ALONE Season 2 Recap: Episode 6

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May 28, 2023 / Comments (2)

TV Recaps

ALONE Season 2 Recap

Episode 6: “Adrift”

Episode 5 ended with the remaining 7 participants recovering from the first heavy storm to hit Vancouver Island since their arrival. Jose, even through the storm, enjoyed what he called “the best meal since his arrival.”

Some of the participants had better luck catching fish in episode 5, but will the luck continue?

(Image via)

(Image via)

“Voyaging through wilderness is essential to the growth and maturity of the human spirit.” – Steven Callahan

7 People Remain

  1. Jose Martinez Amoedo
  2. Nicole Apelian
  3. Randy Champagne
  4. Mike Lowe
  5. David McIntyre
  6. Justin Vititoe
  7. Larry Roberts

As Episode 6 Begins…

Mike goes exploring on his part of Vancouver Island and finds a gigantic plastic tub which he uses to construct a boat. He takes it out on the water with his handmade paddle and has no problems with the handmade vessel. Mike is the first participant this season to have success building a boat.

That evening, Larry waits in the dark for the tide to go down so he can check his sets for fish. While he waits he talks about a certain mouse and his concern that the mouse will become destructive to his camp. After some time,he then checks his sets and discovers he has caught a fish. He goes back to his camp to cook his meal and starts having great difficulties with building a fire due to damp tinder – but after some determination, he finally gets a fire going.

Jose discusses the last possible salmon run in the stream within sight from his camp. He decides to start construction on a boat so he can make it upstream for the last salmon migration. He starts building the outside frame and he carefully stretches the frame to measure for the cross pieces and one side of the frame breaks and Jose realizes he has to start over.

Larry continues to have issues with mice which are now chewing on his gear. Later in the evening as a fire is going he decides to talk about the emotional part of his journey thus far at Vancouver Island along with his own life journey – and the reason behind his decision to be a participant on Alone.

Nicole continues to co-exist with the black bears across from her camp. It seems they have established a mutual respect for each other. They each stay on their own side of the beach area. (It’s pretty amazing to watch!) Nicole then checks on her gill net and finds another chinook salmon in her gill net – and it’s BIG! She filets the fish and has enough filets for breakfast, lunch, and dinner – then some!

As Episode 6 Continues…

Larry has made the decision to move to a new location on the island due to the constant mouse problem. He also wants a spot on the island that is more wide open. He puts on his pack and heads out to explore. He follows a creek bed hoping to find the ocean. He soon becomes emotional as he hears the rushing sound of water and discovers a wide open spot that he decides is the perfect spot for his new camp area. He explores even further and finds rope which he uses to build his new shelter.

Randy heads out to check his fishing lines and sees that he has caught a ratfish on his first line. He then checks his second line and discovers another fish. This was a happy moment for Randy as this was the third day in a row of being able to catch fish. If you remember the last episode, Randy ate a mouse and called it the “breakfast of champions”. So, to see this moment unfold was a happy one for me as well. Randy then discusses the toll of loneliness and the constant craving for human companionship.

Nicole opens up about the passing of her step son, Beau. It was a emotional scene that can’t really be put into words. She talks about how she misses all of her sons and that she knows Beau is there in spirit cheering her on.

Randy continues to work on his shelter applying reinforcement beams to one of the walls. He also makes a bed with a wooden frame filled with foliage and covers it with a tarp and a sleeping bag. He lays down on his comfortable “new” bed and asks the question “What am I doing out here besides building things?”. He further discusses the effects of being alone and not really realizing beforehand exactly how difficult it would actually be surviving in the wilderness alone. He says he loves this way of living but living this way alone is extremely difficult. He discusses the possibility of leaving.

Watch the full episode here.

Check out our previous recaps!

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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on May 28, 2016, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.


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ALONE Season 2 Recap: Episode 6

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