us due to weather unpredictability.
So I thought I would put together a list of all the tips on our site for surviving a big winter storm. We'll cover everything from keeping your house warm to driving on icy streets – all the things you need to know to survive a winter storm. Check out the list below and be sure to click the links to read more and sharpen your winter storm survival skills.
Winter Storms: How to Stay Warm and Survive
People in the areas affected by these storms are sometimes unable to leave their homes for days or weeks at a time — or worse, they end up trapped in their car on the highway, like many drivers in the Dallas area experienced during last year’s winter storms.

In short, if you’re going to survive a winter storm of this magnitude, you need to be prepared. We’ve had several posts on our site full of survival tips for winter weather. We’ve decided to compile them into one list so that you can have a go-to place for winter storm survival. Read the full article here.
25 Winter Bug Out Essentials
Preparing for a winter bug-out is a necessary thing to do since we do not really know what can happen during this cold and gloomy season. It is best if we are totally prepared. The bug-out items consist of all the necessities one would need in order to survive a disaster for at least 72 hours.
Putting together a winter bug-out kit can be a little tricky. That’s because most of the time, it includes specialized gear. You might get puzzled or confused as to what things should be included in this special and essential survival list. We have some suggestions to help you organize your own winter bug-out kit. Click here to see the full list.
9 Winter Gardening Tips
Some people may think that winter gardening is impossible. But believe it or not, this is untrue. Anyone can still grow a number of plants, vegetables, herbs, and flowers in cold and even freezing temperatures. As a matter of fact, maintaining a winter garden is very beneficial.

It helps not only the gardener himself but also the environment. There are many techniques that can help you garden any time of the year. The cold and frost of winter should not be a hindrance to using your green thumb. Read and learn the tips here.
Winter Survival Tips For The Homestead
Winter storm can be very unforgiving. It is not only us who are affected by this unwanted circumstance but also our homestead. Our livestock, pets, and our entire surrounding also suffer the effects of a winter storm. We have to ensure that our homestead is secure if such a devastating event will occur. Get the full survival tips for your homestead here.
3 Tips To Help You Survive A Winter Storm
It’s important that your home is prepared for winter weather as well as your car. A blizzard or winter storm can leave you stranded at home without power or a way to get more supplies. FEMA and other emergency groups recommend that you keep 72 hours of supplies on hand.

As a prepper who understands how long it takes to resupply stores in a disaster situation, I recommend it. Click here to read the full article.
On Seriously Thin Ice: Cold Water Survival Tactics
It’s winter, and mishaps can occur that lead us to a discussion about surviving in cold water. Whether a boat capsizes or you fall through the ice, you can get into trouble quickly if you don’t know what to do.
Water doesn’t have to be extremely cold to cause hypothermia. Any water that’s cooler than normal body temperature will cause heat loss. You could die of hypothermia floating in a life vest off a tropical coast if immersed long enough.

If you find yourself in cold water, you’ll need to have a strategy that will keep you alive until you’re rescued. Most, if not all, of your body surface, will be exposed in an immersion event; you could succumb to exposure in a very short time. Read the full cold water survival tactics here.
Staying Warm in a Winter Storm
Staying Warm
You can’t always rely on the power grid to help you stay warm. In case of an outage, you need to know how to heat your home even without electrical power. Preparedness is crucial especially in winter so you have to be ready for the possibility of not being able to utilize your air heaters.

Some houses are designed to cope with different weather conditions, but the cold can be too much to handle. It’s essential to learn other ways to stay warm in the winter in case there’s no electricity, or much worse at an extended period of time. Check out the full article here.
A Cure For The Cold Weather Blues?
Your body is a machine, and just like your car or computer, it runs best when it can maintain its operating temperature. When the weather turns cold and your body is exposed to the elements it goes into overdrive to keep you idling along. If you’re not careful you quickly begin losing more heat than you can generate and fall prey to hypothermia. Click here for the full post.
Driving in a Winter Storm
How To Arrive Safely: Winter Driving
Accidents happen when driving during the winter, but you can avoid it if you are fully focused on your driving and guided with road safety tips.

Inspect your car before hitting the road to ensure you'll arrive safely at your destination. Check out the full article and get the tips here.
Winter Car Maintenance Tips
Perhaps the first frosts have already coated your windshield, forcing you to dig out the scraper. As you adjust to the coming chill, give a thought to your ride, and check out these nine tips that will keep your car rolling smoothly through winter’s challenges.

We’re assuming you’ve covered the basics (such as the scraper!) and are up-to-date on your car’s regular scheduled service. Don’t postpone that – an annoyance in summer can be a hazard that strands you in the winter. Get the full car maintenance tips here.
Energy and Power Outages in a Winter Storm
Ready your Home for a Power Outage
Power outage is a reality for many people every winter. These outages can last hours, days, or even months. It’s easy to feel helpless during a power outage. We rely so much on electricity and the power grid that we tend to panic when it goes out.

But as we know, only those who aren’t prepared have any need for panic. The rest of us take precautions and make sure we’re ready for whatever might happen, including a winter power outage. Check out the tips here and prepare your home for a power outage.
7 Energy Saving Tips To Help Your Budget Survive The Coming Winter
Fall is here and winter is well on the way. Much of the northern part of the country is stocking up on firewood and getting ready to settle in for the duration. While many of us may not face a harsh winter this year, it is definitely a change that you need to be ready for. Learn the 7 energy-saving tips here.
The Emotional Effects of Power Outage
There is a psychological effect on people that often occurs during extended power outages. As time passes without electricity, people who depend on their ability to communicate or move freely get agitated, worried, and sometimes panic. I call this the “power outage panic response” –POPR for short. They get anxious.
They can get irritable. And they can act in ways they normally would not act. This is when normal people do abnormal things. Some lose control and begin stealing from others. Some do much worse. This makes safety and security an issue to those who intend to remain and “tough it out.” Find out more about the emotional effects of a power outage here.
Emergency Lighting | Flashlight Power
Flashlight technology has come a long way since 1899 when British inventor David Misell obtained a U.S. Patent for an “electric device” using newly-invented “D-size dry cell” batteries. When he introduced the hand-held light he initiated a revolution in lighting.

Since then, flashlight design has made remarkable progress. Both light bulb and battery technology improved significantly, and the trend is continuing. Read the full article here.
What Happens When Power Goes Out?
You’re enjoying a relaxing evening watching television when suddenly all the lights go out. The TV shuts off and the room goes quiet. The sound of silence is foreboding. You just lost all electrical power and you immediately get uneasy. You look outside the window.

The whole neighborhood is dark. There are no traffic sounds, no noise, no street lights–all is still and silent. You begin to see flashlights and candles flickering in the windows of nearby houses. Check out the full article here.
Watch this video for more info on how to prepare for a winter storm!
For awesome survival gear you can’t make at home, check out the Survival Life Store!
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**Disclaimer: All content on this site is for informational purposes only. Please read our full disclaimer .**
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on January 27, 2015, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
9 winter gardening tips…….#1 should be “flora” not “fauna”. Unless you want to keep the bugs and other animals from freezing.
I’m very interested to learn more.
Three feet of snow here. Storm wasn’t that bad. If you are ready for it it’s a piece of cake. Biggest thing alternative heat source if power goes out. We enjoyed the family time.