The Radical Left Finally Admits The Real Gun Agenda: Seizure

gun agenda

November 12, 2023 / Comments (3)

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The media and politicians keep saying that gun confiscation isn't the end goal. I figured I'd re-post this little gem from earlier this year, proving what they want to do with your guns.

Don't ever let anyone tell you they don't want to confiscate, because they do. This isn't some right-wing lunacy I'm spreading; this was an actual set of proposed laws in one of the United States of America—Georgia.

Radical Left Finally Admits The Real Gun Agenda

In a strange turn of events, the radical-left goes public with their true gun agenda: disarmament. A bill has been introduced in the gun-friendly state of Georgia that tells no lies about the democratic desire to take away your guns.

The following is copied right from the website (I'll post a link at the bottom). I urge you to make sure you have an over abundance of brain cells in your head before you read this. Because I guarantee you'll feel stupider afterwards:

Georgia's Assault Weapon Bill:
“Any person who possesses a large capacity magazine on or after January 1, 2017, that was obtained by such person prior to July 1, 2016, shall be fined not more than $100.00 for a first offense and shall be guilty of a felony for any subsequent offense.”

It goes on to tell you how not to get arrested:
“Modify such assault weapon or large capacity magazine to render it permanently inoperable or such that it is no longer an assault weapon or large capacity magazine; or

Surrender such assault weapon or large capacity magazine to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation for destruction pursuant to this part.
(b) Notwithstanding Code Section 16-11-115 and Code Section 16-11-116, any person who relocates his or her residence to this state and who possesses an assault weapon or large capacity magazine or who comes to possess such assault weapon or large capacity magazine through probate shall, within 90 days of establishing such residency or the closing of such probate, modify such assault weapon or large capacity magazine to render it permanently inoperable or such that it is no longer an assault weapon or large capacity magazine or surrender such assault weapon or large capacity magazine to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation for destruction pursuant to this part.”

WTF? In other words, just as long as you destroy or surrender your “assault weapon,” you'll be fine. It gets better, though. Read on:
“16-11-119.1. (a) Any assault weapon, large capacity magazine, armor-piercing bullet, or incendiary .50 caliber bullet possessed, sold, or transferred in violation of this part is contraband and shall be seized and destroyed pursuant to subsection (b) of this Code section.

(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of the law, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation shall seize and take possession of any assault weapon, large capacity magazine, armor-piercing bullet, or incendiary .50 caliber bullet as provided for under Code Section 35-3-8. Any such assault weapon, large capacity magazine, armor-piercing bullet, or incendiary .50 caliber bullet seized or taken by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation shall be destroyed, and a record of such destruction shall be maintained by such bureau.”

Okay, to make it clear, they're deeming a “large capacity magazine” to be more than 10 rounds. Ya know, because 10 is way more deadly than 9 is. To make matters potentially worse for those gun enthusiasts in the peach state, there is a ginormous laundry list of “assault weapons” stated, and I can almost guarantee that yours is on that list.

How do I know? Because if I lived there, I'd have several things on that list. Thankfully, I don't live there. And if the radical left ever passes a law like this in Pennsyltucky, I'd move. Period.

A lot of you may not take this seriously because we all doubt that this will gain any traction in a state like Georgia. But, think about the ramifications of this if it does gain momentum…

This is a southern state. Not New Fricken Jersey. Not Kali-friggen-fornia. But the state with the 13th highest amount of gun owners, based on some studies, like the one from this liberal website.

Could this be our future? We need to do something, now. If you're in Georgia, contact whoever you need to in order to fight this nonsense.
And look, there is a bright side to every story. At least they aren't lying to us anymore. Well, some of them aren't. At some point, they're just gonna have to come and get them. They can have mine, bullets first.

Interested in the original proposal on the website?
Sound Off Gun Carriers! Tell us where they can shove this crap in the comments below. Also, when you're done there, make sure you sign up for Gun Carrier's FREE Newsletter, so you never miss out on stuff like this.

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Editor’s Note – This post was originally published on August 12, 2016 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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