BREAKING: Dozens Dead in Afghan Earthquake

Afghan Earthquake

December 26, 2023 / Comments (4)

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Dozens Dead in Afghan Earthquake

A strong earthquake in northern Afghanistan shook buildings from Kabul to Delhi, cut power and communications in some areas and caused more than 100 deaths, mainly in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Pakistani state television announced that at least 94 people were killed and nearly 600 others wounded across the country, while Afghan officials said 33 people were killed and more than 200 wounded.

The U.S. Geological Survey said the epicenter of the 7.5-magnitude earthquake was in the Hindu Kush mountains, in the sparsely populated province of Badakhshan, which borders Pakistan, Tajikistan and China. It said the epicenter was 213 kilometers (130 miles) deep and 73 kilometers (45 miles) south of the provincial capital, Fayzabad.

In Takhar province, west of Badakhshan, at least 12 students at a girls' school were killed in a stampede as they fled shaking buildings, said Sonatullah Taimor, the spokesman for the provincial governor. Another 42 girls were taken to the hospital in the provincial capital of Taluqan.

The highest toll was in eastern Nangarhar province, where eight people died and 78 were wounded. Hazrat Hussain Mashreqiwal, spokesman for the provincial police chief, said several houses were destroyed in Jalalabad city, with destruction also reported in some rural districts.

Related: Check out our Earthquake Survival Tips:

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on Oct 26, 2013 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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