Since 2009, Lisa at The Survival Mom has been one of the most read and respected voices in the prepping community. We are excited to be sharing some of her most popular articles right here on Survival Life. Check back every Monday for her latest article so you never miss any of Lisa’s expert knowledge!
32 Survival Skills Your Child Should Know and Be Able to Do ASAP
Knowledge is something that takes time to develop, so we need to start teaching the next generation now. In case, God forbid, our children are left to fend for themselves, we are injured, or even just to make your family more apt to survive, every child must learn these survival skills so they can pull their own weight and contribute as much as they can.
It’s not just physical survival we need to teach them, but mental, emotional, and spiritual survival as well. If your family learns now to be a well-oiled machine, you will be more likely to survive any type of collapse.
- Grow vegetables from seeds
- Have local edible and medicinal plant foraging skills
- Knowledge of dietary needs and how to meet them using wild plants and game
- Make a fire and know fire safety
- Cook on an open fire
- Open a can of food with and without can opener (rub can lid ridge on cement and then pry open with knife)
- Be able to tell if food is too spoiled to eat
- How to safely use a knife
- How to shoot a slingshot
- How to hunt small game with snares, traps and slingshot
- How to fish and hunt using a bow and gun when old enough
- How to clean fish and wild game
- Find water and identify if it’s safe to drink
- Filter and boil water to drink
- Basic first aid
- Basic hygiene practices
- Find or build a shelter in the wilderness
- How to stay warm, cool, and dry in the elements
- How, Why, and When to Stay Hidden
- Self-defense
- How to make a basic weapon and how to use it
- Be able to run and walk a good distance and be in generally good shape
- How to climb a tree to get away from predators, get directional bearings, and hunt
- How to read a map and use a compass
- How to read the sky for directions, time and approaching bad weather
- Know where family and friends live if they need to find them
- How to sew so they can mend clothing or any fabric and even make things such as bags or scrap quilts
- How to barter and trade (Kids naturally do this with their toys so teach them at garage sales.)
- How to be responsible for themselves and to be aware of their surroundings at all times
- Have a natural curiosity and good problem solving skills
- Be hard working and a self starter and a family helper not a complainer!
- Have a strong faith in God (morals, memorize Bible verses, prayers, songs, and have a hope for heaven). Ultimately, everyone reaches a point in which their physical, mental, and emotional abilities are completely taxed. Spiritual survival can make the difference between giving up and finding strength from somewhere to hang in there, just one day at a time.
Read the original article here.
Teaching your kids survival skills won't just help them be prepared for SHTF… studies have also shown that kids who spend time outdoors are happier and healthier.
What survival skills have you taught your kids? Share with us in the comments!
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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on June 6, 2016, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
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32 Survival Skills to Teach Your Kids