Earthquake Preparedness Tips For Homeowners | Get Out Alive

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September 3, 2023 / Comments (0)

Personal Safety

Preparedness saves lives. Being prepared for any disaster is very significant both survival and recovery We can never be too certain when an earth-shaking disaster will take place or happen. It is our responsibility to keep our family out of harm's way. So if we want to come out alive after an earthquake, we have to be prepared. On that note, we've come up with earthquake preparedness tips to guide you and your family. Scroll down to find out more about it. Read. Learn. Survive.

Earthquake Preparedness Tips You Need To Know Now

Throughout history, we have seen how these powerful earthquakes destroyed properties and lives all in mere seconds. We cannot predict when it will happen, nor can we prevent it, but preparedness is the answer. A well-prepared individual or family is less likely to suffer the outcome of a calamitous event.

So with that being said, we arranged some earthquake preparedness tips for homeowners like you. Below are things that you really need to consider before, during, and after an earthquake. When catastrophe presents its wrath in a most sinister fashion, these tips will guide you and your family to safety. It is always better to be prepared than sorry.

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Before An Earthquake

Know the risk

Research the area where you live and check if you are near an active fault line and if that location is susceptible to the effects of an earthquake. If you're living in a fault zone, extreme precautions shouldn't be disregarded.

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The constant state of vigilance is very much required because the propensity for earthquakes in these areas are extraordinary.

Reinforce your house

If you are living in a high-risk area, take extra measures to reinforce your home. Earthquake-proof your home by strengthening your house's foundation and add support beams as needed. Secure your cabinets and bookshelves to the wall to reduce the risk of falling items during an earthquake. Cabinet doors should also be secured to avoid the things inside from falling out.

Create a disaster plan

Having an earthquake preparedness plan surely reduces the risk and minimize injury. Know where to take cover and choose a safe place outside to meet after the shaking stops. The safety of the family is every member's utmost priority during an earthquake.

Stock up emergency supplies

Put together an emergency kit. Keep the basics: first aid kit, non-perishable food, water, camping supplies such as portable stove and battery-powered lantern, extra batteries, flashlights, and personal items like medication, toiletries, and clothing. Prepare a week's worth of supplies for each family member.

And speaking of flashlights, you might want to check out this Hybeam Mini Tactical Flashlight. Shop for it here. 

During An Earthquake

Remain calm

During an earthquake, you have to remain calm. It's going to be over in a matter of seconds, so don't run or do something drastic. Stay away from windows and unsecured furniture that could possibly fall over. Falling debris and furniture are two of the biggest hazards during an earthquake.

Take cover

Remember to Drop, Cover, and Hold on. Get under a sturdy table or desk and protect your head, neck, and face. Stay under it until the shaking stops and debris settles. Do not attempt to leave the house during an earthquake because you might get hit by falling debris on your way out. Most of the injury and death resulting from an earthquake is caused by infrastructure failure.

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After An Earthquake

Be Prepared for Aftershocks

Earthquakes are frequently followed by aftershocks. These additional quakes can last for days. You have to be prepared with all the important precautions.

Check Yourself and others for injuries

You have to remain calm and reassuring. Keep an eye on those people who are caught in the debris. Administer first aid if there's an injured family member.

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Do not move them unless it's necessary and if they are in danger or you might make it even worse. Grab this Tactical Flashlight as part of your earthquake survival kit. 

Check gas line and electrical wiring

Inspect your gas lines and make sure that there are no leaks. If you smell gas leaking, shut it down if possible and call the gas company immediately. Also, check the electrical wiring if it is damaged. Shut the power off if you see damaged wirings. And sure you're always prepared by making sure you can rely on yourself for energy when SHTF.

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Report a life-threatening emergency

If there's a life-threatening emergency don't hesitate to call for help. Cells and hard-line phone systems might be jammed so you need to send a text message. Text messages take less bandwidth and may push through when voice calls are not possible.

Watch this video and check out the things that you need in the event of an earthquake!

In this age where technological advancements are making our lives easier, experts are coming up with different apparatus that can notify us if an imminent disaster is heading our way. But it is always wise not to rely too much on these devices and prepare ahead of time. We don't want to be caught in a predicament where the regrets of not preparing are taking its toll. By creating an emergency preparedness plan, we are adding assurance that our family will be in good hands and not in the sharp claws of devastation.

Earthquake Preparedness Tips For Homeowners | Get Out Alive

Penny for your thoughts? Tell us what you think about these tips by dropping your two cents in the comments below.

Ultimately, you want to make sure you're equipped to handle any disaster before it happens. Here's how.

Get the Everstryke Lighter from our Amazon store. Use NCSAVE10 to enjoy a really awesome discount. 

Looking for more earthquake survival tips? Check it out here


The contents of this article are for informational purposes only. Please read our full disclaimer.

Editor’s Note – This post was originally published on February 3, 2017, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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