How To Disassemble A Wood Pallet

How To Disassemble A Wood Pallet

When TSHTF, the days of tossing out an old item just because it is a little worn in will be over.

And frankly, we need to get out of that habit now anyway…

If you know how to take things apart, rebuild them, and make them better,you will not only be much more comfortable when things get bad; you will also save a ton of money now!

My friends at are back to show you how to use one of the most versatile and abundant pieces of scrap to make just about anything.

Watch them make a sturdy and dependable workbench in under two hours from a pallet they found on the side of the road.

Before you head out to make one of these for yourself, you may want  to stop and think a second…

Ever tried to take a pallet apart? I have, it was terribly frustrating, and time consuming.

The wood splinters a lot and breaks when you use a crow bar (the method most people use).

The guys and gals at DIYready recently gave me a great tip that I wanted to share with you, that makes pallet deconstruction simple, fast and easy.

Click here to see what it is.

 It cuts pallets disassembly time from 20+ minutes to only 5.

Back breaking work is no longer required to get the great reclaimed wood you need for your next project.

Not to mention you won't have to deal with broken and useless boards.

Check out DIY ready now and learn how to do all of this yourself.

They have instructions and videos that show you exactly how to quickly build a fully functional table from pallets.

All for free.

Click here to get started now

Remember this is only one project.

There are literally hundreds of uses for old pallets and DIYReady is going to be updating their site with new and exciting projects every week, so be sure to check back frequently.

10 Responses to :
How To Disassemble A Wood Pallet

  1. Chuck says:

    Back when I was much younger I worked in a factory that built agricultural sprayers using Ford 6 and V8 engines. The engines arrived on wooden pallets. Being newly discharged from the Marines with a pregnant wife, the pallets were a godsend. We didn’t have much in the way of furniture and here was all this nifty hardwood lumber. This was long before the day of zip saws and such. I used a nail puller to deconstruct the pallets. You can still buy nail pullers from companies that specialize in old time tools. If you are going to do much pallet deconstruction, it is worth the investment. The problem with the zip saw is that you still have all the nails in the wood and that might be where you want to fasten your second-hand wood. With the nail puller, you can fill the nail holes with wood filler. One significant tip: don’t try to horse the nail out, a little at a time works much better. The crowbar the young lady was using is totally worthless to deconstruct pallets. There are better devices on the market that slip under the wood better because the blade is much thinner. You only use a crowbar like she is using when it absolutely, positively has to be destroyed before dark.

    1. JJM says:

      Too true. Cutting the nails with a power saw is quick and easy. Just be sure to have extra wood saw blades when you hit a nail when cutting the boards to desired size. The twisted nails just like ring shanks typically result in broken boards or the nail heads pulling thru the board.

  2. Charles says:

    Sorry, but I don’t care HOW you disassemble a wooden pallet. IF I need material I will buy it!

    Thanks just the same.

  3. Pamela Keith says:

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    It was not in my package and not come since. Would you please send me The “Ultimate Every Day Carry Kit” that you mentioned for free?
    Thank You,
    Pam Keith

  4. Farmist says:

    My only complaint is misuse of the word “Sawzall”, which is a trademark.

    1. Ray Lindsey says:

      True, should have been referred to as a ” reciprocating saw”.

  5. jamesdooner0012 says:

    A little bit of elbow grease and and a little bit of common sense, can go a long way I keep a bow saw and backup blade and small pry bar in my kit for such a bug out situation

  6. Rod Clark says:

    I’ve tried taking pallets apart using a circular saw, and the kickbacks are dangerous & just keep on happening. The horizontal reciprocating saw or sawzall is much more tolerant of discontinuities inside the cheap wood used to make pallets. The blades are not cheap but you are far less likely to cut yourself using a sawzall. Yes its a trade name but at least everyone knows what youre talking about. I have several brands, corded & battery powered.

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