Vegetable Plants Can Be Grown Vertically, Cutting Back on Space and Effort


July 25, 2023 / Comments (1)

press release

Grown by individuals and not bought at a market or grocery store have wide-ranging advantages. Thanks to Survival Life and their new Special Report, people are learning how to grow vegetables, fruits, and herbs with little to no outdoor space.

Vegetable Plants Grown Vertically

It’s called Growing Up: The Ins and Outs of Vertical Gardening, and it’s changing the way people view their food supplies.

Growing Up is an expertly sourced digital document that developed hundreds of hours of research into an informative resource for space-saving gardens. Survival Life Managing Editor ‘Above Average’ Joe wrote the report and documented his findings while testing the best strategies for growing food indoors, on small balconies, or on minuscule plots of land.

Vertical gardening is a way for people to enhance their green thumb skills with very little square footage when the general rules say a full-sized yard is required. Most gardeners would argue for large gardens with quality soil, ample sunlight, and enough water to keep plants growing.

Surprisingly, some foods grow even better with vertical gardening techniques. The ability to control and influence the factors that determine food growth is a great way to ensure abundant harvesting year-round.

Most people head to the store when they need food to eat. What they don’t use gets tossed in the trash, totaling almost $500 a year in wasted produce over the course of a year.

With the information inside Growing Up, people will learn the best ways to provide enough nutritious food for their families to enjoy and guarantee the freshness, safety, and amount needed to stay healthy.

Dependence on grocery stores is becoming a problem, especially in today’s United States. The lines of supply are extremely vulnerable to interference; with almost no warning, store shelves could be emptied and not restocked for days, weeks, or longer.

Growing Up will help curb that dependence and develop the kind of self-sustainable skills that any prepper knows will be beneficial for their disaster plans.

Increasing the amount of self-sustainability an individual or family has can help build confidence and certainty, two things that are at a premium in an emergency situation.

When the grocery store lines stretch hundreds of people long, those who learned from Growing Up will be guaranteed their food is fresh, safe, and readily available.

Survival Life wants to keep everyone informed of the best ways to stay prepared and achieve sustainable methods of ensuring survival. Growing up is a big part of that goal, and the Special Report is available today for instant accessibility.

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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on February 23, 2015, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.


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Vegetable Plants Can Be Grown Vertically, Cutting Back on Space and Effort

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