Four wheelers or ATVs are crucial for riding outdoors, but you need to be very careful in handling these bad boys. The rush of adrenaline cannot justify the risk of running into accidents outdoors – even more so when you're far from civilization or the nearest hospital. With that in mind, it's a good idea to keep these safety tips in mind before traversing the wilderness or outdoors.
5 Four-Wheelers Safety Tips To Avoid Accidents
Safety tips to make four-wheeler rides free from accidents
With the rapid popularization of all-terrain vehicles such as four-wheelers, more and more riders have gotten into accidents resulting in severe or fatal injuries. So for everyone’s welfare, precautions and safety tips must be kept in mind strictly. Because at the end of the day, life is too precious to be wasted. Check out below for more information on how to be safe while riding four wheelers.

1. Wear Proper Gear
Like any other vehicles, riding four-wheelers include wearing the right protective gear. This includes long sleeves, long pants, gloves, goggles, helmets, and over-the-ankle boots. It may require more layers but they will definitely protect you from any unexpected injuries. For the helmet, a DOT-approved type is required, which covers the entire head since it’s the part that the most common injury-related deaths happen.
2. Get To Know Your Limits
When it’s your first time to ride a four-wheeler, don't assume that it's like riding a motorcycle. This means any kind of showboating and stunt riding is prohibited since it will only lead to accidents. Remember that your average four-wheeler or ATV weighs around 550 pounds, so it's very heavy if you end up going under it. Leave the stunts to the experts and trained riders.
Do not ride a four-wheeler if you’re under the influence of drugs and alcohol as well. Obviously, it will impair your proper cognitive abilities. Remember, don't drink and drive
3. Ride Accordingly To Your Vehicle
Four-wheelers are manufactured according to its usage and capability. If you are to ride a single-rider ATV then no other passengers must ride on it. This also applies to ATVs designed for two, whereas no more than one passenger is allowed. Get an ATV as well that’s appropriate for your age. Any large vehicle for small riders will likely cause accidents as they can’t keep up with the vehicle’s weight.
4. Ride Consciously
Four-wheel riding involves engaging your body consciously. When you’re making a sharp turn, your weight must be shifted. This is called seat-off-saddle (SOS) riding, where the changing the body’s center of gravity is done in the direction you’re turning the automobile. For example, if you’re turning right then the shift of your weight must be to the right as well to maintain balance. If you’re going uphill, you weight must be shifted uphill. Downhill riding, on the other hand, needs your weight back uphill to prevent from flipping forward.
5. Maintain Good Trail Etiquette
As part of a riding group, it’s important that new riders follow the instructions of their leaders. Avoid going out of the trail. Just stay in designated areas. If your leader says to halt for any pending checks of your vehicle or to check the area, then follow instructions because they know better.
Check out how cool four-wheel riding is by watching this video.
Now, remember these four-wheeler safety tips because they will prevent accidents and protect your life. Hope you learned from this blog. ATVs are cool vehicles but everyone must know that it can cause unlikely accidents as well.
Know more about ATVs by clicking here.
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