A firearm collector such as The Late Boy Scout is a man of great passion when it comes to firearms and anything about the handgun. His wildly popular YouTube channel is a testament to that fact. Every Monday he uploads informative and involved videos that help educate other firearms enthusiasts and gun owners and most importantly, share his deep love of everything weaponry. Recently, the Late Boy Scout posted a video detailing his top five guns to get rid of and why he made the decisions to do so. The results were more than a little shocking.
Firearm Collection Overhaul: 5 Guns to Ditch
1. Kel Tec Sub 2000
The Good:
Described by the Boy Scout as ‘sweet,' this novel firearm is a visual treat. A fun gun to hold and shoot, it has a unique design that allows it to fold in half for easy storage.
In addition to this, it has the built-in capacity to shoot both 9 mm and .40 caliber. It can even utilize Glock magazines – a bonus for those who are sticklers for Glock quality.
The Bad:
Sometimes things that are fun are just that…fun. The Sub 2000 has limited practical use and in the end, just becomes something of a novelty. It is not as concealable as a pistol, yet not as effective as a rifle. Due to its ability to be stored in small spaces, it has the potential to be a useful truck or car gun. However, it’s 9mm capacity means that it lacks the power to be of any real service. All style and no substance, unfortunately.
2. Bersa Thunder 380
The Good:
An exceptionally popular pistol, the Bersa 380 has many fans worldwide. There is a multitude of reasons to have one in your possession. From the attractive styling and ease of use to the excellent recoil, those who love the Bersa love them a lot. So, what would make The Lost Boy Scout turn his nose up at them?
The Bad:
Like many enthusiasts, the Boy Scout’s passion makes him discriminating. He is open about what he calls his ‘low tolerance for failure’ and the Bersa did just that – failed. During use, the magazine disconnect spring broke and was rendered completely useless until it could be repaired. The repairs were far too complex to manage on the spot leading the Boy Scout to declare this weapon unreliable and far too complex for what it was worth.
3. Glock 27
The Good:
Like most Glock weapons, the 27 is an all-around excellent quality gun. It is lightweight but with a good capacity and size. Subcompact, it is perfect for those who practice concealed firearm carry and its .40 caliber size makes it ideal for self-defense or target shooting.
The Bad:
Not surprisingly, the faults found in the Glock 27 were all based on personal preference and not manufacturer defect of design flaws. Subcompact weapons can be difficult to aim and this was certainly the case for The Lost Boy Scout. His personal preference led him to sell his 27 and seek out a compact in order to increase his comfort and his accuracy.
4. Ruger 10/22
The Good:
Known as the ‘American Staple,' the Ruger 1022 is without a doubt one of the best semi-automatic rifles on the market. It is simple to use and works exceptionally well. The rotary magazine is renowned for its reliability and its style is unmistakably sleek. It is truly a gun worthy of the devotion of its users!
The Bad:
Although perfect for ‘plinking’, small game hunting or target shooting, it is not ideal for training for tactical purposes. Because he was looking to build his AR skill level in a practical way, The Boy Scout felt the Smith and Wesson M&P 1522 was a superior semi-automatic 22 rifle.
5. Glock 19
The Good:
Truly America’s sweetheart, the Glock 19 has an unparalleled reputation among the early firearms. It is famous and much beloved by everyone from housewives to professional competitive shooters for a host of reasons. It is reliable, lightweight, easy to maintain, exceptionally accurate and much more. Perfect for home defense, as a self-defense gun, concealed carry, and basic training – why on earth would anyone trade it away?
The Bad:
Like the 27, there are no real complaints when it comes to the Glock’s abilities. It is an excellent weapon for a multitude of practical purposes. Once again, the Lost Boy Scout’s reasons for selling his Glock 19 were purely personal. A fan of the Glock 23, he wanted the option to shoot 9 mm for training and then switch to .40 cal if he wanted using the lone wolf conversion barrel. He felt it would be a more practical and valuable choice for his particular needs.
To learn more about a firearm collection overhaul, you may check out the full video below from The Late Boy Scout:
Any person who loves guns and any firearm will tell you it is an obsession that keeps on growing. There are so many different firearms available, each with their own unique ‘personality’ and feel when you use them, how could you not start a collection? It’s an expensive hobby but one that can be immensely satisfying. As long as you are spending your money wisely by taking the advice of fellow fanatic such as The Late Boy Scout, there is nothing stopping you from building your own arsenal of favorites and even advanced firearms.
Have you decided which gun/s to get rid of from your firearm collection? Please share why in the comments section below.
Up Next: The 7 Best Handguns For The New Shooter
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in March 2015 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

These are all personal choices with no real logic involved, only personal preference. I could see selling the Keltec, pistol cartridges in a carbine are not as effective as rifle cartridges in a carbine. The Ruger 10/22 is a staple of the survivalists. I’d keep it before almost any other .22. Although I might have a .22/.30 caliber air rifle to complement my inventory. Btw, 10/22’s can be used in tactical training. Specially if you outfit it with all the tactical gear, or body mods (bull pup, folding stocks, or the g36 look alike in your article). Glock 19, is also a staple, can be traded when shtf, or used when you run out of .40. Again, btw, conversion kits will work on almost any Glock. I’d keep both Glocks unless I had another 9mm I liked better.
I can see the Kel tec and the Bersa, but I would never sell the other three guns
Always a moron with a nasty mouth! You have an opinion bozo? Try a little smarts and common courtesy or get Lost!!
If we ever truly get into a SHTF nightmare scenario, ANY firearm will become priceless. Needless to say, so will ammo.
The article should have been titled: “Guns I got rid of based on MY personal preferences.”
Getting rid of the 10/22 because it isn’t good for training? It is a great rifle for small game, keeping in a cabin and for training. I have spent decades now in the armed forces and I don’t see why anyone would buy a 22 for training to shoot an M4 based rifle. I don’t now and will never own an AR or M4 clone, it is not a great rifle for anything except combat so it doesn’t fit my needs. I do own and have owned several 10/22’s and will continue to, they work great, are budget friendly and as far as training people to shoot, they work great. Training is about learning the art of breath control, trigger squeeze and sight picture, everything else is platform training, not marksmanship.
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This “Boy Scout” hasn’t got a clue. One thing I want to point out: The Bersa is THE MOST ACCURATE, MOST RELIABLE, and MOST ECONOMICAL pistol ever made. Everyone I owned was PERFECT! This adds little credibility to his other picks. Examples: feeds empty cases, digests ALL types of ammo, 2″ groups to point of aim at 25 yards (sand bag). I could go on.
Why did it post as my wife and not me – Mike Newt Lynch?????????????????
Never get rid of guns. Any guns. Keep them all. Hoard and cherish them. But the 10-22 has so much use potential when it comes to varmints.
I gotta step in and comment, the people that prefer the 40. cal over the 9mm; are unable to give a good reason why they think a more expensive, harder recoiling, and higher velocity handgun is a good idea.
Harder hitting, more energy. And I can tell NO difference in recoil from guns exactly the same other than caliber. So why do you care what others shoot?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuiePszwaho Just sayin
LOL…so just because some YouTube dude says so we are supposed to listen to him. No
And none of his reasons other than the Bersa fail make any sense, other than it is his opinion. Even the pistol round in a carbine is false, as out of a carbine length barrel a 9mm is plenty effective for anything a person would need to do with a carbine.
Who is this guy? Get rid of the 10/22? Glocks?
What guns are on his keeper list? Raven 25? Jennings 9mm? Davis 32?
Get a Glock 20. Urban and woods covered.
What idiot came up with this list
Personally, I believe this writeup is one person’s personal opinion on the Glock 27, & especially the Glock 19. I do not know enough about the other weapons to comment on them, but I do know that the NAVY SEALs think enough of the Glock Model 19 that they changed to it after many years of using a version of Sig Sauer’s 9MM. Also, numerous Law Enforcement agencies Nationwide have changed to the Model 19. To me, that says all you need to know about what a fine weapon the Glock Model 19 is.
I have owned Glocks for 27 years, & have never experienced ANY problems with any of them. I own a Model 17, & Model 43X in 9MM, A Model 22 in 40 caliber, a Model 30-S, & Model 41in 45 Caliber. Again, with all of these Glock handguns I’ve had nothing but excellent service, and that makes all Glock products good enough for me!
A friend of mine owned a Bersa .380. It jammed repeatedly.
Dang, what a mistake dump your Glock 19
It’s on the list of most guns to get.
Ruger 10/23 also.
Every family should have one. Best 22 lr made.
Every 6 round . 22 I have ! More time shooting fun than reloading dun. (fits better than “done”)
I wouldn’t get a gluk if was FREE! My buddy nagged me to shoot his gluk, when he went to facility I did. Got back he was pissed removing it off target stand. (Our gun shop here has 3 exploded on display like his, so no loss) Tokarev 7.62×25 💪 !
Ruger 10-22- best 22 on the market. Mine is set up with a 3-9 pwr scope -it is very very accurate. I would say if I could only have 1 – it would be the Ruger 10-22. Shot placement is the key to any firearm. Hit where you aim.
I sell guns for a living. I say” Buy hat you like”. Shoot what you’re comfortable with, but…. Keep buying. Glad you all love guns. Gotta love this country and the right to carry whatever your heart desires. There’s a gun for every job- just like tools. Thanks everyone.