The Best Survival Weapon…Ever?

The Best Survival Weapon Ever Machete

First of all, I'm a fan of guns.

I own a bunch of 'em.

But no true survivalist could ever call themselves “protected” in
a post-collapse environment without a good gun OR a good blade.

In fact, there's one blade that I'd have to say could actually be
the best survival weapon ever…

… the MACHETE!

There are a ton of reasons why the machete beats out firearms in
your ultimate survival weapons plan.

Don't believe me?

Click here

The Best Survival Weapon Ever Machete

Just a few small examples:

1. Proven Lethality – It’s been estimated that about 600,000
people were killed with machetes during the genocidal
Rwandan war in the 1990s. Essentially, the machete is a
short sword – and very deadly (in the right hands).

2. Stealth – Your goal in a collapse is to remain undetected
and people are naturally attracted to gunfire. If you ever
have to fire a shot in defense, police and military will
quickly come running to possibly detain you and/or
confiscate your weapon. Hungry civilians may think you
bagged a deer and will be seeking food. Either way, you
just blew your cover. But a machete offers silent, lethal

3. No Ammo… No Re-loading – Any soldier will tell you that
in a real battlefield firefight, your biggest concern is
running out of ammo. Face it, you can only carry so much
and when you've unloaded your last round, your AR-15 is
basically a giant paperweight. Machetes don't run out of
ammo and it's likely that most people you'll be forced to
defend against will have melee weapons anyway (like knives,
bats, tire irons, shovels, axes, etc.) The machete has a
convincing advantage over all of these.

These are only a few of the obvious reasons for why the machete is such
a critical survival weapon.

But here's the key to the machete's true potential as a defense

It's only as effective as the person who wields it!

Just as you wouldn't think to buy a handgun and not take it to
the range to become tactically proficient with it, nor could you
expect to be a true “machete master” without knowing how to
actually use a machete in real life-or-death combat.

You're in luck…

This week, you can pick up the “Combat Machete Training Guide”
for free as part of the ultimate survival weapons system released
this week.

Free Machete Guide <==

This guide will walk you through all you need to get started
training with the machete including:

* Covert carry options (so no one will ever know you're

* Basic footwork skills to develop amazing balance,
coordination and power

* The absolute best targets to strike in combat (they're not
the ones most people think of!)

* Simple angles of attack you can master quickly

* The ancient tactic that creates an almost “invisible blade
path” that's virtually indefensible!

* Real life-or-death attack strategies to keep you and your
loved ones alive (even against a mob of bloodthirsty

This guide is a very real $27 value but you can get it for free
with this week's “Extreme Survival Weapons” bundle here…

Hurry and take advantage of this free offer now while it's available (offer ends sunday 12.15.2013 at midnight).

P.S. Want to get your hands on a machete and get started with your training fast?

Check out this deal over at

Want more? Check out these great articles on our site:

In The Market For A New Machete?

Can Your Machete Hack it?

Deal or Dud: The Bear Grylls Gerber Survival Machete

12 Responses to :
The Best Survival Weapon…Ever?

  1. Geoff says:

    Great article, personally I think you may be right, however surely the best weapon we have at our disposal is ‘Our Mind’ we can keep it sharper than any blade, and it fires quicker than any pistol, it packs more punch than heavy artillery and will look after you when you need protection.

  2. Thom says:

    I’ve been a firm believer in bladed weapons for as long as I can remember–I’ve carried a knife all my cognitive years–I do carry a firearm but will still relie on a blade in an instent.

  3. Michael Capanelli says:

    Thank god you said machete. I’m a little tired of people thinking they can pick up a sword after watching “The Walking Dead”. I’m a European Martial Arts instructor and I can’t count the number of people that come to me thinking they can naturally use a sword. Whether it’s a Katana or a European Longsword, no sword cuts for you. You cut with your while body, especially with your mid section and hips. A machete is a simple durable weapon that’s very forgiving of bad edge alignment. If you understand the simple concept of closing the line of attack with a counter attack and/or a void you can use it to great effect.

  4. Mikel says:

    I’d have to disagree. While a machete is an excellent survival weapon, it lacks the versatility of the straight handled GI folding entrenching tool(shovel) which handles much the same as a spiked double bitted battle axe at less weight. It can block, chop, slice and thrust. Not to mention hook an attacker or their weapon. And that’s just its combat uses. Digging(entrenching), chopping wood, prying, hammering, and even as a grappling hook. Let me know when your machete can do half that, lol.

    1. Jim says:

      I have to agree with you.I think you have had hand to hand combat training in the US Army.

  5. oldalaskan says:

    In Vietnam we sharpened the edges of out entrenching tools for close support fighting. They are a formidable weapon.

  6. Chuck says:

    Nepalese khukri is awesome and relatively inexpensive. Damn near indestructible. In a close combat situation these knife/machetes are pretty hard to beat. A silenced pistol is the only thing better, imho.

  7. Rene says:

    NOT ALL MACHETES are made equally either. There are some real pieces of crap out there that call themselves machetes, that are cheaply made, painted black to hide the inferior metal and generally made in some Indo-Asian country. A good machete has a slight heft to it, and the blade runs the full length and width of the handle. The handle should be easy to grip, but have a secure non slip feel to it as you swing it around. The fit and feel of the handle is important, for if it is made of cheap material and riveted on via two points, it is going to loosen and come apart. especially the hollow plastic handled ones. A good machete has an all wood grip that is solid wood through out – or a composite material that is solid as well. A good machete has a knife like blade that tapers to the edge with a good strong temper but is not razor sharp. A machete with a one thickness steel blade, as it was stamped out of sheet metal, and then sharpened, and painted black- is a piece of crap. A good tempered carbon steel blade machete is not cheap. And they are harder to find. Most sporting goods – surplus places carry the inferior machete and you will be sorely disappointed if you buy one. Guerrillas would make home made machetes out of car leaf springs, grinding them to a knife blade like taper with a very tough edge. Because that steel is spring steel and weighty, those machetes can take an arm off with one swift hack or remove a head too. So do your homework and really look a machete over before you buy it. A good one will last 30 years, with moderate usage. without an issue. Keep it oiled, Keep it sheathed. Keep it dry in storage.

  8. Timothy Mcphillips says:

    I like my cold steel kukri, it will do everything a machete will and then some.

  9. Prepper says:

    I bought a gerber machete from walmart last year. Lasted me about a month, garbage

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